.i have been denounced …when you are denounced there ain’t no rehabilitation…i’m denounced for all time…woe is me…i wasn’t even supposed to know of the LIE concerning the throwing of tablets in a nurses face @ BHH…sticking my fingers in my own wound…i only found out because i overheard a staff member talking on the phone about it…last visit to hospital the nurse was normal …she left & as is usual would have read my file to look for allergies ect…the file also contains the frame up lies about the tablet throwing b/s…she would believe it…upon her return her attitude had changed…a bad report on your file stays forever …the dirt file allegations are also used by the union in pay negotiations (the union claim nurses work in a violent place & should be paid more) …im tickled pink that my dirt file helps make the case for higher pay rates…the union should pay me commission



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.i have been denounced …when you are denounced there ain’t no rehabilitation…i’m denounced for all time…woe is me…i wasn’t even supposed to know of the LIE concerning the throwing of tablets in a nurses face @ BHH…sticking my fingers in my own wound…i only found out because i overheard a staff member talking on the phone about it…last visit to hospital the nurse was normal …she left & as is usual would have read my file to look for allergies ect…the file also contains the frame up lies about the tablet throwing b/s…she would believe it…upon her return her attitude had changed…a bad report on your file stays forever …the dirt file allegations are also used by the union in pay negotiations (the union claim nurses work in a violent place & should be paid more) …im tickled pink that my dirt file helps make the case for higher pay rates…the union should pay me commission

the assorted spooks , alphabitches , clan & hangers on arn’t clever… your pretty dumb really…REPAT happened…i have written proof (i have the redacted email…( written by you)…you know it happened…there is an old saying…theirs a high price attached to getting even… i hope you pay that price…you can lie all you like…over the last 14 yrs the ALP Vic state govt & Danny boy… the union lackey has slowly & incrementally given you permission to run what amounts to a SECRET KANGAROO COURT to get even with me & others by using lies , trickery & stealth…you don’t include the tablet throwing lies in my file ?…why not ?…are you ashamed of your lies ?…why do you run a secret instant conviction (with no evidence or witness) file on me & keep it secret ?…why do i have two files ?…a normal file & a secret file…BHH (BOX HILL HOSPITAL) told me the tablet throwing LIES are private & would not be revealed to anyone…as if privacy matters to me…it’s just a lie…i found the AMBULANCE know , the POLICE know…who else ? that makes 3 times I’ve caught you lying…1st…the start of it all…the AUSTIN hospital redacted (vcat)email lies in 2011… (remember the loudmouth pig ? ) …2nd the throwing of tablets in a nurses face lie @ BHH (your getting desperate)…& 3rd the privacy b/s also @ BHH (you guys crap on something fierce)…how many more kangaroo court instant convictions have you framed me up with ?…have you never heard of the MAGNA CARTA ?…NATURAL JUSTICE ?…EVIDENCE ? WITNESS ?…why would you dumb arses care about such things when you have the union lackey in your pocket ?… you refuse to release the secret allegations to me under FOI…maybe you should consider limiting yourself to medical matters



3…the first part of this concerns 11/11/20 – 25/11/20 when i was a patient @ Epworth freemasons…the Epworth freemasons details are out of chronological order which will make it harder to understand the full picture…an added bonus is that people who don’t have the necessary brain cells to interpret the concept are not required…other parts concern the AUSTIN repatriation in 2011 ( the start of the fed vendetta against me ) & BHH @ various times & elsewhere…it’s wont be in chronological order…Repat was I st ( the start of my magnificent dirt file) then…STV…BHH…eye n ear…st Georges…Epworth & STV again ok ok…I’ll come clean….it will be all over the place like a mad dogs dinner...the all over the place method will help recount this sad tale of woe & misery from memory using a Tarantino style…i appreciate a person will need to have an agile mind to follow the plot…i will try to add more on a daily basis…my hands are uncoordinated & clumsy…my typing is slow , it’s a hit & miss thing , plus im mighty lazy

4…BACKGROUND…8 /11/21

a local community health service had been cutting my toenails…a person from the health service called me talking about some paperwork…i didn’t make my usual , i’m not drunk i have a speech problem thing because she knew me…she hung up thinking i was drunk maybe ( i get hung up on a lot ) …my slur is variable , i never know how good or bad the slur will be till i speak…i rang back asking for N , i was asked which N ? , we have 6 of them here…after making my speech problem thing , i said no you don’t , the place isn’t that big…after some torrid negotiation N answered the phone…i said i don’t appreciate your hanging up on me (no denial)…i said do you think i want to have a slurred voice ?…your reaction makes it hard on me…her attitude was not sorry or sympathetic…she tried to b/s her way out of it…maybe i should tell your manager how you treat people…she said i am the manager , i said no your not , your not old enough…i hung up & went to Hawthorn ready & primed to deliver one of my famous rants…i didn’t see N , she was wise to hide…the real manager didn’t look like she deserved one of my explosive rants…she wasn’t N in any case…in what is a first for me , i couldn’t do the rant…i must be mellowing in my his old age or slipping…it’s a worry…the best i could do was to say…you’re a pack of bastards…i scurried away totally defanged…licking my self inflicted rant less wounds…this is why i foolishly tried to cut my own toenails…cause & effect ?…or equal & opposite reactions ?

5…if i had known cutting my own toenails would have me ending up in the ward of the damned of EPWORTH/FREEMASONS the sheets could have been shredded without a care…i’m not that fast on the uptake…im not very smart but i can lift heavy things…i cut my toe nails with a clipper and cut some skin as well…My hands are full of fumble fingers…this didn’t stop me having a go…im brave but (as you know) not smart… I’m told you always have staphylococcus living on your skin. The skin I cut allowed the staph to enter my bloodstream, the toes on my right foot went red & purple… they recovered in a few daysmy right heel also went red & purple but did not recover…it was painful…I gave it a few days but no go…large skin pieces started shedding off

6…on the 8th nov 2020 i went to Box hill hospital…my heel was bandaged & i was told to wait , after a few hours i realized i had no wrist band which establishes your arrival time & complaint , i went & got a band…i spoke to the triage about not being told to get a band…triage tell you & emphasize the fact that you must get a wrist band from the next window but they ‘neglected’ this important step in my case…i was also not seen on my last visit…they said their computer said i had just got there ,i told them i had been there some hours…the discussion was not heated , i could tell from their reaction that ‘forgetting’ to tell me to get a band was deliberate…i rang the cab company & got the exact time of arrival…11.08pm… phone on speaker…so they could hear the time given


i asked to speak to the manager…a person saying she was the head nurse named Susan came out with security a few meters away…she led me to a quiet area so nobody would hear what she said…i knew the fix was in by security being present & by the quiet area chosen…Susan was dismissive , nasty , aggressive & seemed to want to start a fight…she said i had been harassing her staff , i told her she was making up stories (these Danny the lacky ‘protected people’ can tell any lie they like) , i knew she had read my dirt file by her use of the term ‘ harassing staff ‘…it was obvious to me i wouldn’t be seen , i left…my GP is not open weekends…i spent the weekend sweating , vomiting & sleeping fitfully…i’m told i’m on the BLACKLIST @ BHH by several docs…meaning no service…i won’t be seen…the BLACKLIST info explains a lot…the FED KLAN are vindictive buggers…with long memories of Austin Repatriation…i know about THE KLAN now…no wonder you acted like the pack of unionized turds the you are…KLAN RULES ?


your pathetic lying efforts in trying to make me look like an evil alcoholic brain damaged person only emphasizes your stupidity…Austin repat happened , you know it happened




THE CLIQUE & THE SPOOKS KNOW THE TRUTH DOESN’T MATTER…THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WHAT THE IDEOLOGICALLY BRAINWASHED BELIEVE TO BE TRUE …what i may say is deemed to be not true , what they say is OF COURSE the GODS HONEST sacred truth…to further political aims or wage claims by using sick or injured people shows what vicious turds the ANMF , THE KLAN & THE CLIQUE ARE


sometime around 2019 i was in BHH hospital with an infected finger requiring ABX , infused via IV…i now have access to my BHH medical file…interesting…this incorrect medical info was what the Epworth clique used to make their demented DX , they wanted to think the worst of me anyway…i was on the KLAN punishment list so Epworth used my slurred voice as evidence of my being demented or alcoholic or both…EPWORTH staff are ANMF(KLAN?) union members who will do the bidding of their union masters & used the incorrect BHH file & their own bias to justify their demented alcoholic brain damaged diagnosis ( THEY KNEW I WASN’T DRUNK OR MENTALLY IMPAIRED )…i have a voice slur which Epworth cynically decided to use as justification for their drunk halfwit diagnosis…the Epworth witches pretended i had brain damage due to my slur thus allowing the them to say i was mentally & cognately impaired sending me to the ward of the damned Freemasons to be used & nearly killed as decreed by their masters…high crimes & misdemeanors against Austin repat hospital in 2011 ?……what was the thing that pissed you union turd spooks off the most ?…was it the VCAT legal case?…was it the fact one of your own senior people shat in your faces bigtime by giving me the redacted 4 page lying email ? that even VCAT couldn’t/wouldn’t release…sen member Procter told me the redaction was dynamite
& he couldn’t release it…was it distributing 1000 copies of the liar email @ repat…
im going for fact that i was given the redaction by one of your own senior management staff that got up your snouts(inc shit) the most…i didn’t ask her for it…she freely gave it without being compelled in any way , she just gave it…over the last 14 yrs I’ve tried to figure out why she gave it…i think she had read that many lies & was drowning in bullshit that she had a rush of blood…im pretty sure she would think of it as a brain fade now…i don’t think she had a brain fade…how was she to know what i would do with the redaction ?…i had it copied 1000 times & distribute it @ REPAT as the turdspooks of the ANMF know…being given the lying redacted email is the stuff of nightmares for the CLIQUE SPOOKS…if you can’t trust your own senior your staff…the liar system would crash…control would be lost…the spooks & the clique would be impotent… i would always do as i did with the Austin Repat redacted email…you went close @ Epworth/Freemasons to stopping me dead (a permeant fix ?) close…but no cigar…can’t you turdspook’s do anything right ?

what made BHH think my slurred voice meant i was drunk or brain damaged ? (other than wanting to think it)…i had 3 operations whilst supposedly drunk…i had many alcohol withdrawal tests @ BHH…the tests were rudimentary…the tests consisted of being asked if im nervous all the time & if i sweat a lot…a finger tip to finger tip test detected some vibration (med notes) I’ve had minor shaking for 20 yrs… this was the vibration the quack detected…the young quack was exited by the vibration detection…gottta a be a proof positive( well good enough anyway)diagnosis !!!…pissed as a fart he be , the young quack was under pressure to come up with the dx the spooks & or klan wanted…my neuro symptoms (mainly the slurred voice) were used as miserable evidence of my supposed alcohol induced brain damage…BHH & Epworth knew i was not drunk or brain damaged but decided to use my slurred voice against me as a way of getting even with me for VCAT & the distribution of the redacted email @ Repat…the spooks the clique & especially the filthy klan have no scruples & used my voice slur as supposed proof of alcoholism or mental deficit…they are sewer crawlers

12…i’m not brain damaged or an alcoholic…i have a voice slur…BHH Epworth & STV deliberately used my voice slur as evidence im brain damaged…the doc’s doing these alcohol withdrawal tests knew i was not drunk…they were under spook pressure to come up with the required opinion…the medical file is not correct…Repat happened…we went to VCAT…the redacted lying email was given to me by one of your own people , you sacked her as a warning to others… i distributed it @ Repat…you got caught lying in writing with your gutter tactic email…you shitheads…end of story

13…most people would list used car salesmen…real estate agents…lawyers & politicians as the biggest liars there are…hospitals beat them all by a country mile…i DENY i’m brain damaged but i can’t DENY the anmf klan , the clique & the spooks are arseholes

14…the way it works is this…to demonstrate you are a TEAM PLAYER it is almost incumbent upon a clique member to write an evil entry on my dirt file (OH LORD FED…WE PRAY THE SANCTIFIED FILE)…i’m public enemy # 1 after Repat VCAT & the Austin repat email distribution…ESPECIALLY BEING GIVEN THE REDACTED EMAIL…i’m a BIG target…if your one of us…YOU WILL DO IT…YOUR A TEAM PLAYER… ARN’T YOU ? ?…YOU WANT PROMOTION…DON’T YOU ?…no 3 guesses needed , SWEET SUSAN would be a full on team player…promoted to head nurse hey Susan hmmmmmm


15…i went to my GP…he said this is a serious infection , you need ABX fast…you better go to hospital right now…as Box hill hospital wouldn’t help me i went to EPWORTH EMERGENCY RICHMOND (my fail safe back up) in the clothes I had slept in & worn for 2  days…I would have been disheveled…as they noted…they (file notes) also  noted unkempt , poor hygiene & other less than flattering descriptions of my good self…my poor appearance was partly used as a factor for Epworth categorizing me as demented…the girls have a talent for stating the obvious…it did seem they had an unwillingness to deal with me…they classified me as a halfwit & sent me to the ward of the damned…ward ground 1 east Freemasons as ordered by the filthy klan…now i understand how they use the halfwit classification system to take care of people like me…cunning…it’s a win win situation…Epworth get a supposed halfwit to practice on (no care no responsibility) & i think i’m going to be helped ( it’s not a good thing to be on the FED or KLAN punishment list )…many of the people working @ all hospitals are CLIQUE OR KLAN…meaning they have access to my dirt & incorrect medical files & would believe anything it said…thesanctified dirt file was used against me to good effect @ Epworth…the clique & KLAN are omnipresent…even doctors are afraid of them

16…the Epworth Richmond clique would have known of my abortive attempt @ seeking help from BHH & most likely Susan made up a dirt file entry…different docs have told me their careers would be finished if they were off side with the fed klan , they would be persona non grata…the clique would refuse to work with them…they would be looking for a job in Botswana…there are many ways to fix a doc up…cover or not cover for mistakes…he pinched my bum…some doc’s try to brown nose for a peaceful life (or are full on cliquers or pretend they are )…some docs play along with the clique or klan by pretending they are clique members…is that you Weiss ?


hospitals are the harshest of judges…the strong slur in my voice gave Epworth the chance to class me as cognitively impaired ( file note ) from a file page I learnt they have a strange way of deciding what you are…maybe they use the impaired / demented page especially people like me…especially the one’s they want to punish…those that have offended the KLAN or the ANMF spooks…to have my disability used against me does make me very angry….this page can’t be a normal inclusion…it’s too weird…even for the all knowing clique coven to administer…it would have been no mistake i was said to be a demented halfwit…imagine a form that askes if others thought i was demented…the person filling out the form says i’m not demented…she is innocent …sure she is…it was the others…NOT ME…do me a favor…don’t get the idea i’m as dumb as you are

 18…In my case the person filling out the file page ticked the box NO in response to a question is the pt cognitively impaired / demented ?…the next question asks if other staff had thought the pt was cognitively impaired / demented…the answer was YES…so in a split decision I was JUDGED to be an impaired halfwit…not exactly a scientific , exhaustive or intensive way of deciding what you are…any pt could be categorized as a halfwit with ease , especially if their on a punishment list ...obviously I didn’t know of this insane  diagnosis method they were using & what it would mean to me in the way I would be  USED TREATED & REGARDED @ FREEMASONS…(the ward of the damned isn’t a good to be)under this method anyone could be said to be a halfwit…it was fully intentional i was classified as a demented halfwit…my name was on the punishment list…i did not know it but i was destined for the ward of the damned to be used for op display or whatever it was which resulted in a heart problem

They judged me ( in a deliberate way )when I was at my lowest ebb & in pain to be a impaired halfwit…my slur is worse if I have not slept well …the 2 fitful nights sleep didn’t do me any good…its worse still under stress…the pain & the talk of sending my dogs to the RSPCA created a very stressful situation for me…being low on amitriptyline wouldn’t have helped either…the do you or anyone else think the pt is a demented halfwit thing ?…it’s tailor made for the clique to punish a person with an extensive dirt file , (oh merciful FED we implore thee , protect the stupid from evil)


i may have said i have 3 dogs…tuppy died recently…some times i can’t accept she’s gone…she was blue heeler…she was with me many years…the nurses were adamant & insistent my dogs go to the RSPCA…i was given no chance to have any input RE their care…the COVEN had decided…my slur was bad as it gets…it’s variable , 72 hrs fever & now worse , 3 days no amitriptyline…anger about my dogs…no wonder my slur was so bad… i had to try & deal with this cock sure idiot coven…they had read the dirt file & would believe it implicitly…they punished me by sending me to the ward of the damned to be used & near killed & wanted to punish my dogs by sending them to the RSPCA…i have seen the poor conditions they keep dogs in…even a RSPCA staff member was angry about the conditions…i suggested someone that could look after them…my file states i refused to give the phone # of the person that could help , the file states you called them…this is a bit of a head scratching conundrum , if i refused to give you the # how did you call them ? , the file says you did…did the coven go into conclave & guess the # ?…anyway i have a DX for you wonderful coven members…it seems you’re all pretty much (incurably) fucked in the head…sorry to have to give you this bad news…you didn’t have to let your prejudices & discrimination show as a way of making me look bad…refusing to give you the cell # ?…you idiots are bent…im not well regarded in hospitals already , the dirt file had the coven deciding i was ‘ward of the damned’ bound


20…FREEMASONS…11/11 /20

as it had been already decided or pretended i was a halfwit they didn’t bother to tell me i was going to Freemasons or why i was going there…i was taken to the back entrance of Freemasons (the idiots entrance ?) rubbish bins , dumpsters ect…it was an inauspicious entry…they had forgotten my medicine chart…i was surprised the nurse spoke so harshly to the ambulance person in front of me…they thought i was a halfwit…so all good…the ambulance person was apologetic…the nurse was scathing…Richmond would have rung in advance of my arrival telling them a demented halfwit slurring drunken alcohol brain damaged disheveled poor hygiene blacklisted bum was on the way…with the most evil dirt file you ever saw…all staff would have had my dirt file read to them (believe in the dirt file…it’s your only salvation…or you will burn in purgatory for eternity )


i jokingly named this ward ( to myself) THE WARD OF THE DAMNED …THE JOKE WAS ON ME…IT PROVED TO BE AN ACCURATE SUMMATION…the ward of the damned consisted of those poor buggers in the early throes of dementia-Alzheimer’s…the dying , burned out alkies , halfwit types & me … i was classified as a full on halfwit…ward of the damned people are subject to being used under anesthetic (as i was ) without their knowledge or permission for display operations inc ACU student observers et al

22…THE GOWN…11/11/20

first night ward of the damned…I asked the nurses if I could have a pair of pajama style pants rather than a gown…i explained that a gown gets stuck under my knee when I try to climb on to the bed causing me to fall…( I can’t even reverse back to the w/c as if my bum hits the armrest the w/c skids away & I  go down Hard…when the gown is caught under my knee I’m almost stuck in mid air )…my request was reasonable…it had been agreed to elsewhere …i detected some confusion & indecision …they were easy to read… how do we get around this one ?…their façade cracked momentarily… furtive looks @ each other …who’s going to come up with the best story? …there was no story …there was no need to waste a story on a halfwit …there were 3 or 4 nurses there…they said that i must wear a gown…a bland THAT’S IT … i did not argue about it…they would have been told of the dirt fie already (including the secret file) & how evil i am , i didn’t want to confirm what they thought they knew of me via the b/s file…i did not make a big thing of their pantsruling… they would have already believed the worst of me implicitly…of course they would…the file information is irrefutable evidence to the brainwashed…(oh great & mighty fed…we exhort thee…protect the stupid from this pure evil critter)

in the following days i found there was a bar @ the foot of the bed that i was able to haul myself up from the wheelchair into a near vertical position & make a lunge for the bars on the opposite side of the bed…the lack of hand eye coordination , double vision & depth perception made this challenging…this magnificent feat was accomplished on one leg due to the op wound…in most cases i had no problem…a few falls but no big deal …there was a sign above my bed …it said *** LOW RISK OF FALLS***…a bit of lateral thinking required ,why would the nurse’s make such a crazy regarding the gown ?…there was method in their madness…they knew i would not be climbing on the bed as i would be drugged overnight…when was it decided that i was to be used ?…as soon as they read the dirt file & saw i was on the punishment list , heard my slur & saw my incoordination…i was fully fucked…the dirt file was the clincher…they had an opening for a person to be drugged & used I WAS IT…i was never given pajama style pants…i remained the obligatory gown wearing halfwit ward of the damned bed climbing thrill seeker…hero’s of the front line ?…not @ Freemasons they aint



prior to an OP i was surreptitiously drugged making me unconscious or heavily sedated from midnight till around 8am…probably by something put in my IV bag…i was not told an operation was planned…NO CONSENT…INFORMED OR OTHERWISE…sometime between midnight & when i was made unconscious i may have been tricked into signing a permission for an operation that i did not even know about…sneaky…NO INFORMED CONSENT…being after midnight this made it the 12th of the month…i remember half a dozen pages dealing with the financial aspects of my EPWORTH hospitalization…the permission for surgery may have been slipped in among these pages…i cant see well…i can’t write anymore…i scribbled on anything you put in front of me…i trusted you…i will never trust any of you spook clique klan brainwashed bitches again


I very much wanted to talk to the anesthetist prior to any operation but I didn’t even know one was planned …from my file  the anesthetist did come but I was unable to speak…no respect was shown to me as a person…I cannot  believe you did this…stunning lack of respect shown to me…I was a non person…just a heap of meat to be used…i was very expendable thanks to these unionized brainwashed idiots

the anesthetist opened my mouth to check for false teeth , wobbled my teeth around to check for loose ones (file note…poor dental) I could not imagine he would be as careful with this my life  as he would be with others…I would have looked quite comical…fingers in gob…tube in dick…no wonder you were lackadaisical with me…did the lack of respect shown towards me elicit an almost casual blasé attitude in you ?



file note…pt fasted…has not had alcohol since 13.00”…How DUMB do you people need to be to think a slurred voice meant I was drunk ?…didn’t the wheelchair give you any clues ???…you could not have smelled alcohol as there was none…where did I get the booze???…i suppose your not so dumb really…i understand , you followed union klan orders & pretended my voice slur meant i was a brain damaged burned out alky…on the union’s punishment list…although near killing me as a punishment does seem a tad extreme…i can’t figure this…how can you live without your own mind or free will ? , just blindly following your masters voice like some kind of automaton ?…you are owned…you ignore the obvious in order to keep your snouts clean…you are cowards…you have proved you are very susceptible to organized brainwashing…or should that be self preservation ?…one nurse did treat me as a normal person , the others followed the edict by treating me as stupid , the nurse was brave considering what the ANMF KLAN , CLIQUE or SPOOKS would have done to her if they knew she spoke to me & told me various things this supposed halfwit should not be told

25…AS DUMB AS 10 MEN ?

file note…last food 14.00…nearly was the last…how did you put me out ?…i assume you kind folk give me a cup of tea & bikkies (with a strong sleeping drug ?)…was it laced ?…did you encourage me to drink it all ?…that’s nice…maybe something in my IV bag ?…a person said to be impaired can be used in anyway EPWORTH likes…did you use me for practice during my o/night drugging ?…did you use me for practice after you drugged me ?…a live body is tempting…maybe too tempting…much better than a cadaver…no wonder i didn’t pay Epworth…by my accounting you owe me money for the (no permission )display operation…the heart murmur & for being used for the practice session

i have rewritten this whole thing many times over as I’m always in a black mood when i write…the black one rises …a lot of swearing in an over the top manner…I have refrained (in this rewrite) from saying how I REALY FEEL ABOUT YOU PSUDO ‘PEOPLE’ …Donato & Low could not have done as they did without the connivance of you brainwashed robotoids & Weiss…suffice to say i don’t wish ANY of you well... understatement

it maybe normal procedure to place a supposed halfwit or punishment victim under anesthetic.. NO INFORMED CONSENT prior to an operation to hide the length of the operation…especially in my case as i was intended to be used … You ALL knew I was going to be used & kept under anesthetic longer DIDN’T YOU ?...draining the bladder tells the story…you all knew i would be kept under anesthetic for a longer time while i was used…Low’s own notes confirm this…iv’e never met you Keng Low (the anesthetist) but from my conversations with you…IMO i think you are an arrogant poor quality liar…with a huge ego…did you really think you could use me & damage my heart & just walk away from it ?…you must be stupid…tell a few glib lies & it’s all good ?…you told me you know what happened because you were there …that’s all you told me…unfortunately i was there as well…i was just something unpleasant you stepped in…RIGHT ?… you thought i was just a heap of meat to be used ?…you arrogant shithead

26…were you @ the operation , practice session , ACU display tutorial , Weiss ?… started good but finished bad…didn’t it ?…shit happens , anyway it was me not you , all good…the most important thing to remember is…if a supposed halfwit dies under anesthetic it’s no great tragedy…i’m sure you of all people could rationalize this…as to my o/night drugging , the listing ondansetron is there…the page listing the main drug is missing…go figure…You were very much involved in my drugging Weiss…you signed for some of the drugs Weiss…what do you think caused my OP problem Weiss ?…contraindication mix maybe ?…too many top ups…kept under too long ?…or something else ?…who cares…it was me not you…because i became conscious on the way to the OP the fuckwit Keng Low may have given me larger doses to make sure i stayed under

if I had of been able to talk to the anesthetist the heart damage may have been avoided…you ALL knew I was going to be usedYOU SET THE SCENE FOR ME TO BE USED… HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY WHAT YOU DID ?…STUPID QUESTION…AS IF ANY OF YOU WOULD CARE ABOUT ME…YOU OBEYED THE PUNISHMENT ORDERS…my heart damage doesn’t really matter , who cares ? , im just a halfwit…fuck me...HEY ?


file states that the operation took 13 minutes…minor operation… the time is Probably correct…surgeon rob Donato’s  account = 13 minutes … file says I woke in surgery after 13 mins & stated I was warm & comfortable…ward called….the time  does not agree with the anesthetist keng low’s time of 105 minutes…STRANGE…hmmm , Something wrong here…anesthetist time =105 min…surgeons time = 13 min hmmmmmsomething went wrong during the extra time I was kept under & used , I had what is euphemistically called an ‘adverse event’ ( act of god ?…no one’s fault …just one of those things)  around the 105 minute mark…Was it  to do with my heart ?….Code blue…code blue… clear !!!…adrenalin ?…Victoria heart says so…my discharge papers confirm Victoria heart diagnosed a diastolic heart murmur after the operation….in PACU…Low told me Donato left when i woke up @ the 13 min mark…low isn’t even a good bullshit artistLow expects me to believe i lay there…AWAKE…for around an hour & a half more until the diastolic heart murmur occurred…there are 2 possibilities…either i did not wake up @ the 13 min mark (which means the sacred & totally accurate file is a lie…praise be to the file…CANT BE incorrect…CAN IT ?) or the amount of anesthetic i was given (or top up’s) was enough to keep me under for one & a half or two hours…one or the other…the one thing that stands out is your dismissive arrogant attitude towards me Low…YOU TURD

according to keng low (in writing) allowed 105 minutes anesthetic time ( low the- anesthetist charged 105 mins anesthetic time)i was used under general anesthetic without permission NO INFORMTED CONSENT. Adding the time I was used & kept under with some kind of sleeping drug oranesthetic overnight prior to the op makes the time I was kept under around 8 hours total .This was during a procedure I had not  agreed to…You nearly killed me…YOU IDIOTS !!


for a long time after i left Freemasons i did or didn’t do things in a way that was usual for me…1 , no way i would have a smoke before breakfast , now i smoke 2 or 3 from the time i wake up , the time doesn’t matter , 4 am , whatever…2 , i have always washed my face first thing in the morning , i stopped washing…3 , the lawnmower or something else was out in the rain , i left it …after being put thru the metaphorical psychological meatgrinder of Box hill hospital followed by Epworth Freemasons i might have been a little bit loony… , 4 before the lying turds i delt with @ BHH & Epworth…my usual smoking use was 20 a day , i now use 40 a day for the last few years…5 , i would lay in bed all day i , the only time i got out was to go to the toilet or when the dogs became most insistent on being fed…this @ least got me into the kitchen so i would eat something or i would’ve lost even more weight…i have since found the elixir to weight loss , some Maccas each day will plump you up…6 , didn’t bother locking the house…7 , didn’t get the mail or pay bills…had no interest in anything… , didn’t walk the dogs…there were other symptoms of my funk..i knew what it was…i had to wait for the funk to lift


after being KEPT under so i could not speak to the anesthetist i became semi conscious on the way to the illegal operation/education/ practice session starting…when Donato (surgeon) saw i was becoming semi conscious we stopped  in some kind of storage area…it was not an anesthetic induction area…you were a bit flummoxed Rob Donato (the surgeon) that I was nearly conscious…you told me some lies about local anesthetic &  said I would be put to sleep using gas…3 big breaths…then keng Low (the anesthetist)told you…no gas …a fentanyl mix or other was infused into my cannula… it was always going to be a general anesthetic . anesthetist’s file note .Your story about gas and local anesthetic were lies…I knew they were lies @ the time…do most people believe your bullshit ?…what you tried to peddle was a contradiction in terms…there was no need for GA it could have been local…I did not like the sensation of being unable to move due to the sneaky & sly overnight drugging by Weiss & the robotoids & having to lay on the bed listening to your CRAP…if you are a supposed halfwit this kind of treatment isn’t unusual

29…does the Australian catholic university (ACU) pay Epworth/Freemasons to allow their students to observe ward of the damned (ward one East Freemasons) people during illegal operations ?…the potential education benefits could be huge for the ACU students…if the students got lucky they might get to see a halfwit or said to be halfwit die… thus giving them an invaluable insight into the Weiss death rationalization protocol…what’s happened to the ACU trainee nurses i used to see on the way to ACU ?… i guess i asked too many questions , maybe i was reported to brother or sister # one…as long as i don’t end up back in them there ‘ward of the damned’ killing fields its Jake…I’ve checked other routes to ACU…the trainees seem to have gone extinct…no purple to be seen…maybe you told them not to wear their uniforms to work ?…you cunning buggers…if you did…I PROTEST , this wouldn’t be within the spirit of the game or fair play of any kind…such a move could easily be seen as a dastardly reprehensible act …if you did tell them to dress incognito…this kind of chicanery is an un-Christhian act

the last thing i remember (prior to you & low transporting me to the ot) was scribbling on some forms before the infusion of fentanyl or whatever…the next thing i remember is listening to a person i have never seen before LIE TO ME…you have no idea the effect this has had on me…i would imagine the situation i was in would be most peoples worst nightmare-as it is mine-i could do nothing about what was going to happen…you went on to damage my heart IN A NO CONSENT OPERATION…the nightmare you put me through has affected me in various ways… serious bouts of depression & anger


Donato came to see me soon after the operation…he didn’t look @ my foot & seemed to be in a bit of a distracted lather…i tried to figure out why he was there…strange i had no answer…why the visit ?…i finally figured it out weeks later… the main motivation for your visit was to try & find out if i remember the horror trip to the OT…you covered your tracks well…your misdirection was masterful…my memory of being wheeled to the operation was a bit hazy & foggy…i now know what happened & what was said better than you do or the cunt Low does , my memory has become crystal clear over time

it SEEMED he was there to reassure himself that i had suffered no brain damage due to oxygen depravation during the ‘adverse event’…his questions make sense now…do i feel alright ?…any foggy feeling in the head ?…am i thinking ok ect ?…he asked are my stiches healing…i had not had any stiches…you were fishing…you really wanted to know how much i remembered of the horror trip to the OT…i remember now…we played your subtle misdirection game & you left satisfied i had little memory of the horror trip

DONATO , seemed to have some concern for me , maybe that was part of the reason he came to see me & sent no bill (i paid no bills anyway)…maybe as the surgeon he was deemed more responsible & that was possibly more the reason for the visit

LOW , he’s easy to figure…no ambiguity here…LOW is your common or garden variety run of the mill CUNT

as an interesting side note my file even mentions Donato’s visit…who ever heard of a surgeon visiting a minor op pt & the visit even being recorded in the file ?…it doesn’t say why he was there…just that he was there…he told me he had come to see me 3 times before he found me in…i had work to do…the feed n dose run ? , i don’t need to be a fly on the wall to know the reaction of management when they found out he came to see me…YOU DID WHAT ?…AW FUCK…GIMMY A FAG , FIX ME A DRINK…OK OK…WE MAKE A FILE ENTRY SAYING YOU WERE THERE…LET’S KEEP IT SIMPLE… NOT WHY YOU WERE THERE , JUST THAT YOU WERE THERE (if they knew 3 attempted visits were made, we’re talking stoke & heart attack territory)…OK THAT COVERS OUR ARSE THERE…I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS GUY…WE MIX THE FILE UP…REMOVE CRITICAL PAGES & HOPE THIS GUY IS THE DEMENTED HALFWIT THE FED/CLIQUE SAID HE WAS…from now on don’t visit…it’s better you just kill em…less complications…you spent plenty of time trying to see me Donato…you would do well to remember your not the only one that knows how the subtle misdirection game works

i am aware this is sometimes disjointed & out of context…this is a combination of typing @ 4am , the black one & as things occur to me @ the time …i know i am living in a rear vision mirror…although some parts are disjointed…they are factually correct

31…it was STUPID GREED that alerted me as to the extent of what had occurred …i then dissected my ‘dummied up’ file…KENG LOW likes dollars…actually he loves em…he sent me a large bill for the time i was used …i was even meant to pay for being used & nearly killed…many people pay for being an exhibit without knowing it…at least Donato did not add insult to injury by trying to make a buck…he sent no bill

i went to Associated Anesthetists Group East Melbourne(Low’s group) & got them to sign & confirm i was under anesthetic for the 105 mins Low billed…all except Cheryl Wood… (the manager of AAG) have been obstructionist liars…Cheryl has been helpful & i appreciate it…she spoke to Low several times about him sending a letter to my doc explaining what happened (her suggestion)…after many reminding phone calls & emails no letter has been received in 8 months as @ 1/8/21..i would just like a short but honest note…just the simple truth would do…maybe the real truth is not so palatable ?…the TRUTH LOW ? …i did get a good laugh @ AAG…some secretary type person told me my file is a legal document & can’t be altered…anyone who is gullible enough to believe that hogwash may be interested in a bridge i have for sale in Sydney…all hospitals alter files

Here’s one problem (of which there are many) even though they falsified my file, removed critical pages and mixed them  up …some interesting pages were left…my file says I was in theater @ 7.50am….you did the operation & I was back in my room @ 7.30am …See any problems with the times ? …You have not sent me a bill Donato… WHY NOT ?…do you feel guilty about what happened ?…Low sent me an extortionate bill…this superior being could strangle his own mother (slowly) & remain guilt free


Weiss was from Epworth Richmond & came to do a covid test after my operation …it would have been better FOR ME if done during my anesthetized time …but this would have deprived you ALL of the pleasure of watching me squirm…there was no bedside manner approach from Weiss…she jammed the swab up my nose as far as it would go…there was obvious pain on my face…i pulled her hand away…no sorry from her

a Drs sorry is not exactly a heartfelt kind of sorry…sorry about that…good one doc …pain is the main way a doc diagnoses…pain should be not part of a covid test… its still nice to hear the sorry as it shows some form of respect for you as a person…no respect for me

Weiss is a hard person…as far as she was concerned she had a captive halfwit Untermensch to use…there were some nurses there who were learning & being shown by Weiss how a halfwit should be coldly used…it felt like Weiss was checking for covid behind my eyes..i was not told of the test result.. IT IS A NASTY PIECE OF WORK


I did not know about the heart murmur  until i read my file , the ADVERSE EVENT operation was within 12 hours of my arrival @ EPWORTH FREEMASONS… i had a feeling something was wrong …i could read the staff (not easy to do as they had their blank work face on) …I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF…most of the staff knew of the ADVERSE EVENT operation…Michael( understood) hay sure did…to anything I would say…he would reply UNDERSTOOD…THAT’S IT… THE CONVERSATION STOPPED BEFORE IT STARTED…HE WAS THEN BUSY WRITING

34…After the operation my file says I was back in the ward @ 9.30 handover…there is no way I was back in the ward @ 9.30 am…you guys play fast & loose with the truth…I was in the patient anesthetic care unit  PACU…i have the PACU file pages including the dummied up graphs…you must be the DUMBEST liars there are (in writing no less)…my file is full of contradictions & lies…I had paid for private hospital insurance as a back up fail safe plan as i knew i was on the public hospital blacklist…i knew there was something not right…i didn’t know the extent or even the existence of the klan… the clique ,spooks et al implicitly believe any invective lie the klan approves… i knew something was wrong but i didn’t know what…i thought private would be better than public…MORE THE FOOL I…i did not expect to be used (no consent) @ a private hospital…I NOW KNOW the FED/CLIQUE & the union klan run the place as they do all hospitals…i have a slurred voice & a bad dirt file meaning i was pretty much fucked…the nurses called me mate…gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside…brulch…the food was better & more plentiful….but…YOU KNOW

35…AMITRIPTYLINE…the code grey….12/11/20

I had not had my endep ( amitriptyline for depression )after vomiting for 2 nights (before Epworth Richmond)…even if i had taken the endep it would have ended upon the floor…my symptoms are much worse if i can’t sleep properly…hospital is not the place to be if you need uninterrupted sleep… first night at freemasons the pharmacy would have been shut as it was after hours…I kept asking for endep…maybe with my slur they thought I was asking for the pain killer endone…either way , they really couldn’t care less…

if I don’t have the amitriptyline for more than 3 days it alters my brain chemicals …mainly a decrease in serotonin production…I become violent , aggressive & more…it had been 4 days…I went off…I went to the nurses station smoking a cigarette…my thoughts were scrambled …a code grey was called…my reaction to the code being called was mild

The security guy arrived…he attempted take the fag…i grabbed his wrist with my left hand…he was not aggressive & chose to negotiate …I handed over the fag to him eventually I got too low on amitriptyline some years ago…my actions were anything but mild on that occasion…I don’t  know if I made any sense on what I needed …my attempts to tell them I needed amitriptyline urgently would have only confirmed in their minds I was exactly what EPWORTH Richmond had said I was , I remember laying on the  concrete outside…I can’t remember anything else…IT WAS A NIGHTMARE

I reviewed the file notes on  the day of the code grey…I was asking for amitriptyline @ 2pm…I was told I have wait till 8pm .Can you imagine how I felt ?…They had it & wouldn’t give it to me…NO WONDER I WENT OFF…Their pharmacological knowledge of amitriptyline would be limited…it’s very dangerous to stop taking it suddenly…didn’t they think of checking with the chemist ?…then again from their perspective i was a halfwit & not entitled to any thought…I could not communicate clearly…i needed it right then…their reaction was muted…i didn’t really matter as i was thought to be a halfwit…They are not overburdened with smarts

36…OF DOGS N STOOLIES …15/11/20

A person had been feeding and dosing my dogs for a few days…she had missed a dose of phenobarbital…next time she was there , bouncer was having a seizure … If you have not seen a dog have a seizure before it will freak you out (ESPECIALLY A LARGE DOG).  I made light of this seizure (a very serious matter to my mind) telling her I have someone who can feed and dose  her…I didn’t tell her that someone would be me

the RSPCA wanted to put bouncer down , i would not do it…the RSPCA have outfits full of NEMBUTOL in holsters…they are quick on the draw …when bouncer has a seizure she looses partial control of her bowel & bladder (the house has been none too fragrant for a few yrs) she is ridged & screams , her mouth is intermittingly wide open…she chews her mouth & bleeds…she is blind for 10 minutes after the seizure…she thrashes violently damaging her face…she forgets her tricks…a form of brain damage ?…i taught her the tricks again… when i was there I got her to shake hands… this told me there had been no fit while i was away…to come home & find pools of blood was too much for me…the risk of her being put down was the main reason i didn’t want her to go to the RSPCA … in a 2 week period she would average 6/8 & multiple seizures…SHE COULD NOT GO TO THE RSPCA…they may have put her down if they saw her have multiple seizures…the miserable witch bitches @ Epworth Richmond couldn’t give a fat rats arse about her


i told  a nurse that rang while I was out that I was picking up my TV from the repair shop (true) as it was closing down…I didn’t mention i was also on a dose run …she told Dr Michael (understood) hay ( first time i knew he was a doc…i thought he was a student ) i was out BUYING a TV &  had left the hospital without permission…meh…who cares. I decided not to bother telling anyone anything or answer the phone when on my daily runI didn’t want trouble from some piss ant stool pigeon…under the law the hospital is liable & responsible for me…but being as i was a supposed halfwit from the ward of the damned…that fact alone should extinguish any legal complication…i’m being flippant about leaving…my run made it vital i leave…you treated me like shit…used drugged & conned me…nearly killed me in a NO CONSENT operation…why would i care about your rules ?… where were THE RULES when it came to using me ? THERE WERE NO RULES

38…THE SHOWER…15/11/20

In the fifteen days I spent @ Epworth freemasons I had one shower. In order to have a shower I needed to sit on a high showering chair with my foot wrapped in plastic  to prevent water entering. I had to hold on to the shower chair to avoid slipping off. A nurse held the shower wand . I was able to wash myself with my spare hand .There was talk of a 2nd shower… it never happened…a file note says i was self caring…hospital code ? … bugger you pal…I’ve been told of your dirt file DIY…there is an advantage in every situation…this self caring label meant i was under very little scrutiny…leaving me free to do my dose run without hinderance…the only time i was under intense scrutiny was during attempted REM sleep , REM was verboten…WERE YOU TO TIME POOR TO HELP ME SHOWER ?

BIG HAIR…15/11/ 20

The infection specialist came she didn’t introduce herself look @ my foot or speak to me & almost seemed to sneer @ me…she had big hair…when i say big I mean BIG …big wanted nothing to do with me…I would see big downstairs sometimes (you can’t miss BIG)…there was never any acknowledgement from BIG…I think big is a naïve & gullible person & believed the bullshit dirt file…the dirt file is sacrosanct…it must be true


The nurses came in and told me I was having a PICC line … I didn’t rate a doc to tell me anything apparently…just the nurses telling me in a casual FAIT  ACCOMPLI manner i was having a PICC line , not what a picc line is… I had come to Epworth in the clothes I was wearing. I only had one pair of underpants, I had washed them and they were still wet, I only had the obligatory gown on , I asked the nurses for a pair of disposable underpants,  one nurse said “you can go down there bare bum naked cant ya”?

Two porters came and took me down to radiology. The porters rushed me down there at high speed…they spoke to each other but not me. It was demeaning…like the rest of Epworth they thought they were dealing with a NON COMPOS MENTIS pt . As far as they were concerned they were moving a tub of shit down to radiology.. I have a  high IQ & intellect …compared to my myself  both of  these idiots  are intellectual pygmies

When I got to radiology I was parked in the hallway for ten minutes. Kenny the constipated radiologist came over and I said to him…what is a picc line & why do I need it?…I have not been  told anything…I was visibly angry @ being treated like an idiot…Kenny was brusque & curt … saying you don’t have to have it… and left

This meant another high-speed demeaning dash back to my room…Dr  Michael (understood) hay came in . Neither he nor any other doc had spoken to me in any meaningful way ,THIS was a novelty…With regards to the PICC line he said  infection may have made its way to my heart and we should  cover this option …AFTER THOUGHT ?…4 DAYS AFTER THE OP ?…STRANGE… A BIT HARD TO BELIEVE

I didn’t know of the heart murmur @ that time…they didn’t  tell me of the  UTI or the covid result either…  it must be considered I was regarded as a halfwit… telling a halfwit anything would be waste of time …stands to reason…if It sounds like a halfwit it must be a halfwit…RIGHT ?…an Occam’s razor proposition ?…so why waste your time telling IT

I agreed to have the PICC line…maybe they were trying to quiet the murmur by delivering ABX almost directly to my heart…a cynic may think you had the nurse’s tell me i was having a PICC line in a casual matter of fact way…kinda looks like you were trying to skate by…WERE YOU ?…this meant another high-speed  dash by gravel voice & friend back to radiology… they moved this half-witted tub of shit @ the standard breakneck  pace as per usual . The PICC line was inserted up a vein on my left arm to deliver ABX almost directly to my heart… The return high speed run via the  pygmies had me back in my room super fast…why the hurry?…maybe the quicker they got rid of me the quicker they could sit on their bums drinking coffee or whatever…I don’t  think others would be lucky enough to get the ‘thrill ride’…this must be a ‘special treat’ for us halfwits…they were in such a big hurry they left my file @ the foot of the bed


a nurse came in with a sour look on her puss & relieved me of the file… i handed it over without  trouble as i had finished reading it…in my file she said I became agitated @ this time…she said anything known is in the file…the agitated word denotes some mental component , i was ANGRY not agitated…do you ever get angry ? or do you go psychotic from the get go ? (i did say the file info is fucking bullshit) she wrote the first 3 letters of fucking in the file but crossed it out…she probably says it…what am i saying…of course she does…but she couldn’t write the word fucking…she was obviously far to a cultured a lady to finish writing the most evil of words…It must be hard to think up things to write for the file…@ any hospital I’ve ever been in (last 11 yrs _ since the w/c) the nurses spend a large part of their time writing & thinking up things to put in the file…mainly b/s for the dirt file in my case…it is repeated over & over by many different nurses @ the ward of the damned…pt  mobilizes in wheelchair…acute observation…can’t fool you guy’s


@ radiology I had to move from the bed to the xray table, @ the best of times this is not an easy maneuver for me but the operation wound on my foot made it harder than usual…so with 2  arms & 1 leg something had to give…the most important thing was I did not fall…that floor looked as hard as it gets

I was on all fours attempting to clamber onto the x-ray table…the gown must have been tied @ the neck only…it opened & became a big bib…as I had been given no disposable underpants  it was all on display ( including brown eye )…not my most photogenic angle i presume… the girls went cross eyed @ the sight i suppose…no help was given in transferring to or from the x-ray table…i have no idea what the hang around gaggle do , they sure don’t help you transfer…my evil dirt file entitled me to no help…MAYBE


on my daily feed & dose run (2 hr turn around ) i could not get in the front of maxi cab as usual because of the wound…i had to be hoisted in the back like a big box of crap-i have always said i would never ride in the back like cargo…famous last words-on the day of the PICC line insertion 16/11/20-i could not stay awake (return)-i slid outa the w/c & slept like the dead on the floor of the cab-i struggled up to ward of the damned-my dinner was there-i was hungry-all i could do was slump on my skinny little cot & sleep-i suspected another drugging-i asked the (non clique member…who seemed unaffected by union brainwashing) nurse if i had been given anything…she told me constipated KENNY had given me a sedative-KENNY had slipped me a mickey…part of being a supposed away with the pixies halfwit means you can be drugged anytime


I was given one half of a strong blood pressure tablet by a hesitant & nervous nurse…she seemed very unsure…not the usual cock sure i know all type…she said THEY want me to give you this (i was suspicious )maybe the nurses cut it in half…understood probably would not have cared if i had a full one…i wonder if she knew why I was being given it , the tablet i was being given was cut in half in a rough fashion & must have been strong…a full one may have too strong…like almost everything about at happened @ that B/S place i was told fuck all about anything…the only info i have is the file & that which i am able to piece together from recall & recollection…it’s 4.15am…the unvarnished truth telling time…YOU REALLY ARE A PACK OF COULDN’T CARE LESS UNPOLISHED TURDS…are you not ?…you would’ve suspected the tablet throwing kangaroo court conviction is BS & other kangaroo court convictions are likewise BS…you really are a pack of gutless politico turds…keep your snouts clean , you poor exhausted ppl might get some more bonus money , let your brain sleep(if you have one) , do what your told , don’t think…are you allowed to have your own independent (not fed approved) thoughts ? , who owns your mind ?…do you even know ? hero’s of the front line (in their own minds) IGNOR THE OBVIOUS…PROTECT YOURSELVES @ ALL TIMES…DON’T ROCK THE BOAT WITH THE TRUTH…KEEP YOUR SNOUT CLEAN…KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN…DO WHAT THE ANMF KLAN TELLS YOU

43…Dr understood & another listened intently to the left hand  side of my chest via stethoscope making comments on what they could hear or couldn’t hear…even us halfwits know where the heart is located… I now know they were listening for the murmur…the tablet was to slow my heart rate so they could hear more clearly…OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB *YOU* WEAVE…you must have known I would find out about the murmur or did you think or hope i’m so far gone in the head i would never know ?

44…EPWORTH …21/11/20

 it is almost impossible to believe that EPWORTH caused my heart murmur & are so RUTHLESS  to have not told me about it…hay was listening for the heart murmur…caused by FREEMASONS…you caused it during an illegal operation…you conned me… drugged me…used me…many know what happened…can you keep them all onside ?…I spoke to anesthetics / pacu as @ 7/1/21…interesting from this point of view…it’s not what IS said it’s what is NOT said that counts...when i spoke to PACU the person i spoke to was reading from a computer of my PACU time (to herself)…she kept saying this computer is old & slow , obviously reading the details…the longer she stalled the more i realized my time in PACU was more serious than i had thought…after some considerable time she said the computer had frozen (hard to believe Freemasons uses old clunker computers) & promised to call me back…of course she did not…i had no expectation of a return call…i learned a lot more from what was NOT said rather than what WAS said

45…OF SNOUTS N BARE BUMS…..26/11/20

I left the ward of the damned for the last time … I spoke to the head nurse on the way out regarding the covid test that Weiss inflicted on me…she said she had 4 or 5  & they are uncomfortable…i told her she had never had a test like mine was & there was no way the swab would have been rammed so far up her nose …we agreed to disagree

i asked if they would be sending females down to radiology bare bum naked…she said the matter was being investigated…i assume the cross eyed gaggle had reported the exposure…somehow it will be said the exposure was my fault…the nurses story would go something like this…pt offered disposable underpants…pt refused them & stated he did not like them…sounds good…use that one…the nurses will close ranks & lie lie lie

46..,CREEPY….WHERE IT BEGAN………12/12/20

Some weeks later I went back to Epworth Richmond with an ulcer on my right heel…the site of the original  operation….i told a doc in none to diplomatic language what happened @ Freemasons…he said (to my huge surprise ) he knew they use some people there & they shouldn’t… I was told  (in writing…a photo having been sent to Donato)  that he had agreed to see me @ his Burgundy Hill Heidelberg rooms the following Monday .The letter said do not eat after 7am as a fasting time and if necessary he could do an operation that afternoon. I wouldn’t have given Donato a second chance @ using & near killing me again…I did want to use the opportunity to talk to him & ask some questions…he won’t answer my emails…the best laid plans of mice & men may go astray


48…when i went to Epworth Richmond (dec21 ?) an admin type person told me i can’t smoke there…she was referring to the amitriptyline smoking code grey episode @ Freemason …not real smart mention it …she then compounded her stupidity by showing me exactly where i should sit on my wheelchair , in an out of the way spot…maybe she thought i’m as stupid as she is & would block the doorway unless told & shown exactly where i should wait…nobody else is directed where to sit …i get the ‘HELPFUL’ instructions a lot…it annoys me but i realize i’m not dealing with the smartest person in the room so i say ( under my breath ) WILL YOU FUCK OFF & LEAVE ME ALONE…after this teeth grinding time was over i was finally left alone.


the person that did the ultrasound was nice…she was pleasant to me & i to her in return…no infection in the bone…all good…the ulcer took over a year to heal…debridement sessions once a week & other treatment…there is still a big divot…as i left Epworth a nurse asked me if a phone was mine…i told her no


i answered a call…it was the ultrasound person asking about her phone…it must have been the phone the nurse spoke of…i told her ask the nurse…there was something in her voice , a slight accusatory tone…she said i wanted to find out if you TOOK it…it’s hard to believe but i’m very good @ reading faces & interpreting subtle wording , peoples motives & the way that they express their thoughts & words…i must be an idiot savant

my voice interpretation led me read my presentation notes ( wouldn’t have bothered otherwise)…the notes said i had multiple code greys @ Freemasons & had made threats of violence…hmmmm…i did ring Freemasons when i found out about the heart damage…they were dismissive & tried to fob me off…i told them unless i get some answers i would erect banners outside Freemasons (i did…flinders st next)…that will be a nice social blackeye for Freemasons…now she writes i threatened to give her a black eye…we did spend some time discussing what metaphorical means but the poor thing was unable or unwilling to grasp the M word concept…she would need to bend forward as i doubt i could reach her eye from the w/c…as to the purported multiple code grey’s my file list 1…the amitriptyline code grey…it is correct…you wouldn’t be lying would you about the others ?…do you miss Austin ?…or is the correct & sacred file wrong…one or the other… the ‘multiple code grey’s is a lie…your lie…no wonder the Richmond Epworth admin almost called out the troops @ my appearance…the admin would have read the b/s report of my evil doings @ Freemasons & fully believed it…im lucky they didn’t try to slip a straight jacket on me


the Freemasons liar can write any b/s she pleases knowing the brainwashed will take it as fact…brainwashed would be some excuse…most have read that much b/s they know the lies are a figment of some nasty bitches imagination…very few will rock the boat…most pretend it’s fact to save their own skins (hero’s of the front line ?)… brainwashing can’t explain the sniveling actions of many…it goes deeper than that…they will ignore their own intelligence to avoid a bucket load of FED shit being tipped on them…cowards…i don’t really care what shit Epworth writes about me…the fact is as my lying hospital file is not a publicly available document so the laws of libel & slander do not apply meaning they can write any crap they like , it will be believed by many


no wonder the ultrasound person thought i stole her phone…she could have said did you accidentally pick up my phone or mistake my phone for yours ? , instead of i wanted to find out if you TOOK it…it’s galling to know what she thought about me while we were being pleasant to each other during the ultrasound…she must have been thinking he looks almost normal but the file says he’s a full on nutter…i hope he doesn’t snap now…then she misplaced her phone…she naturally assumed i TOOK it…after all they said he’s a nutter , this phone heist stands to reason…who else would steal it but the nutter ?


the poor girl…she must have gone thru the grieving stages Kubler ross style for her beloved phone…the anguish…the terror…the panic…finally acceptance…she would’ve imagined her phone was half way to Victoria st for prompt conversion to smack


in this game i hold all the cards or props…the w/c + slur ? , i also invented the game…it is a totally unfair game with all advantages to me…i know most people think im a halfwit which allows me to know their thoughts in advance….im in their heads from the get go…to toy with the less ‘brain celled’ is evil of me…im an addicted game junkie…

i anticipated Freemasons would pull a stupid move like this but i needed to prove it to myself…i skulked around the main Freemasons entrance waiting for the right target to appear & suddenly there she was…a nurse eating a sandwich lunch…i programmed my phone to ring @ the precise time i approached her …my phone rang…she blurted out something about needing to get back to the ward & left real fast… uneaten sandwiches & all…i watched her closely….she went straight to reception pointing in my direction…how did she know me ? she hadn’t worked the ward of the damned during my stay….she fizzed on me pretty bad…some less than smart person decided to circulate my description to all staff it seems…flawed thinking…you gave the game away…what a dumb arse…panic buttons were pushed thus rousing the security guy from his slumbers (easy big fella…just a joke)…i entered & went to reception thinking they would be pleased to see me still alive (well maybe not quite so pleased) the receptionist said you cant be here , i felt unwanted , the game is illuminating…i found out what i suspected


i owe Epworth around 2k…so what did I go & do ?…I irresponsibly spend 3k+ on several word press dot com websites , banners , computer typing , printing copying…with absolutely no thought , plan or interest in paying…Epworth are getting a tad litigious in demanding the money…with the threat of dire legal consequences unless i cough up pronto…they even put the Epworth dog on me…debt collectors don’t phase me…HALFWITS DON’T PAY FOR BEING USED…you have threatened to sue me many times…WHATS STOPPING YOU ?


2 guys from the health dept spoke to me during a banner display outside Epworth/Freemasons (who told them i was there ? )…they said they would only become involved after i had tried to resolve the matter with the hospital…Moran + Leach would know (or should know) the or any hospital would only lie so there could not possibly be any resolution…do they get paid for being about as helpful as an extra hole in the head ?


how should i think of my time in Freemasons ?…i suppose the ward of the damned would be the # 1 thought , no pajama style pants…did you hope i would stove my head in trying to climb on the bed ?… punishment FED style ?…being drugged o/night with no opportunity to talk to the anesthetist…the coven would have read my dirt file…of flabby guts , wound fingering , the Martian , throwing tablets in the Martian’s face , absconding & other unknown (by me) KANGAROO COURT charges i would have been found guilty of…the dirt file made Epworth treat me as they did …the o/night drugging is the thing im most angry about…did you think i was just some sort of animal totally in your control ?…lets take a factual look @ the situation…BBH put me on the blacklist mainly over REPAT & THE PIG LIES…the tablet throwing setup was an add on …correct so far…i came to Epworth Richmond with a serious infection , slurred voice , can’t write , can’t see well , obvious incoordination using a wheelchair & in serious pain…can’t argue with any of thatEpworth staff & the clique decide to obey the FED’s punishment orders & be totally RUTHLESS with me & classified me as an alcohol effected brain damaged halfwit because of my slurred voice (the real reason is what happened @ REPAT & the FED’s klan desire for revenge) & send me to the ward of the damned Freemasons to be used…it would not have mattered if it were a private or public hospital i was in…the FED union run all hospitals via their brainwashed membership…Freemasons private hospital has the ward of the damned & may have an arrangement with the ACU to have their students ‘observe’ illegal operations featuring ward of the damned halfwits & others…people go to a private hospital to avoid the student thing…hands on or off…if i were in a public hospital the student thing is a given…when you are under you need to have trust & confidence in your surgeon & anesthetist that they wont use you…i have no trust after EPWORTH’S ward of the damned…how the fuck could i have trust ?

59…you should have killed me when you had the chance…im lucky someone like sweet Susan wasn’t hands on during the illegal display operation or i would be as dead as yesterdays news…i know the ANMF union KLAN were pulling the strings via the dirt file…the ANMF union is the STATE & the STATE is the ANMF union KLAN

the ANMF are a big part of the STATE , they own the ALP govt…they are by far largest group affiliated with the ALP , their power & influence is huge over their govt (a govt they own via internal cross factional vote #’s)…hero’s of the front line ? what a pack of political bs…ANMF members are the state ALP’s natural constituency…read the ANMF website if you are immune from swallowing copious quantities of political bs…it seems very obvious that the state via the ANMF would like to turn hospitals into an exclusive ALP preserve as has happened with public education via the teachers union…the councils are a hotbed of union/alp sympathizers via the municipal officers association union…hospitals are near enough , the union keeps up the daily ideological sessions of political shop steward crap…just to make sure no one has an independent thought

60…i have been thinking in facts & absolutes mainly of Austin…BHH said i threw tablets in a nurses face…& put my fingers in my wound…NOT TRUE…i know why BHH lied…Epworth acted on the BBH lies…the ambulance service know of my supposed violent tablet throwing propensity _they refuse to come to my house unless police are present…the hero’s of the front line…both ambos & nurses believe the bullshit file…THE FILE MUST BE CORRECT…THE FOOLS FERVENTLY BELIEVE IN THE STUPID DIRT FILE

i have only thought of what’s real…the AUSTIN thing…not thinking of what is NOT real…only things based in FACT…the BHH tablet throwing bullshit is on my file & probably other BS kangaroo court lies i don’t know of…it doesn’t matter if you believed it or not…you would still have drugged me & prepared me to be used…based on lies…8 hrs under for a 13 minute operation…how many of you would have cared if i died ?…none is my guess…you would have saved your own arses & jobs…fuck me…im lucky the patient anesthetic care unit (PACU) were able to bring me back…after all this time i now know why the infection specialist (BIG HAIR) sneered @ me…i know why Dr understood would not talk to me…i know why i got such a bad read from you shitheads…no disposable underpants…no help to transfer to or from the xray table by the hang around gaggle…no respect from constipated Kenny…the lack of respect thrill rides…the covid swab being jammed up my nose as far as you could…did you like showing off to the stupid union nurses ?..the B/S file left on my bed…the wait for amitriptyline…no pajama style pants allowed…you miserable rotten gullible dumb politico brainwashed shits

i was unaware the private hospital staff belong to the same union as the public hospital ones…they have the same weak minds & are subject to the same union brainwashing indoctrination sessions…they would have the same dirt file info on me as public hospitals do & as their minds are weak they would believe it…it didn’t occur to me

Epworth would have their own versions of sweet Susan…the fed would very much like to takeover private hospitals…they already run private hospitals via the weak minds




i was not expecting the best of days…but not the worst of days either…i stood up expecting a pleasant leak….i had blood in my urine…looked like a lotta blood to me…i slumped back in my w/c pretty sure i was a gonner …my exhaustive self DX confirmed i was in fact a gonner …i called an ambulance which took me to Austin…this was during the RESPECT MY WORK Anf power campaign…part of the campaign involved the nurses being sour & sullen as a way of demonstrating their downtrodden under paid position (the campaign was very successful) i was put in a cubicle , they closed the curtain …every 15 mins or so they would pass heavily engaged in a giggle session…i called out for a blanket…they were not pleased to have their giggle session interrupted…if looks could kill…i was told (later ) the curtain should have left open until i had seen a doc , around 8am the doc came, he had wet hair which means he had been asleep upstairs & had a shower before work…the docs & nurses have a deal , the doc is not disturbed & can sleep …how the docs repay the nurses for the favor i don’t know…the doc sent me to REPAT hospital…a few weeks later i went to repat…the repat doc was a world weary type with a couldn’t care less attitude…he told me they would put a camera down my penis to look for cancer in my bladder…the blood would have drained from my face @ the thought…he could have said they use lidocaine anesthetizing gel & there is little pain , but he could not be bothered , he then stood up in the time honored non verbal indication of… it’s time to… BUGGER OFF

i went to the booking window…2 nice girls @ the window having observed my deathly pallor had a good idea what i was going to book for…they had seen the 1000 yard stare before…one told me her father had at one & it’s not bad…she explained about the anesthetizing gel…they both tried their best to make me feel better about the cysto…i was a hard sell…the idea of having something slid down my dick did not appeal

the majority of repat staff are lazy couldn’t care less HACKS…they refer to the large waiting room as the CATTLEYARD…this is how they think of people….their sense of entitlement & ownership is breathtaking…they are very comfortable in THEIR place…one idiot that works there had his open plan office & counter decorated with streamers & balloons in Collingwood colours… as i said they are very comfortable in THEIR place



the day arrived to go to REPAT …not a day i was looking forward to…on the way to the Tobruk surgery center an old man using a walking frame was arriving…he was by himself & very unsteady on his frame…i tried to help but i could not get close enough to him because of my wheelchair…there were plenty of staff around that could have helped…THEY DID NOT…he was invisible to them…i thought WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THESE ?...i was on the next table @ the check in area & overheard his DOB…he was 94 years old…the same age my father would have been if still alive , i spoke to him @ length in the waiting room…he had been a fighter pilot during WW2 mainly over NewGuinea / Bougainville / Solomon’s ect…my father had fought in the jungle @ places he had flown over…he said the boys in the jungle had it much tougher than he did , i knew what my dad had to do …he could accurately name where he had flown…his mind was sharp but his body was failing…he needed to go to the toilet , the toilet doorway is very narrow , i told the staff , they were unconcerned saying there is a disabled toilet in the ward & he would be in the ward soon …the time span of SOON can have a different meaning to different people…i told him what they said…it seemed he knew of the time span of soon & it’s different interpretations , he discarded the frame & was able make it thru the doorway , hanging on to the pipes heading towards the urinal…we spoke for some time after…SOON is an elastic term…i never asked his name…dumb of me

63…the time came to go to the ward , the nurse showed me the way… after getting changed the nurse told me i would be seen in 2 or 3 hours , i asked why so long ? it’s only a 5 min procedure , she didn’t know…i went to main counter & asked why so long ? …i told her my sister had driven me there & would have to leave to pick up her grandchild from cheche…she rolled & narrowed her eye’s , she didn’t speak , got up & walked down the corridor…i asked other staff her name…i was told SS…after some time a large man came up behind me yelling something completely unintelligible…i turned around with my palms facing upward , signifying i don’t understand…it was a large loudmouth pig…the staff (open plan office) stood up to watch the festivities…he yelled again…he was yelling DO YOU WANT TO HAVE IT OR NOT for a third time …i told him i do but nothing to do with you …i asked his name , he stalked off to write it down…he was dressed in theatre garb…he returned & thrust a paper @ me , it said PM urology nurse…i didn’t see him again…i don’t think staff are supposed to yell @ patients even @ REPAT…why did SS go such a long way to get her big pig ?…she must have known what the big pig would be likely to do…maybe SS liked having her big pig around

64…i didn’t go back to the ward after the loudmouth pigs meltdown …watching the other patients sit in their little cubicles like a pathetic bunch of caged chooks annoyed me…there was a 25 yrs old female having a cysto as well…a gaggle of old bags fussed around her…the old bags made sure her curtain was closed so none of us horny potential rapists would see her or her boudoir…didn’t these silly old bags know why we were there ?…she could have crab walked naked across the room creating very little interest … she had a bed , woolly dressing gown , pillows which the old tarts made sure were well fluffed… the men had a chair (no bed) , flimsy cotton gown …no pillows… fluffed or unfluffed …she was first in & only spent 1 hr in that lousy stinking place…the pilot should have been first…this was his reward for putting his life on the line during WW2…these ‘PEOPLE’ put near him last…he should have been first…no consideration or respect was shown to him…no solicitous attention was to shown to him by the bags…he was nothing

still sitting in the hallway the admitting nurse came over & said sorry about the this… that’s the way it is here…after some time a horse nurse came over…after some experience i had coined the word horse nurse (a horse nurse is usually on the larger side & always aggressive) the horse nurse said is there a problem here ?…i said she came over to me & is free to leave @ anytime…the horse nurse left…i did speak loudly during this time…mainly things that were critical of SS… loud enough that she could here me

65…MY 1st (cherished) CODE GREY

the speakers blared CODE GREY , CODE GREY…TOBUK SURGURY CENTER…this meant nothing to me…i learned later a code grey is a security code meaning a patient has bec unruly & requires hospital services union members to attend…IMO the attendance of the HSU turds is deliberate intimidation , because the loudmouth pig had yelled @ me…this code grey was an attempt to cover the backside of said pig & in some way make the yelling look to be my fault & justified , the hallway filled up 30 or so people i now know to be HSU…i still didn’t figure out that i was the target of what was happening (i’m a bit slow on the uptake)…i thought what’s going on here ?…it was only after some HSU made comments to me i knew i was IT…some of the HSU members were not the best looking wizened faces i ever saw…the HSU people get a break from work…what a lark , they don’t do anything , their attendance seems mainly to be an intimidation tactic…some union spook would have thought up this code grey intimidation thing all by himself , your a cleaver little cock sucker…aren’t you ?… this is a typical union deal…they love to be in full control & dominate situations…the HSU members that confronted me were very brave…heroic in fact…to confront a person using a wheelchair wearing a flimsy gown , no socks or even underpants was incredibly courageous (there were only 30 or so of em)…they tried to hide their fear under their false bravado facial smirks (i was aware of their terror)…some may say my wheelchair emboldened them but how could they have known if i had a flick knife hidden up my bum or not ?…they should have been given the day off to recover from this dangerous ordeal…it was a tad galling to be confronted by the members of a corrupt union…remember the HSU union boss that used the HSU union credit card to pay for prostitutes…he was also an MP , Gillard needed his vote so he was able to slime away & these HSU arseholes paid for his hooka’s

66…i ran (well wheeled) the gantlet of the HSU…they followed…i headed towards the small waiting room (arseholes verboten ) & told my sister of the time problem & code grey…@ this time 2 security guards arrived…my sister is also a nurse…a row broke out between security & my sister…i went back to the corridor…the fighter pilot was gone…after some time the security guards joined me…they had much better people skills than SS or the loudmouth pig…the uro came…a fast talking American …he wanted to push the w/c…i wont let anyone push my chair…he said it’s a rule when a code grey has been called…sounded like b/s to me , however as he was the person to slide a camera down my dick i didn’t want to get offside with him…i acquiesced to the w/c ride…the cysto was no problem , fascinating to see the inside of my bladder on the screen…no cancer

67…i left as fast as my wheels would carry me…i had forgotten my smokes , i returned…the pilot was there , he looked very tired , nearly 4 hrs for a man of his age was far too much…the Repat motherfuckers wouldn’t care…there was no gaggle of old bags fussing around him , he was slumped in a chair…he did not look good , i could see no signs of life…i watched him for some time , finally i saw his chest move…he had more character in the dirt under his fingernails than the majority of Repat motherfuckers

68…i had applied for my REPAT hospital file…it had 3 redacted pages…i took a case to VCAT for the lifting of the redaction …REPAT were very serious in opposing the order being lifted , REPAT sent a gaggle of staff & lawyers to VCAT…@ one stage sen member Procter ordered a conference for both sides in their own groups…as i was on my lonesome (no lawyer) sen member Procter spoke to me @ this time…he told me (exact words)…i can’t lift the order , the redaction is dynamite…he ordered a mediation conference between myself & Austin…i went to the mediation conference @ Austin…you know , lawyers taking notes & all that…i had come to know one of the patient relations staff well…the redacted pages were slipped to me…all 3 pages , it was an email written by SS tipping a big bucket of crap on me & my original complaint…the SS email was low gutter tripe…only a low gutter tripe type of person could write that kind of diarrhea


i had made a complaint to what Austin calls their patient experience dept…i spoke to the dept head…she told me anything i told her would be treated in strict confidence & that no Repat staff would be told of the contents of the complaint…i sent an email detailing the complaint , mainly about the yelling pig , the fighter pilot & the fake code grey being called…i was told by someone a copy of my email was sent to SS…knowing the contents of my complaint would have allowed SS to more easily deflect my allegations & make counter allegations of her own , it allowed SS to parry my complaint knowing the details of said complaint in advance & helped her write her lousy stinking lying email

70…@ this time another complaints office person took over dealing with me (the original one was retiring which was good as the retiring one was a liar) having the lying email written by SS , i had it copied 1000 times & distributed it @ Repat…when Repat security caught up with me i was advised in a threatening tone not to come back & escorted off the property…the security guys mobile rang constantly with SS wanting to know every min or so i if had been ejected yet…even the sec guys laughed @ her paranoid antics

the security guys threatened to call the police & have me charged with trespass as i kept coming back…i told them that’s a splendid idea…after all , i am a recidivist…i do deserve to be incarcerated…someone decided to keep it quiet…keep it on the down low… just between us…move along…move along …nothing to see here… move along …i became quite adept @ avoiding security after a few visits… i learned where the cracks were…it was a highlight of my distribution day to unexpectantly come across SS & watch her run away in panic…she scuttled away perhaps seeking her loudmouth pig for comfort ?

the redacted pages mainly consisted my original complaint that was changed to make me appear less than sane & an email sent by SS to the patient experience office explaining that my complaint was not warranted & listing many allegations regarding my behavior …the redacted pages & my answers are listed below

the distribution of the redacted email would have resulted in more entries being added to my burgeoning dirt file…my temerity has caused me to loose a bit of bark @ the hands of the FED…i would not have done anything different…the brainwashed clique have NO courage…they blindly follow orders…crawling servile brainwashed politicos

71…i mentioned closing of the cubical curtain @ Austin … i was told the curtain should be only be closed after a doc has been seen…remember i was a clean skin then…i was not on any danger alert dirt file list @ the time…the PEP told me she would conduct a refresher course with the nurses to ensure the curtain would not be closed again…i told her i hope the nurses can keep a straight face as we both know they don’t have to listen to you…they have the numbers & the power , they are a big part of the STATE (via large ALP internal votes) the ANMF & a few large unions are the STATE ALP & the STATE ALP IS THEM…the ANMF are very aware of their power…the PEP & i exchanged many emails…i was interested to know if the pilot was ok…after a cysto you have to urinate before you leave …this is to show there has been no puncture of the urethra or bladder…the last i saw of the pilot he was slumped in a chair…my concern was if he went to the toilet he may have fallen…the floor was lino over concrete (mighty hard)…i remember i asked if he left head & hip intact…there could be no answer under privacy rules…i tried to find out about him… but i didn’t even know his name



On 11/10/2011… I attended Austin repat as an outpatient to have a cystoscopy

The cysto was not a problem…I made a complaint about the way i was dealt with at repat with the manager of Austin’s patient relations office …i was told any complaint i made would be strictly confidential, however i’m told my emailed complaint was forwarded to repat & would seem dear old sympathetic R told me a few pork pies.

I made a freedom of info request for my austin file… 3 pages were withheld (redacted) by austin under exemption 301a. With the assistance of disability justice advocates i took austn/repat to a VCAT hearing for a release order… sen member Proctor ordered a compulsory mediation conference, an Austin staff member slipped me the 3 redacted pages to me at the mediation…WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF AUSTIN… 2 of the pages are written by R…They misrepresent my complaint totally, making me appear less than sane

The 3rd page is an email from the tc unit manager at repat sent to L R
It is full of lies, extraordinary claims and allegations

My mistake was believing the patient rep office would investigate my complaint in a fair and impartial manner, i found any patient rep office exists to protect the interests of the hospital only, not that the patient, i was conned into thinking the pro had a genuine interest in making sure others are not dealt with in the way i was…the SS email is below

Sent:-monday, 12 december 2011 16:51
To: R L
Subject: ,re: mr j stevens tsc experience

Hi Lyn,

Apologies for the late send of this email.1 had the opportunity today to speak to a few key staff members that were present during the code grey involving mr james stevens while he was a tc patient awaiting a flexible cystoscopy.

  • To this patient, we are aware that flexis can have a wait of about 2 hours or less from admitting time to being discharged. The procedure itself can take less than 5 minutes. We are in the process of streamlining the experience for flex patients aiming to above all else reduce the wait time so these patients can basically “walk in, have the procedure and walk out”.
  • The email written by mr stevens is highly emotive and more detailed on his view and opinion rather than the facts.

The original complaint email i sent to R is the one that the tc unit manager comments refer to… It was detailed & completely factual to the nth degree…@ the beginning of her email SS says the cysto could be done on a walk in walk out basis…no waiting…how many years has it been for the wait time?…MAKING YOURSELF A JOB…WERE YOU ?

  • Collectively here is what the tsc staff are saying

SS was the major cause of the problem, i went to her counter to ask why i was required to be there so early …she refused to speak to me, rolled & narrowed her eyes, turned her back & walked away down the corridor…i did raise my voice & called after her have you gone deaf ….now she wants to pretend she was not involved & its what the staff are saying ….she is not the kind of person that should be in any position of authority anywhere, let alone a hospital

Office staff provided me with her name & title…i had no conversation with any medical staff after SS walked away

  • patient was told on admission he was last on the list and would need to walt an hour before his procedure

I was told 2 hours or it might be longer. this was after l arrived… i was there over 3 hours for a 5 minuet procedure

  • complained that he was asked to come in too early and had to make special arrangements to get here at designated time.

As i use a wheelchair travel is difficult for me, i told the admin about this, i did have to make special arrangements to get there at the required time, my sister drove me …. was told by jan (the admin)the time of arrival could be no later than 1.15 pm. …the impression was this time was crucial …my sister is also a nurse & left work early to fit this time


I had done my google research & knew the procedure was of very short duration…i told the admin of my travel problem in several phone calls, but no alternative was offered, to complicate matters my sister had to pick up her grandchild from creche…a person would not have expected a 5 minute procedure would require hours of delay waiting

  • cystoscopy nurse spoke to him about having the procedure done – patient wanted no involvement of cysto nurse (cystoscopy nurse may have exacerbated the situation by being hostile back to the patient)

A man approached ( from behind me) from the direction SS had gone…when i turned around i saw he was dressed in operating theatre garb…he was aggravated, … he YELLED do you want to have it or not’ ?….his words & accent were unintelligible …he kept yelling …do you want to have it or not… all the (open plan) office staff went quiet listening… i assumed he meant the cysto…he repeated…’do you want it or not ?…i was stunned …. i blurted out …i do want it but nothing to do with you. the thought of this aggravated loud big pig assisting in any way to introduce a cystoscope down my urethra was best avoided to my mind…I asked for his name…he stalked off & returned with the name P Mc urology nurse written down, he thrust it @ me in silence…this was the full extent of the conversation between us…he left…i did not see him again…i was not hostile to him in any way …Did the w/c make you feel you had the right to yell @ me in the way you did ?… Or do you speak to everyone that way McG ?…Do you think the way you loudly tried to humiliate me will look good on you your linkedin page…was SS pleased with you ?

  • num spoke to patient about waiting time and need for procedure trying to diffuse the situation. Patient displeased at being spoken to by these two staff members.

  • (No person spoke/YELLED to me except McG)

  • patient came into hallway to talk to nurse who admitted him. She apologised for the wait and he complained about the public healthcare service… patient imitated nurse’s accent & made racial slurs to her

i was told by LR my complaint would be strictly confidential…that was a lie…not only was i given the redacted email (by 1 of your own staff ) that VCAT could not release but i have been told many things you would not want me to know…not everyone that works @ that stinking place that is the REPATRIATION HOSPITAL agrees with your lies & how you treat people…in the intelligence community people that talk are known as a TURD IN THE PUNCHBOWL…you have many turds in your punchbowl (don’t drink the punch)…as my complaint had been given to SS she knew the pressure points & where to attack…i had made mention of the admitting nurse in my complaint as i had the 2 booking office girls as nice & good people…the admitting nurse was Filipina…to make the assertion i made racial slurs to her is low gutter tripe character assassination crap few people would be capable of…SS is twisted…what she is shows on her face…i hope the 3 nice ppl didn’t stay @ REPAT long & risk catching the REPAT disease

i sat in the hallway after Mcg’s the outburst…. Repat is a soul less psychologically debilitating places…it’s a personality free zone…the only personalities that are permitted there are ideologically approved ones such as nasty bitches (that’s you SS) & loudmouth pigs…all the men sitting in their cubicles like a bunch of pathetic caged chooks, waiting waiting…. sitting there in silly little flimsy gowns…earlier an approx 25 yo female had a cysto, she was treated very well by a gaggle of nurses….would you like a pillow dear ?…have you been to the toilet dear ? Ect…she had been issued a proper woolen gown to wear…she had a bed…the men had a chair ….she was finished & out by 1.40 pm …. No such solicitous attention was shown towards the men…the admitting nurse came over & said sorry about this…she is a nice person …unlike that craggy faced bitch SS

A 94 yo ex ww2 pilot (vet gold card holder) was there, he is the age my father would have been…i talked with him earlier, he fought in the pacific war as my father had, he was mentally sharp & knew the places my fathers battalion had fought …he was using a walking frame (very unsteady) & had come to repat by himself…he was 2nd last on the list…he was still there when i left…slumped in a chair looking very tired.….there was no gaggle fussing around him … This must be his reward for putting his life on the line during ww2…he should have been first…not the 25 yo female… the person that set the list order gave him no consideration nor respect.

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I was in the hallway sitting there thinking I must be in some kind of time warp…maybe Im in a 1950’s east German hospital…i could not figure out why I had been spoken to & treated in the manner that I had been…. what did i do?…i am still very angry about the way i was dealt with and im not going to forget it, i was still sitting in the hallway when the nurse that admitted me walked up, she is a good person., i had made mention of this fact in my original complaint email. she said. ….”sorry about this” I spoke in a louder than my normal voice. not yelling. loud enough for SS to hear me though…i said (in a quieter voice volume McG had used at me).,.. I could write the job advertisement for this supposed manager.….. Wanted one nasty lousy person to be a tsc unit manager: a nasty officious attitude will be considered as an advantage …position would suit a born liar

  • Nurse in charge then came over and told him to keep his voice down. She told the patient he would still have to wait and if he was that unhappy and could not wait then he was free to leave.

Not true…did not happen

  • The patient then shouted in the corridor to all other patients that was being told to go home.

Not true…… Just another lie

  • Nurse in charge told other staff to call code grey

The corridor filled up with 20 or 30 assorted gawkers & smirkers that i now know to be HSU union members…along with a smattering of nasty types, i headed & they followed me, towards the small waiting room figuring the crowd could not fit in there

Peddling my w/c.. Flimsy little hospital gown on, not done up at the back , knobby knees protruding, bare feet, i didn’t even have underpants on…. Yeah…i must have looked real dangerous……it seemed to me like a slow motion show, i said very little during this gauntlet run…i did say i hope all of you gawkers are treated like this someday

Along the way a number of faces were thrust at me making various comments, these people had not been involved previously but wanted to put their snouts in….just as with SS & McG the wheelchair emboldened them…heroes…. The lot of them

There is no doubt that because i use a w/c was the main reason i was treated like shit at repat…..many very nasty lousy people work there

  • security arrived.

They both had excellent people skills….something rare at repat & austin.

They should give lessons in the art of people skills of to SS McG R et al

The two security people spent most of their time apologizing to my sister for being called out for such a frivolous reason…i went back to the corridor…the gawkers melted away

  • patients sister was in the waiting room the whole time.
  • She came to him and told him he was creating a scene

Of course she was the in the waiting room the *whole* time….where else was she expected to wait?

When she did come into the corridor ( at someone’s behest) she said to Me…….do you know how many admiring people you have around you ? …i said… Yeah i know… They’re all having a good time

  • patient had to cystoscopy done. Nil issues. Was dic afterwards?
  • Next-day contacted urology liaison nurse as unhappy about diagnosis. Demanded re-scope: has called urologist several times about this procedure and the need to have it repeated

This is a bizarre allegation…..i did ring the clinical nurse (i don’t think anyone could call the uro direct…even if they wanted to….this is strong evidence that SS is a liar ) a few days later, i requested if she could ask the uro dr g j to phone me to clear up something i did not understand properly…he did phone & was able to clarify….he said he will have to slow down to Australian speed as im not the first person to misunderstand his rapid fire American speech & accent …i was relived no bladder cancer was found…i knew that on the day…the confusion concerned the words ureter, ureter scope & urethra in relation to a mid pole kidney cyst detected earlier via ct scan not via cysto …that’s it…Haven’t you tried to make me look bad enough already ?…Yet you still felt the need to add this weird & bizarre claim of my demanding a re scope…you must be feeling vulnerable to resort to such obvious overkill…why would i want to go back to Repat ?…i could’ve gone to BHH or STV…although… i must admit…you did throw in my first (cherished) code grey for free

  • If there are any further issues i can give you a few names of the staff members involved on this day. Please feel free to contact me at any time on

Kind Regards,

My file has the notation….dangerous behavioral patient….it is an anonymous entry…. & also has a separate info medix entry which states….dangerous behavioral patient to others… Active…entered by a person going by the user name wilsk on the info medix system… SS says she can provide the names of key staff members…the situation was caused by her & her loudmouth pig… not anyone else

Not all the people at repat are like the poison email writer
The ct person was kind, had a personality & genuine care in her work
2 admin young ladies were very nice to me at the urology review ‘cattle yard’
The admitting nurse is a good person

Other clerical staff in a different dept went out of their way to help me …it seems to be the case when a person goes to some hospitals (ignorant shitheads) treat them badly… they cease to be a person, they become a patient & only a patient…devoid of the right to be treated in a decent human manner…. Some staff forget they are dealing with a human being & treat the person in an authoritarian impersonal way ….if SS had spoken to me in a normal way , if P McG had spoken to me quietly, what happened would have been avoided & there would be no need for the tc unit manager to makeup her stinking lies …i guarantee neither SS nor the PIG will ever forget me

Why was the tc unit managers email so virulent?…..has she a reputation of treating people badly ?……does McG have a similar reputation ? , i cannot understand why she so savagely attacked in her email….surely this can’t merely be a backside covering exercise…can it ?

Did something happen to the fighter pilot ?…are you trying to cover it up ?

Im sure many staff would not agree with the treatment meted out to me at repat

This letter recounts the exact truth of events ……. My # is…. or email 

I am interested to talk with any staff that were there that day or staff from other departments for a generaloverview

You don’t need to give your name

wasn’t i nice back then ?…i didn’t know how many lousy brainwashed people work in virtually all hospitals …many have told me what are a hard nosed political animal YOU ARE Fitzgerald…even a quick glance @ the ANMF UNION website confirms the ANMF are all about politics & very little else…politics is all you really care about

REPAT added the notation…DANGEROUS BEHAVIOURAL PATIENT & DANGEROUS BEVAVIOURAL PATIENT TO OTHERS… ACTIVE…on the info medix system , entered by a person using the name WILSK…this was the start of my dirt file… perhaps i didn’t realize how FIERCE & DANGEROUS i looked , wheelchair , no sox , nobble knees , flimsy gown , no underpants…i said the HSU UNION members that confronted me should be given the day off to recover from their ordeal…one day … pigs arse , a week would more like it

oh omnipresent & perfect file…we prostrate & supplicate ourselves before you in complete faith that you will protect us from this malevolent danger dirt file apparition…we pray in sure & certain faith that you will answer the prayers of the stupid

the distribution of the redacted email would have resulted in more entries added to my burgeoning dirt file…my temerity has caused me to loose a bit of bark @ the hands of the FED union’s klan…BHH was bad…how the fuck was i supposed to know Freemasons ward of the damned was in my future ?…i wouldn’t have done anything different anyway…the brainwashed clique have NO courage…they are crawling servile types


last i heard of SS she had become the head of nurse training @ Footscray hospital…she had been outed as the despicable liar she is….her reputation made it best for her to get out of the Repatriation hospital…i suppose it was hoped she could pass on her undoubted email writing ‘skills’ to others , i know she would try very hard to pass on her ‘skill’…but this endeavor would be destined to failure , the SS ‘talent’ for sly lies is a born with ‘talent’…it can’t be taught…your either born with it or you aint…SS IS A BORN LIAR


my review appointment had been cancelled 3 times , citing spurious reasons…the review was to tell me where they though the blood had come from as no cancer had been found , the PEP intervened & i finally had an appointment…i was not waiting with baited breath for their thoughts as i had researched & knew the blood had come from a burst cyst with blood supply as detailed in the Bosniac scale…i had other things on my mind that day , the blood not being one of them…my father had thrown his medals away because the black market had sold his reserved & allocated bricks…he said CIVI St looked after those on the home front for money…for what he & many others had done this was the thanks they got… the federal govt replaced the medals for me with a sensitivity than surprised…i had them mounted …i had just picked them up so they were with me @ Austin hospital waiting room…THE CATTLEYARD , one of my daughters was getting married the next day…the medals were part of her wedding gift…she was an officer in the military & marched in the ANZAC day parade…she could wear my fathers & mothers medals in the parade , my mind was elsewhere , i spent a long time looking @ the medals knowing what they meant…i was called to room whatever , the quack said you are discharged…i asked where he thought the blood had come from , he said YOU ARE DISCHARGED…as i could hear the voice of the American uro & as i was not seeing the yank i knew the fix was in…the hack quack would tell me nothing…the PEP was sacked , fired , don’t come Monday…you get the idea…the spooks decided it was her who gave me the redacted email…she had to be crucified as a warning to others


if you want a job @ REPAT your resume is all important…there are certain traits ( KPI’s if you will ) that REPAT finds irresistible…if you can state you are a couldn’t give a fuck lazy HACK QUACK…this will go a long way towards serious consideration of your CV…if you hit all benchmarks…namely a lazy , couldn’t give a fuck , hack , turd , quack with a left wing bent & an us against them mentality…they will say ,when can you start ?


the SS allegations are puerile obvious lies , i would assume even the REPAT quacks have at least a scintilla of intelligence & know this , YOU ARE DISCHARGED told me all i need to know about the HACKS…they don’t care what is true regarding the boofhead pig yelling @ me…the redaction lies…THE US AGAINST THEM MENTALITY IS SUPREME …most hospitals have the us against them…REPAT is the world leader , the REPAT QUACKS should never forget they are HACK QUACKS & will always be HACK QUACKS




the w/c tipped over – i‘ll blame the w/c- i tried to save myself by grabbing the fence rail but my weight pulled my arm out of it’s socket , couldn’t lift myself up to get back in the w/c with one arm , i put a small amount of weight on the bad arm , strange feeling as the bone relocated back into it’s socket but the ligaments were torn , i still couldn’t put any weight on it…called the ambulance , 2 of em turned up , i knew one guy , i asked where his work partner was…a good looking female , another one said , you know him ? , the guy answered YEAH I KNOW HIM in a derogative tone…perhaps his former work partner had complained of something inappropriate & she had been moved…it was his tone & intonation that gave the impression whatever he thought he knew about me

wasn’t good…my initial impression was that he was sensitive to any mention of his ex partner , did you put the hard word on her ? did they split you ?…when we got to BHH a short chubby male nurse & the ambulance guys gathered around a computer screen reading something & making animated comments that i couldn’t hear…chubby was always going to get me a Panadol , i reminded him many times but the Panadol never happened…chubby swung into action when he knew the doc was on the way…he wanted to have me to change into a gown to make it look like he had been doing his job…(a well paid job btw) …i had tested the arm…it was good enough , the doc was concerned i was leaving & asked why…i told him he should read my dirt file…the doc seemed to think dirt files are nine tenths b/s

there is no other word that is anywhere near accurate in describing the (admittedly rare) male bitch…i’m afraid chubby is a BITCH…chubby has the native cunning they all seem to have…just in case there was any blowback from his ‘screen entertaining’ of the ambulance guys & his virtual ignoring of me (till the doc came) this CHUBBY LITTLE BITCH would have covered his arse by making a dirt file entry or allegation…if he had got out of the wrong side of bed the entry wouldn’t be too bad but if he had severe PMT his dirt file entry would real bad…i got out of there as fast as i could


i went there for rehab on my arm…STG are part of the EASTERN HOSPITAL GROUP (BHH) meaning they would have the same dirt file info on me…there was a person i came to know fairly well…i even gave them a copy of the Austin papers…i asked the person if they would look up my dirt file for me…they came back looking like i must have looked @ the REPAT booking window ( a sort of a sickly pale colour…he didn’t look well ) , i offered financial inducement , no good …he said it’s worth more than his job to talki knew someone else there well (i asked the same )…NO GO… she told me they have to do & say what their bosses upstairs tell them to do…i understood by the way it was said it was a warning…she told me that it was probable the bosses upstairs would add more dirt file entries( i even gave her a copy of the redacted liar email that i had distributed @ repat…full disclosure…no secrets ) i was mainly there to snoop anyway…the arm was my cover…i skedaddled , i didn’t know of the KLAN back then , no wonder the guy i asked for a copy of my dirt file face turned the sickly pale colour…staff & myself were going to a hospital that had an indoor pool for muscle exercise that required 4 staff to attend , they were short 1 staff because of illness (they said) so they used an admin person…one look & i knew what he was , he was an upstairs spook (boss) , the SPOOK wanted to have a close up look @ me…i was also doing a close up on him …he looked like a greens politician complete with the square framed eye glasses , he definitely looked like the colourless stayed sour type that would be right @ home in a minor admin role in some Stalinist regime… the hospital system is stuffed with ‘upstairs’ SPOOKS (bosses) like him which is why the system always needs or wants more money & they get it (political influence)…the system is a politicized & a rest home for apparatchiks… if they can’t find a comfortable hide e hole with some super fund or be on some public service garden leave scheme then the local council provides another option

i thought i had left STG pretty much unscathed but i found a page of my old MELB file hidden under a physio note that was stuffed full of STG stories…no wonder i hadn’t read it…my ‘friend’ that had warned me of upstairs bosses (spooks) sure did do what the upstairs bosses told her to do , i got more than 1 bucket of shit tipped over me…& to think i even deigned to be born @ STG…the physio note also cautioned against giving their personal emails to me , i looked up some old emails…generic stuff , the main email concerned a STG staff members (my ‘friends’)skin condition…they also had my email …the best charge (by far) concerned having a male staff member near…i suppose i should declare my sexual interests…im not now nor have ever been attracted to fat or bony (that’s you D) old bags…i do remember signing something regarding privacy rules …this (i was told) allowed different hospitals to exchange info on me , they didn’t tell me this info would include their fanciful lies about me…STG sent their lies to MELB & other places (no doubt)…there are hundreds & hundreds of SPOOKS , KLAN , ALPHABITCHES , CLIQUERS , TAKE CHAGE TYPES & THEIR CONGREGATIONS , not to forget THE TRUE BELIEVERS ET AL…all i can do is tell my story…but on the number’s they got me beat…the best thing to be done is that all those aforementioned people

(works for male & female)…IS TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES WITH THE ROUGH END OF A PINEAPPLE…for all your lies you can’t change the fact your senior staff handed over the 4 redacted pages…can ya !


i had some kind of infection on my hand which kept creeping up the external vein tracks of my arm coloured red , i knew enough to avoid Box hill hospital so i came to St Vincent’s hospital , they are also a member of the Eastern hospital group…meaning they have the same dirt file info on me as the rest do , i waited hours…i enquired on several occasions how long it would be…the triage nurse…male/bald seemed to have lost control of the waiting room , one time i was in the que to ask how much longer it would be & the girl in front of me said her friend is now vomiting blood (exaggeration perhaps , but it should have been investigated) the male nurse told her she can leave …she replied this wont be forgotten , i said why does she have to leave ? she didn’t swear @ you or threaten you…he said why are you getting involved James ?…he opened my file on the screen & would have read it more deeply…reading my dirt file no doubt he would have pressed the panic button under the desk to summon security…a red beard red haired security guy nonchalantly sauntered in behind him & proceeded to read the computer screen…this is not good i thought , he’s reading the ( sacrosanct ) dirt filethe infection kept creeping…finally my turn to go in came ,i was told it would be a few more hours till i was seen…in truth i was going to a smaller waiting room , i’m typecast by the file as a trouble make , the best way to get rid of a trouble maker is to put you in a cubicle

the nurse said lets get you into a gown , i told her it’s my arm only , they had many people waiting so they do like to get you into a bum hanging out gown , this tends to make most people stay in their cubicle , i had waited so long i had missed 2 meals so left my cubicle to go to the sandwich fridge…a horse nurse said ( in the std aggressive tone) what are you doing out of your cubicle.?..i told her…a quack standing next to her heard my slur , he told the horse nurse…he can go…bugger !! chalk up another code grey for the good guys (me) CODE GREY CODE GREY EMERGENCY…i had seen red strong arm an old man out of stv earlier , red likes his job…i made it out the auto sliding door , & who was it ?..murphy’s law , it was red , we passed , he didn’t know i was IT , i clapped on the pace , thu the waiting room…out the first door…i’m gunna make it , close but no cigar , red had hold of the handles of my wheelchair , he wanted to shove me out the last door (red had read my dirt file ) , i had an extreme change of heart ,i didn’t want to leave under red’s shoving…red & i engaged in a desperate struggle , red trying to shove me out the door & me with my feet planted on the floor & firmly gripping the push rails resisting as best i could , red (the lummox) was winning , my fingers were getting caught in the spokes , i dived out of the chair , i was between the inner & outer doors of the emergency entrance , red took the w/c about 5 meters outside , i said bring it back cunt , he said you didn’t say the magic word , you have to say please , i started to crawl after my w/c saying many words…none of which were please… RED was having a good time , so much so that he forgot all about the CTTV…it dawned on him that his activities wouldn’t be a good look…he returned the chair , i left SANS shoving , 4 am no trams…i trundled down Vic pde to MacDonald’s…tried to fit the w/c in a few cabs , no good…no maxi cabs on the road @ that time , why would there be ? any self respecting cripple would be home in bed @ this time , i hung around till i got a maxi taxi & went to Epworth Richmond…my first visit to Epworth…the doc or whatever he was not welcoming…inscrutable tho you may be , you were still readable…public & private hospitals tell each other(staff are all members of the FED ) info…i had said to red i’m going Epworth…not a shit hole like this…no doubt red rang them & said i was drunk…i went home…the infection subsided in a few days…maybe there is some way i lost the shoving match…after all i was out in the cold @ 4am

i talked to GC the head of STV security , he told me the video would be burned on to a USB stick & would be available anytime i needed it , he forgot to tell me there is a 30 day time limit ( way to tricky for me) helpful bugger , told me to report the matter to Fitzroy police , i did…they said unless i had visible injuries they would not take action , the cops & STV security would be on a first name basis…that’s why GC sent me there , the cops would tell him i was pursuing the matter … he would then get rid of the tape , i talked to many state govt entities , they don’t like to investigate other state govt entities…i was swatting away PAPER TIGERS like there was no tomorrow…the best PAPER TIGER i tried was OVIC…they were far & away the best , they are the office dealing with FOI…they were most relieved to advise me i was over the 30 day time limit…i will never forget their last words to me… SO WE ARE OUT OF IT NOW... the way it works is this…throw in a few million…name it a name that sounds good…how about the’integrated disabled legal justice assistance FOI help bureau ‘ ?…im a quality bullshit name inventor…TAKE ON A STAR CASE ONCE A YEAR…GET SOME GOOD PRESS… THEN GO BACK T0 SLEEP…the thought that there is any help for a person like me is laughable…just a bit of political crap…we’re looking after the disabled (sure we are)…the political bullshit IS EFFECTIVE



after the STV red beard wrestle my GP suggested i carry his laminated card explaining my slurred voice is caused by a neuro problem & not due to alcohol use…it did sound like a good idea…i took the card & showed red beard of STV…he said i’m not interested in reading anything you’ve got pal…you were harassing staff , now fuck off…this means the harassing staff thing is on my dirt file…i knew it was as sweet Susan of BHH used the term harassing staff…she read it on my dirt file…that’s red’s file entry…he owns it…sweet Susan is guilty of rampant plagiarism…it’s a repeated entry…to repeat a file entry verbatim is discouraged…a dirt file allegation should never be repeated…but many do…if the dirt file is in any way to be believable you can’t just repeat entries willy nilly…this reeks of a lazy approach…i’m disappointed…i thought you guys were better than that

it had not been a good week…@ near the same time as my wrestling match with red beard of STV i had been to the eye & ear hospital a week or 2 earlier with a ear full wax…when @ the window the woman asked if i was there alone…i said yes…she asked me what’s in the suitcase (on wheels for dragging along) i told her it’s empty…she asked again if i was there alone…i told her again yes…she said what’s in the suitcase…i again told her it’s empty as i told you…i opened the suitcase to show it was empty…i treated my suitcase too roughly which upset her delicate sensibilities & i was told i could not be seen…i figured they thought i was drunk or they objected to a halfwit being out alone…maybe i was on the E+E BLACKLIST @ the time ?…it seems the E & E follow the BHH clique dirt file…they listen to their master’s voice only…it was a set up…i’m a tad prickly if i think someone is treating me differently because of my w/c…i didn’t know it was a deliberate effort to try & provoke me…i didn’t know of the blacklist


i took my GP’s card over the road to the EE thinking 1 out of 2 wouldn’t be too bad…the girl @ the window didn’t seem to grasp the simple concept of adding a note on my file concerning my slur…she kept copying the card…she gave an award winning performance of being a badly effected simpleton…her simpleton interpretation was first class…we went around & around in circles for an inordinate amount of time… i finally got her to understand a note needed to be added to my file about my slur…i didn’t see what she wrote…i doubt she wrote anything accurate in describing the reason for the slur

i stopped @ the water dispenser on the way out but there were no cups…i think i was dehydrated after dealing with Einstein…i went back to the check in windows…the window i was @ previously was occupied (mercifully)…i don’t think i could’ve gone another round dealing with Einstein…i spoke to the next window telling them they were out of cups…@ this time Einstein leaned around & said WHAT DO YOU WANT NEOW ! in an annoyed & aggravated voice…when her addled brain figured out what i wanted NEOW she pulled her head in… literally…having made a fool of herself…her nasty attitude told me whatever she wrote on my file would have been negative & of no help to me…the pronunciation of the word NOW as NEOW betrayed her as common…she reverted to her real way of speaking in her nasty moment … it revealed her



i went to EE not long ago…i had an appointment with cardiologist @ noon…i spoke to the E+E social worker about being able to be seen early…there was something wrong…the social worker was non committal …she wanted to help but it seemed something was stopping her…she said …just go there…i asked if i should use her name…she said you don’t need to use my name…just go there...she sounded under stress…there was something in her voice… some pressure… i went there @ 8am…there were only 4 people waiting & plenty of staff…over staffed is the correct term…everyone that came in after me was seen…i rang the cardiologist & made a new date/ time as it became obvious i would not be seen @ E+E within the time frame requiredas i had already cancelled my appt & had nothing better to do i decided to see how far she would take this…i also wanted to study a clique member up close

i enquired @ the counter several times about the delay…an Asian girl with glasses claiming to be the manager said i would be seen soon but every time a person came in after me they were called in… i watched the ‘manager’ closely…she was speaking (out of the side of her mouth) to a male sitting next to her but looking @ me…a dead giveaway

when she was sure i could not make my appt i was called in…about 8 people were in the room…i said congratulations you fucked me up good & left…i spoilt their enjoyment by leaving… i came back a few weeks later to ask the managers name to include it in whatever this is …i was told DD…B/S most likely…i got the wide eyed confused hate look…you ‘people’ are bent…when @ the entrance a lay about that masquerades as security recognized me (i am memorable) & said i had sworn @ people…then hastily added i had sworn @ nurses…the hero’s of the front line…bite my tongue…couldn’t be…i swore but not @ anyone …molehills & mountains…he was trying to make me look as bad as he could… he then disappeared…probably to call out the troops…how boring must the average day be for him ?…he would hanker for a bit of excitement …the hardest thing about his job would be to try & justify it…there would be compensations in being the big strong surveillance guy…the savior & great protector of the staff from violent people …there would be many distractions… your dance card would be WELL filled…if it’s not your doing something powerful awful bad wrong

my first time @ the E+E was some yrs ago…an ear dewaxing thing…i was given the apprentice who gave my ear drums a full on poking…i would jerk my head away real fast…it was mighty painful …i stoically bore the pain…how i didn’t end up with whiplash is a mystery…there were many sorry about that…i must be a bit strange as it was me who felt sorry for her…she was doing her best…she didn’t mean to hurt me…she just didn’t have a steady hand is all…another person took over & i was dewaxed without pain

the other person (supervisor) did not have much personality…a bit dour…i did think it was strange to allow a person without any skill to practice on a patient…i would think practice would be limited to cadavers…looking back it may have been deliberate…nar couldn’t be…paranoia…if it was a setup the apprentice was not in on the gag…i got such a bad read from the supervisor that it had me thinking…probably in the wrong direction

i do thank E+E…they provided proof positive that my thoughts were correct … even i could not believe it was an organized campaign…I DO THANK E+E…i’m in your debt…i owe you…i thought i was a bit paranoid… i now know i’m not…i won’t be anywhere near as easy to provoke as i now KNOW of the game being played …you are dumb buggers

first E+E visit…i should have been given some sort of medal for allowing my eardrums to be seriously & repeatedly poked & bravely not fleeing in a terror struck screaming panic…it can’t be a case of where there’s no sense there’s no feeling coz… i felt it BIG

second visit…this involved repeated questioning by the head inquisitor which did result in my suitcase suffering a serious assault…it looks like the E+E have copied BHH & added my name to their blacklist…i didn’t know this was a provoking exercise…who would have thought the E + E would act on other’s dirt files & have their own false blacklist thing

third E+E visit…i was sure NEOW could not be the simpleton she presented herself to be…she understood what was required but instinctively knew not to place a notation on file concerning my slur…that would be too helpful & go against the FED CLIQUE edict

fourth E+E visit…it’s not new to me…many times people in admin roles et al have given clear indications that there are problems awaiting me…not in so many words…you have to be good @ reading between the lines…this was the case when i spoke to various people prior to going to E+E…i would not want anyone to speak plainly…if they spoke plainly & directly to me & the spooks figured it out they would get the sack…i have had experience of this situation in the past…most people have a variety responsibilities…i would prefer not to have to consider or worry about others…anything i do is on my head…it’s better i’m not constrained in my actions by the thought that i might cause damage to others…it’s better for me to act alone


it was very obvious early on that this was a set up…you might be talented in other areas but intrigue & cunning is not your forte (whatever your name is) you were looking @ me while talking with the person next to you…the dead giveaway body language posture ,

if you’re not the manager you want to be…if you are the manager you want the next rung up & are prepared to use someone like me to provoke situations & stage set ups in order to show your take charge style…unfortunately this usually includes a conniving officious/intriguing/cunning nature...your ruthless manner may take you up the ladder…your a lousy person…your only worry is the KARMA bus… I HAVE SOME WELL MEANING ADVICE FOR YOU…WATCH OUT FOR THAT FUCKING BUS

it must be galling for others that are good @ their job & have a genuine interest in helping people to see others that play the dirty game get promoted…you either play the dirty game or NO PROMOTION

i have never done anything @ E+E to justify the set up you used

1…had my eardrums painfully poked multiple times

2…was provoked with repeated questions by the head inquisitor…resulting in an assault upon an innocent suitcase

3…went 12 ropeadope rounds with EINSTEIN ( neow )

4…then your set up…you don’t even know what happened @ REPAT or BHH….you only believe the file…you can’t think for yourself…you would be right @ home in Pyongyang , your opinion of me is based on untrue clique dirt file lies…you are a typical servile clique freak/spook…it would be easy to do a psychological profile on you… but it would serve no purpose as there are one or two people just like you in every hospital…it’s surprising to find the E+E included among the worst


The E + E chapter preceding this is interesting…i distributed copies of the EYE & EAR chapter @ E +E yesterday 26/5/22…i had been there the previous Friday as my recon…i knew where i needed to go…what floor ect…i handed out the pages…even having a joke with the cashier office…you won’t dob me in will you ? (knowing they will)…the staff dobbed me in quick…the security or should i say the ‘surveillance’ guy turned up pronto during previous letter drops (Austin) the staff always dobbed me in…how do they get their staff to protect the hospitals interests @ all times , no matter what ?…it must go back to the hiring process…if you have the right political pedigree…if you are judged to be the type of servile person that will protect the hospitals interests…the jobs yours

E + E call their security office…the ‘surveillance’ office…when i saw that i damn near fell off my w/c…’surveillance’ office…WTF…that term or word would been pushed by some spook…the ‘surveillance’ guy caught up with me in the lift , i denied handing out pages & said i had seen a guy using a w/c handing out pages…he didn’t buy it…he knew i was the one…i had not distributed in emergency yet…@ the entrance i veered left into EMG…i distributed the pages…he had hold of my w/c handles but did not try to drag me out


i had an attack outside Freemasons during a banner display…i had one of my dogs with me…the ambulance guys said tiger boy would be looked after by lost dogs home Nth Melbourne saying STV would even give me a taxi card to pick him up…10 yrs ago the ANMF union were pushing for security in hospitals to have guns…i knew they would sneak guns in eventually under some cover…covid’s a good cover…when @ STV i saw some guns…i had come half good by this time…i left & went to get tiger boy…S @ the dogs home acts like a GRUPPENUBERSTORMFURER…the council was closed & as i don’t carry tigers papers with me i could not answer all the questions he asked…i told S of the ambulance thing & that tiger not lost/wandering , made no difference to the turd , he wouldn’t give me my dog , i live over 40 kms from the dogs home (city traffic) i had to come back next day…STV taxi card expired , $250 in taxi fares later i had tigerboy back


i had microsurgery on a hand injurya few weeks later i was back for review…i heard a code grey alert…code grey code grey bed 6 ward 1…before i knew it i was @ the code grey…i couldn’t see the victim(behind a curtain) but his voice was raspy & thin telling me he was old…this was happening in a 6 bed ward…smaller than my bedroom(separated by thin curtains only)…an older person is much more likely to be embarrassed & humiliated by a code grey…especially in this case as the other beds were in such close proximity…i think the code grey is used to humiliate people…i was angry they called a code grey on the old guy , almost all code grey’s are called for minor reasons…a power trip for the hero’s for sure…i have become immune to the low code grey union tactical bullshit…you can call all the code greys on me you like…you shitheads…wont bother me

no wizened faces of the HSU union pricks were there , only 3 security guards & the obligatory woman with the clipboard…i decided to change the ‘state of play’…security guard D was my target…D is a humorless man from the Caucuses region…i spoke to D quietly…it’s a pity they didn’t give you guns…you could slip in there & shoot the old guy in the head…never mind…he sounds pretty old…i recon if you jammed a pillow over his face it would do the job…i don’t think he will put up much of a fight…i spoke softly so only D could heard me…D must have been thinking…did i really hear that ?…i think his brain partially fused…WTF is is going on here ?…this was not a situation he had dealt with ever before…D was still suffering partial brain fusing…D grabbed the w/c handles…in an official & authoritative sounding voice i said let them go…that’s technical assault….sounded good anyway…he let the handles go like they were red hot

they were struggling to understand wtf was happening …none had any experience of what they were faced with…it all worked out well…Maroondah’s waiting room was mighty full…security made the best decision they ever made…they put me first for review…it was smart to get rid of me in a hurry…i took the heat…i earned first place…the best part was they seemed to have forgotten all about the old guy

i knew my ‘state of play’ game wouldn’t be forgotten…i’m now the proud owner of 2…that’s ***2*** new dirt file entries…#1, anti social wandering , i didn’t need to wander as the speaker told me exactly where to go & # 2 , behaves inappropriately towards woman , can’t figure that one…it could mean anything…subject to interpretation ?

THE BOY WHO LOST FACE…new yrs day 2020 ?

BHH 2 large kidney stones were to have jj stents placed in urethra next day , i was in no pain & needed to go home & feed / dose dogs…the loss of face boy kept saying its better you stay , i kept saying its better i go…we agreed i go but had to return by 7 am next day…i went to the ward to tell the nurses im back…they were not pleased to see me , i was not pleased to meet 3 horse nurses…they gave me the arse good & proper…i went to emergency , the girl there phoned someone saying he’s back , he left against doctors orders , he left in a huff…i told her we agreed i leave , there was no huff…the boy was not a doc , just a liar who lost face…a note in my dirt file says im refusing to return to BHH , this note was also available to STV , i hadn’t spoken to BHH , they just made up the refusing thing , i didn’t return to BHH to avoid the loss of face liar , the horse nurses & the incredibly common & low class , whatever it was @ emergency , i went to STV who

treated me like shit anyway…BHH had no need to worry , i didn’t know STV are part of the BHH Eastern hospital group meaning they have the same b/s dirt by file info on me as BHH…i assume the dirt file doesn’t include being yelled @ by the Austin pig


when being put under for the operation @ STV i was not given gas to put me under more slowly , instead the miserable bitch used the (fast injection) sudden death fentanyl method…you don’t forget that…there was no reason for it…other than the dirt file that is…it has a lasting effect , i did try to see if she treated everyone that way @ anesthetics (was it the file?) i went in 4 times & got caught 4 times , i did get a good look @ the anesthetic induction area , maybe she treats everybody like shit ? , if you’re in a public hospital don’t expect manners other than the put on pretense of civility , the b/s file is a + or – % factor i don’t know . when they caught me skulking round anesthetics nobody was nasty , wtf is going on here ? , they were almost nice , this niceness almost did my head in , when i recovered from this niceness offensive i took a poll… i asked the security people & nurses if they had private hospital insurance…over my 4 visits i asked several hundred , all did , it seems to me all the staff know of the unnecessary operations (student practice )the longer operations , so everyone gets a go & mishaps (never to be spoken of) , the staff don’t want to be a patient @ any public hospital even though they would be treated better than us average lumps of meat , i found the same results @ other hospitals…i couldn’t figure out wtf they were so nice ? , i still have my hospital gown , i may try # 5 , it’s been a few yrs…they couldn’t still have the guy guarding the door…could they ? , i figured there had been complaints about the miserable bitch in the past…one reason why the staff avoid public hospitals maybe ?…here’s the deal…public hospitals don’t charge but your part of the deal is kinda unbeknown to you (secret) your body is to be used , once your under you don’t know what happens , that’s the way it is…trauma created by the operation including practice time for students , student mistakes , longer anaesthetized time ect ect ect is your problem , if you croak , it must have been your time , the last people to care would be those ideological driven people employed @ workers union hospital # 34 or whatever…public hospitals have a way of letting you know your nothing , the reasons listed above + more would be why most hospital employees have voted with their feet & chosen to go private , but private (Epworth) didn’t help me… you must show maximum respect to the ‘hero’s of the front line’ , maximum respect shown does not guarantee a kangaroo court (instant conviction) charge still wont be made


the day after the op a full of face boy breezed past my bed saying the op went well …i don’t know if he sneezed during his ‘cloud’ of dust routine but it sounded like im Dr arar hu…if he had put himself into park instead of overdrive i would have been able to ask how my ball bag got cut…typical of a public hospital ,they have a way of showing you your nothing , in my case the dirt file would have made me less than nothing…he’s not KLAN tho (wrong ancestry) just an arsehole , there was no room in his head except for his massive gargantuan EGO , his swollen head was big as a boarding house pudding…my dick was mighty sore & kept bleeding , i was not a happy camper

FREEMDOM… rasping n rehemming

after the tethered drip was removed as well as the uncomfortable accursed catheter i was free , still dick sore but free…i went to the OR (after hours) they had a victim , they (the trainees) all had a turn @ rasping n rehemming him , no wonder my poor little takker bled so much…i could feel every insertion & withdrawal they made on him , one thing about public hospitals is they have no care of the damage they create or the pain of the healing process…that’s your problem pal…we are miracle workers (in our own minds) we can’t worry about incidental matters like your pain…we’re ‘hero’s of the front line’ , just watching was painful , no wonder most hospital staff go elsewhere

THE REVIEW…the abusive swearing halfwit patient

@ STV for the review … i was shown in for the review, & there he was Mr ego himself , would’ve been better if he wasn’t grinning like some sort of demented sadist…i said , did you all have fun practicing on me ?…he said , no one practiced on you , i said bullshit you didn’t…(the atmosphere became tense) , i said i watched an OP , i know what you do…he slapped his palms on the desk making a loud clapping sound & left the room mighty fast , exiting thru the cattle yard , i contented myself with a of loud fusillade of swear words directed unmistakenly in his direction , no chance of even denting his massive gargantuan ego tho…it wouldn’t have been possible to cause any lasting damage to this ‘god’s gift to the world’ ‘SELF ESTEEM JUNKIE’…there was a nurse (older) in the room , after the egomaniac ran away she said i can see your very angry…the file says she called security but something went wrong(i owe you bigtime) & it didn’t work…a younger fully brainwashed nurse would’ve called out the troops (no mistake)…she would’ve fizzed on me real bad…the older nurse could think for herself , she wasn’t a union preferred person…i think their on to me , my STV dirt file is not complete…there’s no page numbers on files so its easy to remove pages…there’s a lot missing …a lying ‘spin doctors’ dream…it appears im not allowed to know the dirt file ‘spin doctors’ lies…i understand , its better not to redact pages…lest some (mind of their own) staff member gives it to me…you can’t hand over redacted pages if there is no redaction…i wonder if a STV KANGEROO COURT found me guilty of insulting (by swearing @) a superior person

Edit Profile


my neuro was also @ STV…she would have read my (complete…inc an assumed KANGAROO COURT conviction) STV file inc my evil deeds…she would be pleased to read about my so called transgressions…5 yrs ago i was wired up to a machine testing nerve/muscle activation , her phone rang…she had forgot her phone was on speaker , i heard Woodards real estate here , she said (putting her hand over the phone) i have to take this…giving the impression it was an important medical call she needed to take , when she returned about 15 mins later i said are you buying or selling , she looked mortified that i had heard & knew it was a private call , it must be a big NO NO to leave a patient wired up to a machine while taking a private call , about 5 yrs after the pretend medical call i got a text from her saying that as i was living in WA (im where i always have been for 25 yrs…NOT the other side of the continent) do i still want an appointment…im very sure she wouldn’t want to see me again(the more time that goes by would make me a distant bad memory to her…if you think whatever specialist your seeing gives a fat rat’s arse about you…your mistaken…your a customer…it’s been 5 yrs since i’ve seen a neuro…as there is no cure or treatment it doesn’t really matter…seeing a neuro @ a public or private hospital for that matter , only makes you an a guineapig…a guineapig they can bill Medicare…for money . that’s the game


the wheelchair i had was a narrow wheelbase type that would rollover easy , a camber on a road or footpath or rough ground was a tip over deal , i crossed a rough blue stone gutter & the wheelchair did it’s rollover thing as usual , it would have been a std rollover except i had a glass coffee pot in my right hand which broke & caused a bone deep cut on my 2nd finger , top knuckle of the right hand , Dettol & bandages…top class DIY medical treatment (i thought)…got the bugger wet in the bath , probably every bacteria known in that bath water , rinsed & reapplied bandage…jobs right…something went wrong…2 weeks later the finger knuckle blew up , mighty painful…who would have thunk 1 knuckle could cause so much pain…throbbing pain it be


i went to BHH …a volunteer recognized my infected finger or knuckle could be a serious infection (it was an MRSA infection resistant bacteria) & sent me to FAST TRACK…my file says i was on the floor , in the cubical , hitting my left hand on the floor…i have a hazy memory of this time…i was distracting from the pain in my right hand by transferring it to the left…nurses file note…pt on floor…told pt we cant nurse him properly on floor…moved pt to more visible area…this means i must have been in an out of the way or less visible area…BHH records say i spent 4 hrs in fast track…it was obvious no real help would be given…i left…i saw no doc & was only given 1 Panadol during the 4 hr stay… no real pain relief provided…as i had seen no doc i didn’t need to sign a leaving against docs orders form…one of the solid horror heads let me out…sour , sullen & nasty , the union run hospital’s… by deception , dumb me didn’t know the 3 potato faced fat nurses (who hid me from any doc) were KLAN…there must be an official KLAN list of those to be ‘fixed up’ , i must have been on the list…otherwise why did they hide me from the docs & give only one PanadolBHH WAS BEFORE EPWORTH

got home , don’t remember how…the pain increased even more…the pain was so intense that i even rang BHH back , they said to return…the pain was so intense i didn’t even feel an injection ( no prior warning or expiation given )to put me out…i was out for 12 hrs , hospital records & my file have no information of where i was kept nor how i was used during this time…this lack of information makes it hard for me to believe i wasn’t used in some way (a live body is tempting)…the legal aspect of potential use without permission is interesting…with what i have learned of some hard edged anmf members i would not put it past them to have done something harmful to me

after the 12 hr unconscious time i was wheeled into the operation room…i became half conscious @ this time & climbed on to the operation table…the porter who wheeled me in must have had his back turned & didn’t see me climb on the table…he said IN THE NASTIES VOICE I’ve ever heard WE’LL DO THAT…i looked around @ the theater staff , they looked pensive , i suppose they had been told i was a wild man…THE AUSTIN HOSPITAL CURSE STRIKES AGAIN ? , they hung a towel to obscure my vision meaning it was meant to be local operation but the nasty one put me out again…it wasn’t the Austin curse , (dirt file) i had been told the squealing Austin pig told the ANMF i threatened him in the phone call…you knew all about the tablet frame up…did Mcgivern squeal to you directly ? , your ‘playing dumb’ routine was brilliant…you knew nothing about the tablet bs…were you a part of planning the tablet frame up Fitzgerald?


i could feel there was something wrong…this was before i knew of the blacklist & the details of the dirt file…this would account for the strange feeling i had…my right hand was bound up like a boxing glove…bandage taken off for review @ 7am the morning after the op , wound was on second finger…top knuckle of right hand…i don’t know how they managed to make the hole as big as it was , swelling maybe , i was separating the wound finger (stuck together by blood) from the next finger by using the tips of my fingers only , nowhere near the wound @ this moment the plastics doc or whatever he was came in…his accent made him hard to understand (he may have been Scottish or Irish)…he loudly ( Deja vu Repat) accused me of putting my fingers in the wound & said you’ve got a serious wound there…he loudly told his group of trainees IF HE LEAVES IT WILL BE AGAINST DOCTORS ORDERS then left the room rapidly…he was in the room around 10 seconds…he didn’t say his name , short little fat man…i named him FLABBY GUTS as that was his most prominent feature…im not fully round the twist…why would i put my fingers in my own wound ?…aside from causing pain i would also introduce bacteria…im not quite that loony…yet…i was a little peeved @ the behavior of flabby gutted turd…the treatment @ fast track & now the flab’s loud outburst & accusation of wound fingering told me there must be something behind this (there was)…i lit a smoke & thought deeply about the matter…i came up with a couple of different scenarios…they seemed plausible…the smoke was smelled…nurse J got a fan to blow the smoke away…she had a look like she was dealing with a loon…a woman lent casually against the wall speaking of a $5000 cost if the fire brigade was calledshe may have been a shrink…i said nothing , i didn’t know of the blacklist then & of the cock breath spooks extreme desire to get revenge over Repat…plus the other things…i was slowly becoming aware of various maneuvers & tactics BHH was using to make me angry…swearing babbling ranting angry…seclusion angry ???…ok overstatement…flabby used the hospital home ground turf to his advantage with his insane accusation @ our 1st meeting…hard to believe the staff didn’t know that i was being used for unnecessary operations


3 or so months before my infected finger time @ BHH i rang the loudmouth pig of Austin…i suppose i wanted him to know i hadn’t crawled up a hollow log & died…i didn’t think the pig would be stupid enough to tip me off as to the reason for the situation @ BHH…but he was…he aint a smart pig…a real dumb pig he be


ME…hi , do you remember me ? the guy you yelled @ Austin repatriation hospital…HIM , you’ve got the wrong person…ME , you don’t remember me ? , HIM , im not the person your looking for…(as i was getting nowhere i decided to change tack) ME , your English has improved a lot i can understand your Scottish accent easily now…HIM , im not Scottish im IRISH !! , (the word IRISH was said in a loud guttural & threatening way)…ME so your saying there were 2 people there with a very similar name & spelling working @ repat that day ?…HIM , silence…ME , (i described his large size & other features)…HIM , silence…the line went deadPROFESSIONAL recording ok , amateur)


finding out that what i was told was true in that the KLAN exists & what the KLAN is about is like a Rosemerry’s baby revelation…it all fits…the dumb pig , ss , the incredibly nasty/aggressive ambulance short arse bitch…BHH’s flabby guts , the nasty porter @ BHH , the 3 fat potato faced solid bitches @ BHH fast track who told no doc i was there , the tablet throwing setup @ BHH , the short arse informer @ FREEMASONS the big deal tablet delivery (you guys are so dumb to believe the tablet throwing setup…you came in a safety in numbers group @ tablet time) , grumpy & deaf (i’ve got to hear it JAMES) , the miserable bitch who wouldn’t give me a Panadol @ BHH…sweet Susan & more…there have been many miserable KLAN over the yrs…i got the redaction…turned the light on…the cockroach KLAN scuttled under the fridge…now i know about the dumb KLAN people…taken me yrs to find out about you COCKROACHES

the klan is not an organized group , more of an AD HOC thing among those known to each other or friends…to find the KLAN exists & has been responsible for many problems is almost an anti climactic thing…finally…after all these yrs… i know all about the bs dirt file & what the KLAN are about…Mcgivern is KLAN , that’s why he felt he could be the loudmouthed pig he is…SS is KLAN…flabyguts is KLAN & many many many more…are you KLAN Fitzgerald ?…err , no 3 guesses needed


i had been told that my lousy…bordering on criminal , treatment or lack of treatment @ BHH during my infected finger time…(this info came to me after i left BHH …im told by medical & non medical people that the ANMF is run & dominated by THE ANCESTRAL KLAN …is that right Fitzgerald ?)…i suppose the real reason i rang the pig was to get more of a line on him…i never expected him to be so dumb so as to tip me off…a cornered animal will run @ you in a mock attack mode before veering off @ the last second to make good it’s escape…i had the loudmouth pig cornered with logic (logic confuses a pig) …he charged @ me (metaphorically speaking) in his clumsy attempt to escape the truth…his loud & threatening IM IRISH !! was a large indication that what i’d been told was correct (albeit in reverse)…a rabid pig’s charging @ me….i better hoof it…im told the pig squealed to the union that i threatened him during the call…did you do a pig squeal to Fitzgerald @ the ANMF ?…good move , she’s a sweet kindly little petal …reminds me of a coiled snake…now i know why she was so nasty when i met her to deny the tablet throwing b/s , i know why i was framed with the tablet throwing bullshit…i think Fitzgerald is a grand inquisitor of the KANGAROO COURT… no wonder she seemed to know all about the tablet setup b/s…did you help design the tablet throwing setup Fitzgerald ?…did you recruit & train the Martian nurse Fitzgerald ?


why did you yell @ me ?…were you showing off to SS ? , were you doing SS ? … did you want to do SS ? or were you showing off to the office girls ?…something like… IM the biggest bravest toughest HOMBE there is round these parts…bit of advertising never goes astray , gotta fill that dance card somehow…even if it means using a person like me…you surprised me your with aggressive nasty attitude…i wasn’t ready for a fight , otherwise i would have worn underpants…i wonder would you have yelled @ me if you had known how long this would last ?…you dumb fucking turd


my ward was the only one to have a security guard…a very jolly fellow…NOT , i tried my best to engage him on any level but failed miserably , he would sit on a kind of raised platform staring @ a computer , i figured he was reading my extensive dirt file , i couldn’t accept defeat…i spent 35 yrs running my own car parts business , made a lot…paid a lot of tax , the main reason the business was successful was because i spent most of my time in sales , there was nobody i couldn’t get along with or find their good side , i didn’t judge surly by his appearance , i had dealt far rougher looking characters than him over the journey…surly looked like a refugee from the old builders laborers federation union…complete with faded forearm tats…i had to pass surly to leave the ward , i grinned @ him like a desperate hooker, no joy , surly never changed his facial expression…kinda like the stony expression on an Easter island moai , the ward door was locked around 10 pm...surly had to unlock the door to let me in , there was never any greeting of any kind , i’m pretty sure he snarled one time…the nickname surly was an affectionate nickname…ANTISOCIAL WANDERING… is on my BHH dirt file twice…err that was a Maroondah hospital thing , the double entry of anti social wandering…was one of the double entries yours surly ?…i understand that it’s not a deliberate thing…you would have read my dirt file so many times it would almost be a subliminal reaction…you are officially forgiven & exonerated …besides i owe you big time for tipping me off to the tablet thing with your loud phone call…we’re even


an older nurse on the ward told me she was retiring because she wants to look after her grandchildren…i was sus…she had an extremely kindly look on her face during her story…i had experience with her type (tough hard people ) in my business time…this was public relations , brown nosing & a suck up session all rolled into one…but why ?…i had fed/dosed the dogs @ home & in my usual slap dash fashion didn’t set the w/c brake as i climbed back into my bed on the ward…the w/c rolled away , i lowered myself to the floor by holding the bars on the bed…@ this time the nice or b/s one entered my room…she thought i had fallen , i explained i had not fallen , she said she had to do a 2 hr report on my fall , it had a nasty look on it’s puss @ this time…i told her again NO FALL , it seemed she wanted to believe i had fallen…maybe the report was some sort of lark…she sure wanted to do the report , she dropped the nice routine & said IM RETIRING BECAUSE I WANT TO GET AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU…i knew her supposed nice personality was a put on …but why ?…i put some thought into it , near as i can figure it she knew of the dirt file & was trying to ingratiate herself to me , the file must be worse than i thought for this Con artist to feel she needed to go into her false pretenses b/s routine…i gave it a few days to test her attitude towards me . i told her i very much want to visit Santorini (famous island off her original country)…her reaction was cold , a meh reaction , she was still stuck on bitch…i didn’t know of the full extent of the dirt file back then...i knew about the normal b/s dirt file but i didn’t know of my SECRET B/S file , must be pretty bad for the old self ingratiating Con artist to bother going into her b/s NICE routine…the Con artist obviously knew of the contents of my SECRET file…this was even b4 the tablet throwing bullshit was added , one nurse seemed to not do much @ all , the ward manager was always calling out…DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TAYLOLR IS ?…tc had come into my room a few times never finishing whatever she came to do saying she would send another nurse to complete the job…never happened…i interpreted her slack manner to mean she was likely to leave the job or @ least was eminently corruptible…i offered her $1000 cash for file info , even showing her the cash , she agreed to provided the info , she went to the head nurse to get the file info & returned with a pile of info which was VERY GENERIC STUFF…no use…my interpretation was off the mark , i was on the wrong tram…TC was probably the union rep , maybe that’s why she felt she had protection @ could go missing anytime


this is hard to figure , the flab seemed to be more concerned if i left more than anything else…2 possibilities…first…the boy who lost face & lied about our agreement that i could go home & return by 7 am the next day , maybe ? although not so likely…or second… the 3 solid ones @fast track when i did leave…i did tell a solid one to drop dead as i left , i was not asked to sign a leaving against doc’s orders form as i had seen no doc…I’ve never met such a bunch of nasty , cold , hard , harsh , fat people as them…i had thought this one is the most likely of the 2…although having seen no doc how could i leave against docs orders ?…i was also told of the KLAN (after i left BHH) that would have had a large influence on my thoughts & conclusions…the Austin pig tipped me off during our phone call (unintentionally)…im IRISH ?? , what i was told confirmed my own thoughts…no wonder i needed a thinking smoke…the leaving against docs flab thing looks like it was the flabs way of getting me to stay so i could be of use in the 2 practice ops …when i take into account the lousy treatment by the 3 fat potato faced ones @ fast tack , plus the nasty turd porter it all fits…flabby guts used the leaving against doc’s orders threat as a cunning misdirection technique , it did have me thinking in the wrong direction for a time…your a fat gutted tricky little fellow are you not ?…you sure are…it was hard to understand you , i thought you were Scottish…turns out your Irish the same as the Austin pig is…your KLAN , the ANMF union run hospitals…the doc’s & the management think they do but they don’t…the 3 fat potato faced bitches @ BHH fast track would be KLAN members of the slime green club…THE KLAN is far more virulent than the turd spooks , the clique , take charge types , the sewer crawlers & ANMF put together…the slime green KLAN has no limits on what they will do…anything goes…bound together by a shared ancestry ??…i don’t say THE KLAN is organized…more of an ad Hok natural coalescence of friends situation

COLD TEA…NO BIKKIES…WARD 7 BHH 2019 ?…cruel & unusual punishment

3 nurses came to my room with a mobile computer discussing my bowel habits…i was reading a thick book on anesthesiology , they don’t like a patient that knows more than they do , especially on medical matters…one made a stupid joke to the others along the lines of i think i’m an anesthetist…the tea cart went by while the nurses did whatever…i set off after the tea trolley after they left…an older nurse (in the corridor) did not want me to see they had come to my room only & said she would get the tea…she got it…cold , no bikkies…the aim of their visit seemed to be to rile me up…there were a few other attempts by the staff to goad me into going a little berserk…i was serine in the face of these attempted provocations as i knew what they were up to…seclusion would not be so good…i had things i needed to do…next day i asked J wtf that was all about , she regurgitated the b/s story she was told to say…the b/s cover was that it was to give patients a chance to comment on their treatment…i was not asked about my treatment…they could not have visited other patients as they were in 6 bed pods separated by curtains (privacy)…i became institutionalized real fast…the rhythm of my life became dictated to by morning & afternoon teas & lunch…my ears became attuned to the sound the tea & lunch cart made…the food was just ok but not enough , i ate crappy cheese on crackers , such was my hunger…i need say no more...& now i had cold tea & no bikkies…no matter what the dirt file says , surely i didn’t deserve cold tea ?


review next morning…flabby guts (speaking to himself)…said that’s not cutting the mustard…meaning the wound had puss or was not healing…operation again , i was told only 1 operation was needed , not the 3 i had…the operating room staff & anesthetics know what their doing so no problem…the 2nd operation consisted of a practice session for anesthetics students… around 8 students & for the surgery students… it was a session on how to make a plaster thing called a back/slab that went in the palm of the hand so the name is a bit of a misnomer , in using my w/c i have to curl my hands around the push rails which puts pressure on the plaster & it broke…i threw the plaster pieces in the bin…staff found the plaster pieces in the bin & they wrote that i was ‘hiding’ the plaster pieces in the bin, maybe i should have thrown it in the middle of the floor ?…flabbyguts & the brown nose snivelers made out that the back/slab was important…3rd operation…the plaster was not replaced…you told me it was important…how come they didn’t reapply it ?…how come i didn’t have a back/slab to start with ? …did nurse J know the extra operations were unnecessary ?…she had seen the wound a few times & would know… im not the 1st person to be used by flabbyguts for extra operations…her general demeanor on the way to the operation tells me she probably did know…i did phone her after i left BHH to ask her about this & the dirt file but i didn’t pursue the matter…anyway to get a straight answerer would be unlikely


several bright eyed young men (trainee docs ?) conducted AWT’s @ various times…they were a bit sheepish @ having to do the AWT’s…but to avoid a severe bum kicking they had to play the game & do what they’re told…my 24hr slur would have been used as prima facie evidence of my raging alcoholic status by some cock breath spook…the AWT’s were rudimentary to get them over with as fast as possible…do i sweat a lot ?…am i nervous all the time ?…it was easy to see they were embarrassed @ having to do this bullshit…one look or smell would tell them im not drunk , i have a voice slur…they know who really runs hospitals…the FED union does…the docs opinions re alcoholism may have been altered for the file…several docs have told me if the FED had something against them or they didn’t ‘tow the line’ they would be finished…stepping out of line is @ your own risk…it must be galling to be treated in this way by the brainwashed idiots

PATIENT UNFASTED HIMSELF…the most insincere words i ever heard

in one of the unnecessary operations i had i was fasted from the night before…@ most hospitals if the operation is scheduled for the afternoon session a light breakfast is provided , by 5pm i asked 1 of the older nurses…i find the younger ones are union trained monkeys…i asked what time the operation would be ? , she said it might not be till 10pm as they operate late , i was already feeling dizzy & sick from lack of food , that would make it 26 hrs without food…i didn’t like flabbyguts , this was even before i came to the inescapable conclusion that he’s a near sociopath , i figured he set the operation order , i went downstairs to Zagame’s (in hospital restaurant) filled up on lamb then went outside & sat on the grass , every bugger has a cell so calls were made that a halfwit with w/c is on the loose…flabby was across the rd @ Hudson’s (Epworth restaurant) filling his ample gut & was probably called about me being ‘on the loose’...he came over & spoke of the operation , i told him if i go so long without food im dizzy & feel sick…flabby then uttered his immortal words…IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT…not only had i unfasted myself but i had unintentionally interrupted the flab’s troth session…that’s a shame…i didn’t know what i was dealing with…not only were 2 operations unnecessary but you made sure i was starved as well…flabby…your a borderline sociopath…no doubt about it

ABSCONDING …the incorrigible recidivist

i arranged for a neighbor to feed & dose the dogs…i had 3 dogs @ the time , 2 of which needed meds…he was a few yrs into Alzheimer’s…his memory had declined rapidly…he was a chemist previously…1 yr before he could name what a med was for…it’s all gone…he would give the wrong dog the wrong med or combination of meds…not his fault…i was only 15 mins away by cab…my file states & alleges premeditated ABSCONDING…there’s no use trying to deny my recidivist absconding’s…I PLEAD GUILTY…i throws meself on the mercy of flabby guts & the klan spooks…i didn’t tell flabby where i was going after his false accusations & ‘meltdown’ @ our first meeting , i didn’t think he was the type of person that would understand how important leaving was to me…it was obvious to me especially after his meltdown that flabby had some kind of hidden agender (there was)…there is no way i would trust flabby or any of his bum kissers to know where i was going…he might have had some way of preventing me from leaving…could he take my w/c away ?…he would have if he could have…my ward was the only ward to have a security guard…looking back , maybe i was a bit paranoid


what is a Martian ?…i aint dumb enough to say…Royal dental hospital…i was injected thru an abbess by a Martian dentist…i waved my hands around & made the arrrg sound , the dental nurse (also Martian) told me not to raise my hands…the injection process went on for some time…i said you must have hit a nerve , she said you have abscess , not AN abscess…English is not her strong point…the abscess had been detected by x ray , she knew it was there but injected anyway , there were loud words from me…the dental hospital know it’s true as it’s recorded on cctv…they referred me to Carrington dental…they were nice about it , too nice , you guys weren’t feeling guilty were you ? , your recent letter advising me i could come back to the dental hospital touched me deeply , your not still feeling guilty are you ? , don’t give it a second thought

@ Carrington dental , joseph a Chinese guy was my 1st dentist , he was good , real good , he knew what he was doing…i had asked for no Martians because of their attitude towards me in regarding me as useless cripple as im disabled , it’s part of their culture , if you can call it culture , it’s their problem , not mine…Joseph saw what may be an abbess on x ray & injected on an oblique angle avoiding any possible abscess…tapped the tooth to check if it still had feeling…which it did…antibiotics given to shrink detected abscess…job finished a few weeks later…the woke world dictates that as i had asked for no Martians this meant…no more joseph…Martians only…there was a setup…a poor quality extremely amateurish piece of theater…after a delay i was in the dental room , the dentist & nurse said they were Sri Lankan , why the dentist felt the need to declare her ethnic background i don’t know , i knew they were both Martian in any case , i played along with their game , i said i had 2 very nice nurses @ Maroondah hospital who were Sri Lankan , the dentist said i don’t want to talk about it & she & her nurse ran from the room…as i left i yelled to them…IF YOUR NOT MARTAN YOU WOULD FIT RIGHT IN THERE… Carington dental are a part of the BHH Eastern Hospital Group so it’s on my dirt file…some cunning little spook went back thru my file by some years & found the dental thing & decided he could use it , that’s why a Martian nurse was used for the ‘tablets in the face’ bullshit , he hoped an angry attitude would be elicited by using a Martian…this is the reason why i had to mention Martians…the spook thought he had found a sure fire winner , a slam dunk…stiff shit spook…things don’t always work out the way you planned…what was your plan spook ? , was i supposed to attack the nurse ? , is that why surly was loitering nearby ? , so the plan didn’t go off perfectly , ok so you didn’t get a death row conviction , you have nothing to complain about , remember , I’m still a kangaroo court convicted tablet chucker , not too shabby eh ?…everybody believes i’m an enraged tablet chucker…the only thing i can’t figure is why did surly talk so loudly on his cell so close to my room ? , his conversation tipped me off to the kangaroo court tablet chucking b/s that i wasn’t even supposed to know about , ok some logic required here #1…surly knew im not deaf but talks loudly close to my room so as to be easily overheard…surly & i were not friends by any stretch of the imagination , he can’t be dumb enough to talk so loudly , close to my room & not expect i wouldn’t hear him…#2…when he entered my room he saw there was no reaction from me , i was laying down trying to go back to sleep…if i had thrown tablets there would be some visible reaction…#3…i credit surly with being a bit smart , he would have known from the position of the tablets they could not possibly have been thrown…the conclusion ? , buggered if i know…it’s a mystery for the ages

when writing this I’ve realized I’ve never actually had a conversation with a village Martian , just the usual blank wooden look… I’ve been told by an educated city Martian that uneducated Martians (from some woe begone village) do have prejudice’s superstations & strangelyignorant beliefs regarding the disabled…try to figure this one , Sudanese , Somali , in fact Africans in general talk to me , my working sociological theory makes me think this is because they may have known the hard times & are more empathetic because of that…it’s a theory


the ceiling speakers would have been blaring a security code grey alert…i was dead to the world…one of the few times i got any sleep…the correct method of waking a patient is to turn on all the lights & call the patients name, in my case James…JAMES…you get the idea…the nurse didn’t call my name but shook my left shoulder…i woke with a start flailing my arms about…she jumped back avoiding the flail…as my eyes focused i saw she was Martian , SHIT this aint good…i thought i must having a nightmare , i looked intently @ her…no mistake , it was Martian…i had never seen her before or since , she didn’t work on the 7th floor…she had a small plastic cup with tablets in it…i told her they were not my tablets (i supplied my own)…i don’t have square ones…i put my left hand out to get the cup but she kept handing it to my right…(bound up with bandages like a boxing glove)…after many attempts i put my right hand behind my back & finally i had the cup…she was very adept @ playing dumb…i turned the cup over on the small table…5 stayed on the table & 1 fell on the floor , i said SEE these tablets are square , the wrong colour & are not mine…she left without saying a word , after it left surly came in straight away & picked up 1 tablet off the floor & 5 from the small table , he said nothing , he went in to the corridor maybe 8 mts away , he spoke loudly to someone on his mobile…mate you think you’ve got trouble i just had a pt throw tablets in a nurses face , surly knew i’m not deaf , he must have known i could easily hear him… i wasn’t even supposed to know of the tablet throwing b/s , the pt is not even supposed to know of any (automatically proven KANGAROO COURT conviction)

, i went to the head nurse & said i had not thrown tablets @ anyone…her attitude (including a broad smile ) seemed to show it was nothing…no big deal…if i had thrown tablets it musta been a trillion times a trillion shot for 5 tablets out of 6 to land on & STAY ON the small table…the immediate entry of surly after the nurse left told me this was a set up , a flab , klan , Fitzgerald setup ?…i didn’t know what this lie would mean…all believe i did it… the KLAN / LACKEY KANGAROO COURT got me good…nothing i could do , her lack of speech is not unusual as the average Martian would not lower it’s self to speak to a useless cripple…the complete lack of character of Martian’s made her perfectly cast for the dirty work role , she was brought in especially for the dirty job…now you watch out for that KARMA bus dear , i’d hate to think anything could go wrong in your stinking life…I’ve thought of what the Martian did a few times…it comes into the room of a pt…a pt with a serious wound , a pt asleep & shakes the pt awake , a pt having multiple operations (one necessary) & pretends i threw tablets @ it…even gets a week off for her dirty work , i hope the KARMA bus is working real good


REHERSAL…spook micromanagement

Martians have an inborn innate talent for dirty work but the spook would have wanted to assure it ‘self the job would go off without a hitch…nervous spook micromanagement


don’t turn the lights on…don’t call his name…if he’s asleep shake him till he wakes up

don’t give him the cup easily…this will tend to enrage him…it’s important you play dumb

hold the tablet cup close enough to him so he can see their not his tablets

don’t give him the cup…have your best…your usual…blank wooden look on your face as a way of making it clear how distasteful you find it having to deal with him

don’t hand the cup to him easily…this is an enragement tactic…if he gets the cup…leave

i can’t emphasis enough how important it is that you don’t speak…good luck !

im told throwing tablets (or anything else) is discharging a missile , that’s the legal or police charge anyway…could it be that BHH take it easy on patients & handle the matter IN HOUSE to spare us brain addled tablet throwing not in our right mind patients a police investigation ?…BHH offered me inducements to agree (1 hr leave a day ) , BHH threatened me with being ejected from the hospital if i did not agree (blackmail) there was no evidence or witness , BHH changed the wording to read throwing things (plural , not only tablets) @ nurse’s (again plural…so it wasn’t just the Martian you say ?)…would surly back your story on the stand ?..if it had been nurse’s (more than one) surly must have known about it…his job means he had to be been involved , throwing things @ nurse’s is interesting as there were only 3 things in the room that could be thrown 1 the small table (i think they would have removed it if i was throwing around the room) 2 my cell phone , 3 my laptop…if i threw my phone or laptop i should’ve been in the straight jacket ward anyway , the BHH kangaroo court found me guilty…you illegal pricks decided 2 unnecessary operations weren’t enough & decided to inflict flabbyguts on me…@ our first meeting flabby had a major hissy fit or meltdown…my initial thought was this guy is not the full quid , flabby was operating to a deliberate plan…a sociopath plan

the BHH kangaroo court did as it’s supposed to do & found me guilty…your illegal court was judge, jury, penalty decider & enforcer…the ambulance delay(police must attend) put me @ risk of bleeding out due to the delay…the KLAN wouldn’t give a fuck about that…from what I’ve learned of the KLAN , the ambulance deliberate delay was right up their alley…the blacklist means im banned from BHH(the last 2 times i was not seen)…who the fuck does the KLAN union cabal & the state think they are?…maybe the lacky will help you ? , you own him , of course he will…in the first page i asked why the agreement is not part of my file , i said i have a secret file ? , i asked if your ashamed of your lies…you hide the secret agreement from me because you know it’s illegal & a lie , the agreement makes me look like some kind of violent barely sane pt…was the illegal agreement to get even for the redaction distribution @ Austin ?…you won’t release the supposed agreement to me under FOI but you have no trouble telling the police & ambulance vic & anyone else about it…who else gets the secret file b/s contract ? , ooo did…you secret file turdspooks remind me of the the 3rd…i still can’t forget the ambulance bitch , there was no need to be so nasty…sweet Susan & her would be neck & neck in the nasty stakes…you know the agreement is illegal , that’s why you hide it (from me anyway)…it would be good to test your illegal slanderous malicious agreement in another place…not your kangaroo court this time…unlike you i need evidence


after the ambulance vic delay & drive offs + police needing to be there before the brave , ideological bent union pricks would enter my property…i went to ambulancevic (Doncaster Melb) with a sign waving it @ traffic passing…this seemed to throw the people there for a loop…they are unused to having their STASI style ideological tactics used against them…they don’t like their tactics being used…i had been there before , it’s a hi security building..3 doors to get in , outer door (unlocked) , 2 doors electrically operated from glassed in reception area (3 staff)…i hadn’t done any sign waving on my 1st visit , they didn’t know me…the 3 old boilers weren’t real friendly , this is not to be wondered @ as the w/c & slur makes most people forget their manners (if they had any to begin with that is)…they virtually ignored me , i was denied entry to the citadel…i feigned an urgent need to urinate…i was admitted thru the security doors with a chaperone to keep an eye on me…he stood outside the dunny door…why the heavy security ?…does Ambulance Victoria have something to hide ?…what could it be ?…maybe they keep their bulk supplies of Fentanyl there ?


some months after my AV visit i got a phone call from some guy @ Healsville ambulance …Healsville is about 50 kms from my place in the foothills of a mountain range , a long way outside the city…my first thought when he said where he was from was ‘this poor bugger drew the short straw’…his job was to explain why the ambulance took so long to arrive & enter after 4 drive offs…he said the reason was it was dark…i said why didn’t they put their lights on ?…no answer…why did they keep driving off ? …no answer…why were the police there ?…no answer…why was the ambulance woman so nasty ?…no answer…he said i was being aggressive…life’s too short to waste time talking to idiots…i hung up…i was on a tram @ the time , hard to hear , sounded like the usual monotone of b/s to me


i asked a doc why the nurse said i thew tablets @ her…the doc spoke in whisper as it seemed they were worried their words could be overheard…some spook would fix them up good if they knew who they were…they said the nurse was asked to pretend i threw the tablets…she gets a week off (union rules) for supposedly being assaulted…i haven’t identified the doc even by gender…you spooks would very much like to know who they are…make an example of them ? , do your own shitkicking gutter work , KLAN turds


a relative is a retired nurse , we spoke of the supposed tablet throwing incident & the doc who told me about the Martian getting a week off for the dirty work job…i had a splinter in my heel that i had operated on without success , it was too deep even for my considerable medical skills to remove…my relative told me if i went to BHH to get it removed to fucking well dress properly (exact words )…i have never been known for my sartorial elegance , I’ve had the nickname rags since i was a kid , I’ve always looked motherless even when i had a mother… i went over the top…wore a suit…she said they will treat you better if you don’t look like a bum , the visit to BHH was a 2 birds with the 1 stone thing…the splinter & to snoop about the week off rule…i was banned from BHH , i know im on the blacklist but it was as if the blacklist didn’t exist…they treated me good…all over me like stink on a monkey , they welcomed me like an old friend with them even exhibiting some personality , wtf is going on…this aint right…no waiting , sent me to fast track , for once it was fast…i was mighty suss , i made a very slight reference to the doc asking if it’s true a nurse gets time off if assaulted by a patient , the doc said it’s not true (it seemed like a rehearsed speech)…& she should know because she used to be a nurse…she was too young to have done the training to be a nurse & a doc…plus she knew far too many details of the tablet throwing b/s (i had not mentioned the tablet bs so why did she refer to tablets ?) , why was she being so nice ?…she would fully believe (or pretend to believe) that i was a convicted KANGAROO COURT tablet assaulter , shouldn’t i treated as evil ?…i had my ‘i believe everything your saying’ look on my puss (easily my best look)…the next cubical was empty , no bed , no nothing except a pair of shoes & legs under the curtain , when the doc left i went to investigate…the w/c has no footfall…she didn’t hear me coming…a nurse was standing there , dumb as a dog , still listening…when she became aware i was there she fluffed the curtains…i didn’t believe the doc , maybe a clique doc ?…i already knew the week off deal was correct , i fully believed the original doc over this rather clumsy attempt to rewrite the facts…if i ever needed confirmation the original doc was telling the truth (the original doc had a lot to loose by speaking to me )the eavesdropping nurse provided it , to be fair i wouldn’t say you lot are as dumb as 10 men…maybe 9 but certainly not 10…the GAME catches you dumb buggers out every time


thanks to the surly loud phone call i knew of the kangaroo court tablet lies…meaning the spooks or whoever needed a admission of guilt from me to try up any loose ends…a few days after the tablet b/s the spooks sent a young doc who wanted to do a deal with me…he had an agreement about my supposed throwing THINGS @ NURSES (things now + multiple nurses) & offered half an hour leave a day…near the end of this horse trading session he lowered the boom…he said unless i admitted my guilt in relation to the kangaroo court lies / charges i would have to leave the hospital…BHH was lowering itself to straight up blackmail , he said the contract / agreement would be confidential , just between us , this confidentiality was emphasized as a plus… i knew the FED were pulling the strings…we didn’t do a deal…he said he would confer with others & see if we were able to come to some agreement...who are the others ?…various spooks hiding in the shadows ? , THE FED ?…the KLAN?…was the flab one of the others ? , Fitzgerald ?

my apologetic young man returned next day with a new & improved deal…i could easily see he was uneasy because he had to do THE DIRTY BUSINESS…his apologetic attitude , even his body language , his very demeanor told me he found this dirty job loathsome…the contract/agreement receded in importance to me…i had to find out who or what this guy was…i asked what he did ? , we discussed many things , i find most people are very forthcoming when talking to me because of my slurred voice & w/c they assume they are taking to a fucking idiot which is a big advantage to me…from our talks i gathered he was a trainee doc doing his residency , a bad report from flabyguts could screw his career up good & proper , they had him by the short & Curlys or @ east he thought they did…he told me the new contract offered one hour a day leave , SOUNDS GOOD TO ME , agreement was reached in a flash…i really don’t know what it said as i didn’t have my glasses…he told me what it said …THE 1 HR A DAY LEAVE sold it , you got a deal sonny boy, A DUN DEAL


1 hr a day leave is good stuff giving me the time to feed & dose the dogs properly (without hassle)…then a nurse i named the LISPER reared his ugly head…he stuck his snout in…i had never spoken to the lisper , i never had any dealings with him…he said i had to see him before i left the ward & report to him on my return & could be away no more than 30 mins…i don’t know which letter of the alphabet the lisper falls into…when the lisper was laying down his law to me i did think some very bad things of him…i never reported or spoke to him again…i was told the agreement/contract would be confidential


if you want promotion you do as the lisper did… namely by injecting yourself into a situation that does not concern you giving you the chance to show your commanding style , a NORMAL nurse with a normal personality is on the bottom of the promotion heap , not much chance…next rung up is the aggressive HORSE nurse…the ALPHABITCH is almost as ubiquitous as the TAKE CHARE type…if your really serious about promotion you do the placard carrying thing @ a pay rise demo , maybe a SHOP STEWARD ? or whatever their called…the ANMF has a say in most promotions so you need to work your way up thru the ranks & prove you are owned …i don’t give the lisper much chance of working his way up thru the required stages…he tried hard , his effort was commendable but lacked gravitas (the lisp doesn’t help with the gravitas thing)…i never spoke to or saw the lisper again…i continued to take my full 1 hr or so


on one of my trips home i got the shoe polishing bag , u know nugget brushes & the like…knowing nugget wouldn’t be a good look spread over the Lino floor of my room… i went downstairs & put the nugget on sitting on the grass nature strip…better the nugget on the grass than the floor of my room i thought…i did a splendid job (this tells you how bored i was…imagine having to resort to boot polishing for entertainment)…my file says i was seen rolling in the grass , whoever wrote this is dumb , if i was rolling around in the grass i would have been within 1 meter of traffic…ever heard of DUTY OF CARE ??…so you just left me there ?…there is no mention of restraining me from my supposed total mental breakdown grass rolling aberration , no mention of attempting to coax me into a straight jacket…someone saw me polishing my boots & decided to use it…spice it up a bit…this is obviously the result of some idiots vivid imagination…this piece of b/s is a very stupid dirt file entry…the tablet throwing ?… not even the loud talking SURLY believed that piece of rehearsed orchestrated bullshit


i spoke to a guy when downstairs for a smoke…he said his nurse was a nasty bitch & that he was going to say something to her…i advised him not to…i changed the subject asking where he lived…Doncaster…not far i said…he kept coming back to the nurse…he was fired up about her…if you do say something she will retaliate by writing a bad entry in your file…he said he didn’t care what that fucking bitch writes…you would care if you knew what she could write…i gave an example… an extreme example …i told him he can’t beat the lacky law , whatever she writes will be worth @ least a week off to her & you won’t even know your a kangaroo court convictive…all will fervently believe in your guilt…there would be indications somethings not right but nothing you can put your finger on…maybe 2 nurses always come into your room @ the same time…some docs may give you a quizzical look…my naïve friend said she couldn’t get away with writing anything she wants…AU CONTRAIRE MON FRERE…she can write whatever she wants…no witness required…no proof needed…any charge is automatically proven


a memory of my time @ Freemason’s…pts didn’t need to wear masks in their rooms…i would head downstairs to make the arranged time with my taxi to do a feed n dose run not wearing my mask for the 20 meter trip to the elevator…a few times on the way an uncouth nurse…union rep ?…would say (in a nasty tone) “where’s your mask mister”…she could have said “you’ve forgotten to wear your mask”…but she lacked manners…she would’ve read my dirt file & would be a full on believer…Austin & BHH b/s mainly…any chance to give me a nasty ‘kick up the bum’ was not to be missed…it didn’t take much to feel the complete lack of respect the dirt file generated among the weak minded & stupid…how dumb is Epworth ?…after using me in a display operation & nearly killing me Epworth compounds their stupidity by having debt collectors calling & writing to me regularly…maybe Epworth are a bit dense ?…I’ve told your debt collectors i won’t pay for being used…why don’t you stop fucking around & sue me you dumb arses…another thought has occurred to me about my time in the ward in the damned Epworth hospital , when it was tablet time 3 or 4 nurses would come into my room including the short arse head honcho , i did wonder why the crowd @ the time…now i get it…you button twiddling wankers had my complete BH hospital dirt file & did the SAFETY IN NUMBERS thing just in case i was in a tablet throwing mood…REALY GUY’S ???…even a person of very moderate intelligence could easily see my sole focus was only on getting the Amitriptyline tablet , even the dumbest person could tell from my demeanor & personality im not what the dirt file says of me but you hafta believe in the b/s dirt file…don’t you ?…(you MUST believe in the file or you will be declared haram , a non believer that is destined to burn in the hell fires of purgatory for eternity) you betta follow union orders…what must it be like to work in a place where you hafta follow the union rules to survive & if you don’t you will be informed on , the short arse ?…one nurse did have a mind of her own & spoke of things that were most interesting…im not going to identify her , you turds can do your own work




after being treated like an alcohol brain damaged halfwit @ BHH & Epworth / Freemasons i had a sign made that reads as above & hangs on the back of my wheelchair & another around my neck…many people are judgmental & are not very intelligent…the KLAN deliberately & CYNICALLY used my voice slur as evidence I’m brain damaged & not of sound mind , therefore what i say happened @ Austin Repat did not happen…HOW COME I HAVE THE REDACTED SS EMAIL THEN ?????


i asked the same doc that gave me the info about the tablet chucking bullshit…what a… like a brown sausage with cracks means…the doc explained it was a generic description of the average turd (my word) but nurses just write that without actually seeing the aforementioned turd…i had not left a floata so i was interested in how the description was deduced…this generic description is the correct way to handle the matter otherwise instead of being known as ‘hero’s of the front line’ they may become known as ‘turd aficionados’…if they can write things they haven’t seen maybe instead of waking me up for obs they could just say did them & leave me sleep…i would sign a waiver


the night nurse was a high volume all night yapper , my ABX was hours overdue , there were 2 other Martians on the ward doing clerical work (in solidarity with the tablet Martian they gave me their best greasy looks )they did mainly typing (especially for me ?) my dirt file & the like…the like being a thing called TEXTURAL results , this was the main area where most b/s could be found , my file grew to an impressive 540 pages in my 14 day tenure , that’s around 40 pages a day , i helped give them a job , albeit a useless one as it is…pt absent from room , pt hid plaster back slab pieces in bin , pt threw tablets in nurses face , pt seen rolling in the grass , pt unfasted himself , pt absconded…patient did this patient did that…all parts of the allegations they typed for the file are pure bullshit + many file errors such as eye drops given…this was the b/s typing work they did…i went to the Martian that sits on the left of the counter cut thru to ask her to tell the yapper my ABX was long o/due , she was nasty saying YOU CAN’T COME IN HERE , i wasn’t trying to (another set up ?) she gave me the std greasy blank ignorant look , i went back to my room…surly came in & said we’ll come in soon , that’s WE btw…i don’t know what she told surly to get him involved but i decided to leave before they could load me up with more fake kangaroo court charges


most of what I’ve written about i know from reading my BHH file (+ memory & recall) which i had a few weeks after leaving BHH except the contract/agreement pages , that’s in my SECRET & STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL file (confidential from me anyway)…i told a nurse i was leaving & she went to talk to flabbyguts…she returned saying flabbyguts refused to speak to me…accompanied by the largest eye roll I’ve ever seen…the older nurses did show some concern that i was leaving with my hand still infected , older nurses are a dying breed , younger nurses are preferred by the FED as they are easier to train in following the political message of the FED…older nurses have their own minds & life experience but are fast becoming the last of the Mohicans…the young one’s are far more malleable , they swallow the political line & ideology of the FED without question…all you need to do is read the ANMF web site & see how much political crap it’s stuffed with to know the truth…what must it be like to go to work & have big brother (with informants )breathing down the back of your neck ?…i only ever worked for myself so i have no idea… there is no doubt the FED has a large influence in setting the syllabus & topics in the nurse education system…the worst part is they are told & trained that white males are trouble…people like me are behind the 8 ball from the start…i was unlucky enough to be born white & male , muck fe , things aint looking good…add the dirt file & it’s all bad…repat & VCAT would’ve cost me more b/s file entries , i would always do the same thing…the union sponsored wokeized PC b/s has no effect on me


i had a guy typing & moving text around but he’s too scared to do it anymore just because i threw tablets @ him…(that’s a…joke btw) he left exact instruction’s on text moving…blue it , x , cut & paste , mark where it goes…worked for him NOT ME , when i try the text goes off into the ethernet somewhere , never to seen again…its a re type

no more attempted text moving for me , my usual writing method is to recall something worth writing about then have the guy move it to roughly the correct time line position but for reasons explained sections will no longer appear in the exact chronological order of events…this will tend to make the story line all over the place but i have ultimate faith that those reading this will be able to keep events & in rough order…just because i don’t have the smarts to move things around is no reason to deprive my 2 or 3 readers of the unmitigated pleasure of reading this riveting tale of woe


a few days after leaving BHH my GP doc rang saying BHH had rang him & that i needed to take ABX tablets , he asked me to come & see him…when i saw him i asked if the person he spoke to @ BHH had a strong Scottish accent (turned out being IRISH) , Pete answered very fast that it could have been his intern…your fast but not that fast…Pete anticipated my question…no wonder your answer was so fast , flabby guts or intern doesn’t matter , im sure flabby wouldn’t miss the chance to give me some bad press…you would have heard all about my alcohol withdrawal , tablet throwing , absconding , rolling in the grass & things i don’t even know of , i did detect a different attitude on Pete’s behalf…he would’ve done his hospital residence 40 or more yrs ago…things have changed since then…back then the union didn’t run hospitals , they do now…there was no KLAN , there is now … the ANMF & KLAN will lie & do whatever it takes to protect their political fiefdom…i knew you would’ve been told about my supposed evil doings but i wasn’t concerned as i had been seeing you for over 10 yrs & thought you knew me well enough to know b/s when you hear it…meh maybe not…i think he would believe some doc over me…the time i had with pete did not allow me to tell him the full story so he didn’t know the facts really…flabyguts or intern gave me a bad rap…i imagine Epworth would have phoned him as a bum covering exercise to cover up for what happened , Epworth are adept @ lying , i know this from personal experience…im now docless… wandering aimlessly from doc to doc…I’ve become a docless pariah…why do hospitals lie so much ?…they lie when they don’t even need to lie…they are so used to lying they have become addicted to lying …@ hospitals patient experience office all they do is lie…WHY ?

saw him after Epworth & took the page speaking of the diastolic heart murmur caused by Epworth with me…he read over the Various BP RES TEP ect figures & announced it’s not very serious…Peter is not a cardiologist btw , meaning i doubt he would have the ability to decipher & interpret complex cardiac figures…he did have a back operation @ Epworth (not @ the Freemasons ward of the damned btw ) & was very much an Epworth man , being a doc he would have been well treated + having no dirt file would be a big bonus…i had been to a cardiologist , unbeknownst to Peter , i like to compare answers , evil of me i know but it’s the only way i know to find out the facts…this was not a 2nd opinion deal that the doc knew about…don’t you think doc’s talk to each other about requested 2nd opinions ? , one naive one born every minute they say…i left while pete was still talking…imagine leaving a doc’s room while he is still talking…i should be horsewhipped…i assume Epworth had also phoned him as a bum covering exercise


& i aint afraid to use em

about a month after leaving BHH i was going down a brick ramp & i turned the w/c over good & proper , big gash above right eye , blood allover the place , definitely a stitch up job…i called the ambulance , opened the gate & put the dogs away , it came but kept driving away , they didn’t get out or put their side lights on … i kept calling back saying they had the right place…murphy’s law , dropped the phone & because my hands were so slick with blood i had big trouble getting the battery back in…after many calls & drive offs 2 cops came with the 2 ambulance folk , the CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT CONTRACT dirt file entry turned out not so confidential (it is from me) , i was led to believe the contract was no big deal , Vic Ambulance thought it was a big deal… because im a convicted kangaroo tablet thrower from my time @ BHH cops needed to attend to ensure the safety of the ambulance people…1 male 1 female , the female was aggressive & nasty…she could’ve been the twin sister of sweet Susan…how come female cops & in this case the nasty ambulance bitch are so nasty ? , they lack the physical size of the guys but seem to want to prove they are tougher than the guys , she had an aggressive nasty personality…lets look @ the situation…guy using w/c , bleeding heavily , cops there & yet she still felt the need to be a nasty fucking bitch…maybe the poor girl was low on fentanyl ? was she was looking for a promotion ?…after some pleasantries were exchanged ( more like unpleasantries ) it said in a very nasty voice…ANYWAY… DO YOU WANT TO BE ACCESSED OR NOT ?…i replied not by YOU , they left…including all the drive offs it was about an hour before they made their police secured & protected entry , im also aware the nasty attitude of the 000 operator means they also have the b/s kangaroo court tablet thing…how lucky am i to be on both blacklists…the 000 & BHH…how strange it must be to work @ ambulance vic , you’d need to be a bit strange

i couldn’t believe how aggressive & nasty she was…was she showing off for the cops ? , (NAR…doubtful…she was thinking promotion) are they that dumb they believe the b/s file totally ?…it’s in their financial interest to slavishly pretend the dirt file is fact , we have a dangerous job . constantly being attacked by violent people…we are heroes of the front line…pay us more !!!…you violent Bastards…still can’t get over how nasty she was , if she was acting it was academy award winning stuff , got a cab to BHH , the driver was paranoid i would bleed allover his cab…i didn’t take enough(or any) care to avoid bleeding all over the counter @ BHH…it was a traumatic experience to see the admin or whatever getting off her large arse to mop the blood up , she complained something fierce about it…i felt bad for her , real bad , if you believe that…you’ll believe anything


2 people did the stich up job…there was a lot of deferring going on…do you think i need another stitch here or there ? , that kinda thing…i didn’t know who the doc was almost…the doc was smart to defer to the nurse…after all they run the the place , anything for a peaceful life…the skin around the gash had been anesthetized but the underneath bone structure can’t be , during the job they pushed a thumb hard on the gash…it was painful but i suppose a person with a bad dirt file like mine is not entitled to a less painful way of doing things , one of them said don’t furrow your brow while we stitch…i sat up & said let me drive my thumb above your eye hard & we’ll see if you furrow , you don’t even need a gash…this petulant outburst may have been responsible for a file entry saying ‘ bad behavior ‘ , weak , only a code grey is good enough for me…i feel inadequate…’bad behavior indeed’, pigs arse , WTF is wrong with a code grey ?


you need various parameters & tactics to establish an effective 3rd…any pretext will do , don’t let any form of propriety or scruple’s dissuade you from your gutter work , to run a quality & believable 3rd scruple’s are not required…the sewer crawler will even use a persons symptoms against them…but like i said you would need to be a sewer crawler , i would have thought the gutter or sewer crawler is a rare critter…BUT NOT SO


i have newspaper clippings who’s headlines say 10,000 nurses attacked…the only evidence being supplied by the nurses hard nosed political union , they could be hardly said to be impartial , i know from my own experience things are invented…someone doesn’t want to lose their govt advertising account ? , & other advertising…what could the other advertising be ??…maybe superannuation money…the press serves up this fictional bullshit (fake news)every3 months or so , the most recent headline being (march 23)…BATTLE ZONE…even the most casual thought would have a person thinking HAVE OUR MEDIA BEEN ASLEEP ? , so the BATTLE ZONE is just a new reality is it ? , overstretched is a new eventuality is it ? , if the headline is true the overstretched media & the violent nature of any causality dept would have been obvious for some time…the union/media cartel can sell almost anything to the timid people many have become….the BATTLE ZONE (as if its real) can be fixed by a few hundred million dollars they will say…this money will be hoovered up in higher pay , more money will change nothing , you will still wait…the latest b/s fake news concerns depressed ambulance crews( give the poor buggers some more Fentanyl…don’t be mean)…it seems the VTU , ANMF & AMB VIC are favored with the beat up news stories…the unions mentioned are all part of the Vic ALP…the compliant & paid for media present the BATTLEZONE story & other ‘hot of the press headlines’ as if they are new earthshattering news…if the BATTLEZONE story is to swallowed we are asked to believe the patients have become violent…or maybe your reporters have been asleep ? these violent patients must have been around for some time , what’s your source ? , a pay rise hungry lying political union ?…the medias been paid for…you run their propaganda as if it is fact…anything for money hey ?

one recent headline is believable (even by a cynic like me) it has the ring of truth about it…TOXIC ATMOSPHERE IN HOSPITALS…this seems like the truth…the most toxic is BHH going by my experiences there…i cant quite figure out why the media decided to print an accurate & honest headline , im not so easily convinced by the sudden change in the medias righteous stance…maybe the media is warning the protected ones to cough up some cash or honest headlines may become the norm…come to think of it i aint not seen any 3 page advert spreads by the protected ones or their super funds…the media aren’t running a protection racket for fun , they want cash…or no more protection


the newspapers do their thing but the speakers in every room are effective @ doing their brainwash thing…they never shut up , always blathering on about a code grey security alert somewhere in the hospital , this reinforces to the patients & their visitors that hospitals are full of violent patients that the poor nurses have to deal with them , most people very strongly believe nurses are subject to violence & injuries on a daily basis…if this was true many nurses would leave the job…i have a photo poster of an obviously low class person spitting on a nurse , i doubt even Gobbles would have had the unmitigated gall to try & sell this one , the poster shows a nurse with arms folded , staring straight ahead while being spat on , she does not try & avoid this large hunkered up Gorby & accepts her fait with stoicism & almost a look of resignation on her face as if she’s thinking i don’t like it but it’s part of the job…when you stop & think these are just actors , employed by the union , the folly of the supposed accurate depiction looses any concept of reality…the spitter looks like a real rough head , the Americans would call her ‘trailer park trash’ , the gorby spitter stands to the side of the poor hapless & helpless nurse… they are actors doing a job…if we don’t spoil it with real & rational thought this piece of superb fantasy is a testament to the crew that made this magnificent piece of artistry , i could go on & on …it is quite simply the mona Lisa of b/s posters…the CASTING is a touch of genius & the depiction is as good as it gets…i officially nominate this poster for the Archibald prize (fiction section) consideration


no matter how improbable & implausible…what matters is the charge be made , the charger will have supreme confidence that any story she comes up with will be implicitly believed & acted on by the kangaroo court & the mindless simpletons , they do exactly what their masters tell them to do…it’s in their financial interests to do so…the hero’s of the front line (lacky quote) know which side their bread is buttered…the accuracy of the b/s dirt file is almost a religious(or pretended ) belief by some , the Nth Koreans have used & taken certain elements of the 3rd to whole new level…especially the god like status of the dear leader or whoever , they believe in the divinity(or pretend to) of the head honcho the same as some nurses believe in the infallibility of the b/s dirt file…the Ceausescu regime did refine many elements of the 3rd , you turds should study Ceausescu’s methods…you may even learn how to manufactureBELIEVABLE bullshit


Adelaide , some yrs ago…a nurse was having a smoke in the carpark of some hospital when some psycho stabbed her , anyone would have done , nurse , admin , catering , cleaning or whatever…nurses don’t wear uniforms so the psycho wouldn’t have known the occupation of the victim…that didn’t stop the local union cynically trying to exploit the situation…exact words…this will be remembered when the next EBA (enterprise bargaining agreement) comes around , said thru clenched teeth…any pretext would have done to go for more money , the victim was not considered but was a convenient excuse to pretend her occupation was the cause of the stabbing , mighty cold stuff…nothing i wouldn’t expect from a professional money grubber…public schools , councils & hospitals + other areas are almost 100% pro union/alp closed shops , the union would like to control public & larger private hospitals as their exclusive closed shop political preserve…they are close to achieving their aim thanks to their obedient (enough anyway) brainwashed members…the cold pretense that the nurse was stabbed because she was a nurse & the union slime saying it will be remembered when the next EBA wage negotiations comes around…an element of truth is always twisted into a lie to suit their lousy advantage…this miserable attitude is what i have dealt with for12 yrs, slur is the element of truth…the lie ?…im a brain damaged alky with a goon bag fetish


after the war ended Germany was split into 4 zones of occupation , one of thesezones became known as the German democratic republic (GDR) , it was a puppet state controlled by Moscow , the GDR had a security service known as the STASI the name gestapo was tainted , many ex gestapo became operatives/employees of the STASI…the STASI had files on a large % of East Germans…when the wall fell people were allowed to read their own STASI file , they found their STASI file was nothing but b/s & also showed who informed on them , many times it was their own father or brother who informed for some kind of advantage or reward…gee wiz...could the reward be a week off , maybe even promotion ?…hmmm what do the STASI tactics & b/s file remind me of ?…is it sweet Susan ? , maybe the Martian ? , or is it the true believing fucking bitches pretending the b/s file is true ?…THE STASI LIVES…it’s a conglomeration of the best of the STASI & the cunning KLAN turdspooks…my file is pure BULLSHIT but that doesn’t stop the ideologically brainwashed believing or pretending to believe it’s true…if they showed any inclination towards non belief…they got big troublewhoever shall beliveth in the file shall inherit a blissful closed shop union run hospital…non believers are apostates & haram…those who don’t slavishly follow the teachings of the KLAN union shall burn in hell fire for eternity…as is written in the KLAN turdspook bible… Leviticus…SHUTE 21…Mc GIVEN 38


if you want to establish an effective 3rd you need to have a clearly defined enemy , someone you need protection from…it doesn’t matter if it’s a real or an imaginary enemy , the main thing that you need to be able to do is to assure your members that you are looking after & protecting them…the Nth Koreans use an imminent American invasion to justify their more outlandish actions , very few believe it but by fear & punishment nobody’s going to openly deny the REQUIRED automatically believed ‘FACTS’ taken on blind faith & trust alone…threats ?…if the 3rd had the advantage of the kangaroo court & various idiots acted on & fully believe what ‘s alleged as fact…no need for GESTAPO …who do i know who uses informers to keep their members in line & kangaroo courts for people they want to fix up ?…your methods are straight out of the ‘my struggle’ book


as i left the cardiologist’s some papers blew away (windy day) , i went over the gutter to retrieve them…i was busy reading , i didn’t concentrate to make sure my wheels were even , went over the guter & down i went , clunked my head pretty hard , nothing a few stitches wouldn’t fix , broke my glasses & phone…bugger…stiches aint gunna fix them , a doc’s place was just across the road , she came out to help , we went to her surgery, she called an ambulance as she said the gash needed stitches , AFTER THE COPS NEED TO BE THERE b/s before the ambulance would come i knew why the ambulance took some hrs to arrive…i wanted to go home but she was being so solicitous & concerned i kinda couldn’t…i had nothing better to do so waiting didn’t bother me , the doc has 2 small children @ crèche which had to be picked up…the doc kept on calling the ambulance…i could have told her why the child like true believers wouldn’t come…any inconvenience was caused to the doc …NOT ME…the ambulance came eventually , i was loaded up by 2 hero’s of the front line , 1 male 1 female…they checked if there was any hold up or ramping @ BHH , i easily heard the reply , no problem we have space…i said looks like BHH it is , but the chubby female hadn’t heard…SHE SAID…she went on & on & on that she had to hear it , i have to hear it James…i have to hear it James , i have to hear it James… she wouldn’t shut up , she kept on & on , i said nothing during her breakdown…if i hadn’t known of the dirt file & the ambulance staff phobia (u know…the kangaroo court tablet thing) my dx for her would have been severe mental disorder,the perfect storm of grumpiness , the driver must have been deaf as a post as the radio was in the cab…he said nothing…from what I’ve learned It’s more than possible she was trying to start a fight…was it a promotion fight / audition ?…a week or so off maybe ?…NICE TRY FAT

we got to BHH @ the triage thing im kept back a bit so i can’t hear what’s being said (nothing good i guess) , im taken to a cubical…her grumpiness & the deaf one leave , im not altogether stupid , the bitchy promotion or time off seeker gave me the big clue that im better off leaving …i head for the door , a young nurse said i shouldn’t leave , i made the hand signal for smoking…the nurse was obviously too young & not fully brainwashed yet to be anything but a normal person , i didn’t lie , i did have a smoke , just kept on going is all…got the tram to Maccas , did a big U turn so the Maccas people only saw the right side of my face , the other side was a bit gruesome , got home…after 6 hrs a BHH doc rang asking where i was…6 hrs sounds about right…told him to read my dirt file if he wants to know why i left , the ambulance people had to come because i was @ a docs office , the hero’s of the front line very bravely turned up without cops , if cops it may have raised some questions…vic ambulance would have been in a quandary…how could they carry on the charade of tablet throwing in front of a doc ?…the cat had to be kept in the bag @ all costs…even if they had to sacrifice some hero’s…ambulance vic had to find some very brave souls to attend…the best they could come up with were the deaf & grumpy pair…they were probably expendable…good choice…the ambulance folk badly wanted something they could add to the dirt file…maybe they made something up anyway


there was no particular reason for me to go to the flabby review (not mandatory) about 2 weeks after i left BHH but i wanted to observe flabby up close , flabby looked @ my hand & announced im a medical miracle as the wound was almost healed , he had to say im a medical miracle to cover for the fact i didn’t need to spend as long as i did in BHH…except for the 2 extra practice operations i provided…maybe i didn’t even need to be admitted (the flab’s…that’s not cutting the mustard statement was a lie) i did need to be admitted if only to provide a practice body to operate on…not to forget the Martian tablet throwing contract/agreement bullshit , i was very much needed…maybe the slime green wanted the opportunity to get @ me ?? , @ the review i went to another room to get the bandage re applied by a nurse…there were 2 nurses…i asked them why i rated 2 nurses instead of 1 , they said YOUR SPECIAL…sending 2 nurses instead of 1 is a flab pretending technique…I WILL PROTECT YOU from these dangerous & violent people …i got a very good understanding from this minor event of how the flab operates…he sucks up to the nurses…I CARE ABOUT YOU…the nurses union loves flabby , he gets the support of the union (the ppl who really run the place)…their support allows him to continue to be the arrogant shithead arsehole he is to everybody but the nurses (he plays the game…he is well thought of @ the ANMF)being IRISH wouldn’t hurt…he is also well thought of by management in that he provides people for staff practice operations , he has no concern for the risks an operation poses…flabby is loved by the ANMF & the management…he’s golden…some doc’s brown nose the nurses thus making their position less stressful & so they will be left alone to do the doc thing…if doc’s stood up for themselves the nurse’s union would go on strike so there is nothing to be gained , docs don’t strike as nurses do (4 nurse strikes in the last 3 months in Sydney…politics , election time)…docs don’t strike as many of them feel a responsible to patients , nurses will strike , they & their union have no qualms about leaving people in the lurch…(not you lurch)…many people have a kinda a child like faith that the nurses , (u know the hero’s of the front line) will look after them…it’ a job to them , that’s the fact of the matter…if the union tells them to walk out , they will…do you really think they care about you ?…naive faith springs eternal

i would arrive for my review 30 mins early , this gave me the chance to observe flabby in repose , to see him i had to haul myself up using the counter for support , i talked to a admin person named Laura but my real reason for hanging onto the counter was to see flabby…Laura must have thought i was the chattiest halfwit she ever met…flabby stood in a central area with consultation rooms running off each side…he stood there imperially @ his command post , he was lord of all he surveyed…he could have been captain Bligh on the deck of the bounty , i think flabby would have power over the doc’s via good or bad reports…the doc who told me about the tablet week off scam was taking a big risk with their career , they didn’t know if i might be a loose cannon & blab their name around…if flabby found out they would be finished , i studied flabby over time , particularly in repose , flabby is a complex narcistic character with a high opinion of himself…flabby likes himself big time , after exhaustive study of said subject i came to the only possible conclusion i could come to…unfortunately flabby is a borderline sociopath which is amply demonstrated by his warped personality…the condition is chronic , sadly there is no cure

doc’s who don’t brown nose are better off in private practice especially if they won’t buckle under to the power union…that’s the way it is…i wonder if the docs who told me certain things the union wouldn’t want me to know is still @ BHH ?…maybe they learned how to suck up…if not…it’s private practice or Botswana it is


i have 4 poles set @ various Heights on one side of the bed so i can also use my arms to help drag me out of bed , the tall 1 broke off sending me crashing to the floor…i put my arm out in an instinctive action to cushion the fall & managed to bend the elbow back in the way it’s not supposed to go , broken ?…from the wrist to the elbow seemed to become more painful by the hour…std wait time hoping whatever it is comes good… i hate going anywhere near BHH , i rang for the ambulance so i could get an xray , a MEDICAL EDGE ambulance came , Victorian ambulance are still playing the pretend ‘tablet throwing game’ so MEDICAL EDGE it was…they must have more courage & all round bravery than the lily livered pretenders @ AV or perhaps their not so stupid & gullible to believe bullshit ?…maybe their expendable ?…i asked to go to BHH even though i know it’s a soulless place…but it’s closer to home in case i needed to do a feed n dose run…i don’t know what charge the kangaroo court would convict me of if i was unfortunate enough to be admitted , maybe spitting ?…there were 3 ME people , 2 female & 1 male , the girls were only interested in doing their job but the guy seemed to be very concerned about my dogs…he could have asked me to put them in another room but he didn’t…tigerboy kept getting out of his basket multiple times which caused the guy to sternly order him back to his basket…they are both calm & inoffensive dogs , tiger was looking for a pat , he seemed to be totally unaware that his wandering was an extreme transgression & offence…the thought did occur to me that the guy was setting a story up…most b/s stories do have a basis of truth…there were dogs…so with a bit of imagination a quality b/s story could be wrought…i would be surprised if some sort of story wasn’t made up because the guy seemed to concentrate on tigerboy so much

BHH…i was put in a big tent (no triage section) laying on an ambulance gurney , one other pt in this huge tent…the 5 sour unexhausted sit down nurses staved off boredom by reading my dirt file i assume…after about 6 hrs i went for a leak , followed closely by a nurse , i assume this was because of my absconding reputation…returning from the toilet the gurney was gone…i suppose i’d looked too comfortable so the gurney was taken away while i was doing the dunny thing…i had already picked out who the alphabitch was (the one that keeps normal ppl in line…page 7 of the rat handbook…from the 5 sour nurses…not hard to do , all you need to do is pick the one with the most severe look…you’ll be right most of the time…the alphabitch (perhaps working on a b/s story) decided i was listening to the docs talking to the only other pt in the big tent & decided to move me to the other side of the tent , i don’t like others having control of the w/c (ppl feel superior enough to me already…esp sour nurses) the doc came after a 6 hr wait…the wait time was to give me time to sober up as they assumed i was drunk because of the slur , he thanked me for waiting & asked how much i’d had to drink…i turned the w/c around so he could see the sign on the back saying I SLUR MY WORDS…IM NOT DRUNK…IM NOT STUPID EITHER , the doc said he asks everyone the how much booze question…i believe you doc…NOT…i now wear a reasonably large sign around my neck so the info can be seen front & back…the doc named the neuro problem i have from hospital notes so BHH know about it but prefer to concentrate on my slur symptom & pretend im drunk (the slur’s a winner…EPWORTH loved it) the doc raced me thru the waiting room to xray so none of the KLAN , alphabitches , cliquers , take charge types , intriguers , feds , politico types , wokers , pc aficionados , turds & spooks saw us…we moved @ speed…i think the doc knew i was blacklisted…he hid me from the turds


we arrived @ xray…unmolested by the aforementioned shitheads..xray showed the arm wasn’t broken , only torn ligaments muscles & the like…the doc said to ask the nurses for a Panadol , i was pretty sure who the alphabitch (or maybe KLAN) was , i figured she arranged for the gurney to be removed & she did say i was listening to the docs of another pt & wheeled me away…i knew enough to avoid this bitch…i asked one of the others for the Panadol but IT butted in & said i couldn’t have one as i had already had one…i hadn’t , as the chart would show , in any event you can have more than one Panadol in 7 hrs…the AB had read my dirt file & decided i needed to be punished by with holding pain medication

the alphabitch is a strange critter…even people on death row have some people who believe they may be innocent…the alphabitch believes (or pretends to believe) whatever the dirt file says of me is correct…i don’t think the average alphabitch would be so stupid as to wholeheartedly believe in the dirt file b/s…AB’s know the b/s file is used as a weapon this is why i say AB’s pretend to believe…it’s in the AB’s interests to pretend the file is true…no one would be that stupid to believe it otherwise , my reasoning ? # 1 , the AB’s position rank & income depends on pretending im full on evil…if your going to run an effective 3rd you need an enemy , someone the ordinary members need to be protected from…a nasty & vitriolic attitude toward me by the me by the AB is a put on display designed to reinforce to the normal staff what a bad bastard i am & staff need to beware…it’s also designed to make staff accept the b/s dirt file is true…caution should be exercised in any interaction with this violent pt…remember…he’s a convicted kangaroo court tablet chucker plus more…# 2 , a FED acceptable AB needs to show a hard nasty edge…if for any reason it doesn’t show the hard nasty edge it is required to hang up it’s head kicking boots forthwith , any possible career advancement would be forfeit , all benefit’s both financial & rank would cease…the AB has a huge incentive to strongly believe in the file( without any kind of evidence)…the more vitriolic the AB’s attack is has the side benefit of making other staff believe the file is true & in a perverse way they are grateful to the AB for protecting them # 3 , did you think you were showing some sort of weird solidarity with the broodabond ?…the dimwitted sisterhood ? or perhaps the equally dimwitted coven ? by denying me a Panadol…were you demonstrating to the dimwitted plebs how much you care for them will protect them from evildoers like me ?….the dead hand of the FED makes BHH the soulless place as it is…it’s bad enough being a PT there…muck fe…how much worse would it be to work in the stifling atmosphere that is BHH ?…the pc rules based order , the dead hand of the union ? , the personality free zone , the woke world aint for me

the main thing was the arm was not broken….i did learn that this particular AB is a nasty fucking bitch…this news would come as no great revelation to her…she knows what she is…you up for some poison pen writing AB ?…let’s fix me up good & proper hey…why not it do it AB ?…WHY NOT ? …whatever bullshit you write for the dirt file would be instantly & absolutely believed by the dimwits…you can write anything you want , you are protected…you know that…how about this . you could accuse me of pinching your bum…u gotta admit that’s a good one hey…the only problem is that im starting to think like you sewer slime…that aint good…the KANGAROO COURT would of course find me guilty of wanton deliberate & premeditated bum pinching…(with their std no evidence or witness requirements)…let’s think about this…i recon we should unpack the deal , ok , tablets in the face was worth 1 week off for the Martian nurse , now follow me here , bum pinching would most likely be classified as some form of sexual assault…you follow my drift ?…how many weeks off would a sexual assault be worth ? (particularly one committed by a known kangaroo court convictee)…what I’ve written here is how dealing with an AB works…i thank the AB in a way , her actions in denying me Panadol were stark & very obvious , the withholding of Panadol seems to be a recuring theme , 1st the chubby boy who kept ‘forgetting’ to give me one …2nd the 3 solid horror heads @ fast track BHH & now your refusal to supply a Panadol on the grounds that i had one already…A LIE …not one in a seven hour period…you miserable fucking bitch…you didn’t even try to use some guile in your refusal…nobodies that DUMB…you feel invincible don’t you ?…you can do say or write whatever you want , THAT’S THE TRUTH…you’ve got the FED to back you up & the FED has the Lakey to back them up…no wonder you didn’t feel the needed to use any brains

THE ANMF VISIT (formally known as the ANF)

after my visit to Ambulance vic i put my head into the jaws of death…i went to the ANMF location in Melbourne CBDi was well aware the ANMF ran the KANGAROO COURT…a relative is a nurse & had told me that in her opinion LF is a tough , cold , harsh , hard , political animal , i had researched LF extensively , hard to disagree with my relatives opinion…you need to know as much as you can about a subject , i had done my 6 p’s…LF came outside to ask what my THE HOME OF THE KANGAROO COURT sign was about …she knew already…LF was playing dumb…LF has a cold aura…there she was with hands clasped slightly bent over , a crooked little smile creased her wrinkled face , she looked like she was under serious consideration to be cast in the role of the witch in Hansel & Gretal…i said i hadn’t thrown tablets or anything else @ anyone…she knew all about it …no big surprise there…the FED had to be involved…i said it’s unbelievable that a false allegation was made against me & im automatically found guilty by your kangaroo court…tried in absentia…no right of appeal , no evidence or witness…i didn’t even know of the secret KANGAROO COURTS existence , how could i defend myself ? when i didn’t even know of the sham trial…i told her of the nurse’s pretense & organized steps that i thew tablets @ her…LF said what makes you think the nurse is a member of our union ? , i said i thought there was only one nurse union…anyway you tell me i said (throw away line)…LF turned nasty , as i knew she would…she said , ‘im not going to tell you anything’…’that’s private information’ coupled with a savage look on her puss that would frighten the horses , she turned & strutted away ( goosestep style)…LF missed her calling , her ‘playing dumb’ routine was brilliant & superb, Hollywood beckons…she never heard of tablets being thrown , i happen to know Mc G squealed to you(pig style) that i had threatened him when i rang him…did you , the pig & flabby guts cook up the tablet throwing frame up…FITZGERALD ?

as part of my dd + 6p in bringing myself up to speed i read the anmf website , i had read it some yrs ago , this time the political b/s was so thick it hung from the ceiling…there were many pics of Danny & Fitsgerald @ the opening of the ANMF’s new 8th floor offices , i made the mistake of looking at the pics too closely , i refunded my lunch…the health ministry & dept should be the exclusive preserve of the ANMF but Danny ain’t dumb enough to parachute any of the ANMF people into a safe seat…he knows you ain’t up to it…the way LF spoke to me (especially showing her nasty side) proves you have no political ithe assorted spooks , alphabitches , clan, loud mouthed pigs , flabby gutses & hangers on aren’t clever… your pretty dumb really…REPAT happened…i have written proof (i have the redacted email…( written by you)…you know it happened…there is an old saying…theirs a high price attached to getting even… i hope you pay that price…you can lie all you like…over the last 14 yrs the ALP Vic state govt & Danny boy… the union lackey has slowly & incrementally given you permission to run what amounts to a SECRET KANGAROO COURT to get even with me & others by using lies , trickery & stealth…you don’t include the tablet throwing lies in my file ?…why not ?…are you ashamed of your lies ?…why do you run a secret instant conviction (with no evidence or witness) file on me & keep it secret ?…why do i have two files ?…a normal file & a secret file…BHH (BOX HILL HOSPITAL) told me the tablet throwing LIES are private & would not be revealed to anyone…as if privacy matters to me…it’s just a lie…i found the AMBULANCE know , the POLICE know…who else ? that makes 3 times I’ve caught you lying…1st…the start of it all…the AUSTIN hospital redacted (vcat)email lies in 2011… (remember the loudmouth pig ? ) …2nd the throwing of tablets in a nurses face lie @ BHH (your getting desperate)…& 3rd the privacy b/s also @ BHH (you guys crap on something fierce)…how many more kangaroo court instant convictions have you framed me up with ?…have you never heard of the MAGNA CARTA ?…NATURAL JUSTICE ?…EVIDENCE ? WITNESS ?…why would you dumb arses care about such things when you have the union lackey in your pocket ?… you refuse to release the secret allegations to me under FOI…maybe you should consider limiting yourself to medical m



3…the first part of this concerns 11/11/20 – 25/11/20 when i was a patient @ Epworth freemasons…the Epworth freemasons details are out of chronological order which will make it harder to understand the full picture…an added bonus is that people who don’t have the necessary brain cells to interpret the concept are not required…other parts concern the AUSTIN repatriation in 2011 ( the start of the fed vendetta against me ) & BHH @ various times & elsewhere…it’s wont be in chronological order…Repat was I st ( the start of my magnificent dirt file) then…STV…BHH…eye n ear…st Georges…Epworth & STV again ok ok…I’ll come clean….it will be all over the place like a mad dogs dinner...the all over the place method will help recount this sad tale of woe & misery from memory using a Tarantino style…i appreciate a person will need to have an agile mind to follow the plot…i will try to add more on a daily basis…my hands are uncoordinated & clumsy…my typing is slow , it’s a hit & miss thing , plus im mighty lazy

4…BACKGROUND…8 /11/21

a local community health service had been cutting my toenails…a person from the health service called me talking about some paperwork…i didn’t make my usual , i’m not drunk i have a speech problem thing because she knew me…she hung up thinking i was drunk maybe ( i get hung up on a lot ) …my slur is variable , i never know how good or bad the slur will be till i speak…i rang back asking for N , i was asked which N ? , we have 6 of them here…after making my speech problem thing , i said no you don’t , the place isn’t that big…after some torrid negotiation N answered the phone…i said i don’t appreciate your hanging up on me (no denial)…i said do you think i want to have a slurred voice ?…your reaction makes it hard on me…her attitude was not sorry or sympathetic…she tried to b/s her way out of it…maybe i should tell your manager how you treat people…she said i am the manager , i said no your not , your not old enough…i hung up & went to Hawthorn ready & primed to deliver one of my famous rants…i didn’t see N , she was wise to hide…the real manager didn’t look like she deserved one of my explosive rants…she wasn’t N in any case…in what is a first for me , i couldn’t do the rant…i must be mellowing in my his old age or slipping…it’s a worry…the best i could do was to say…you’re a pack of bastards…i scurried away totally defanged…licking my self inflicted rant less wounds…this is why i foolishly tried to cut my own toenails…cause & effect ?…or equal & opposite reactions ?

5…if i had known cutting my own toenails would have me ending up in the ward of the damned of EPWORTH/FREEMASONS the sheets could have been shredded without a care…i’m not that fast on the uptake…im not very smart but i can lift heavy things…i cut my toe nails with a clipper and cut some skin as well…My hands are full of fumble fingers…this didn’t stop me having a go…im brave but (as you know) not smart… I’m told you always have staphylococcus living on your skin. The skin I cut allowed the staph to enter my bloodstream, the toes on my right foot went red & purple… they recovered in a few daysmy right heel also went red & purple but did not recover…it was painful…I gave it a few days but no go…large skin pieces started shedding off

6…on the 8th nov 2020 i went to Box hill hospital…my heel was bandaged & i was told to wait , after a few hours i realized i had no wrist band which establishes your arrival time & complaint , i went & got a band…i spoke to the triage about not being told to get a band…triage tell you & emphasize the fact that you must get a wrist band from the next window but they ‘neglected’ this important step in my case…i was also not seen on my last visit…they said their computer said i had just got there ,i told them i had been there some hours…the discussion was not heated , i could tell from their reaction that ‘forgetting’ to tell me to get a band was deliberate…i rang the cab company & got the exact time of arrival…11.08pm… phone on speaker…so they could hear the time given


i asked to speak to the manager…a person saying she was the head nurse named Susan came out with security a few meters away…she led me to a quiet area so nobody would hear what she said…i knew the fix was in by security being present & by the quiet area chosen…Susan was dismissive , nasty , aggressive & seemed to want to start a fight…she said i had been harassing her staff , i told her she was making up stories (these Danny the lacky ‘protected people’ can tell any lie they like) , i knew she had read my dirt file by her use of the term ‘ harassing staff ‘…it was obvious to me i wouldn’t be seen , i left…my GP is not open weekends…i spent the weekend sweating , vomiting & sleeping fitfully…i’m told i’m on the BLACKLIST @ BHH by several docs…meaning no service…i won’t be seen…the BLACKLIST info explains a lot…the FED KLAN are vindictive buggers…with long memories of Austin Repatriation…i know about THE KLAN now…no wonder you acted like the pack of unionized turds the you are…KLAN RULES ?


your pathetic lying efforts in trying to make me look like an evil alcoholic brain damaged person only emphasizes your stupidity…Austin repat happened , you know it happened




THE CLIQUE & THE SPOOKS KNOW THE TRUTH DOESN’T MATTER…THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WHAT THE IDEOLOGICALLY BRAINWASHED BELIEVE TO BE TRUE …what i may say is deemed to be not true , what they say is OF COURSE the GODS HONEST sacred truth…to further political aims or wage claims by using sick or injured people shows what vicious turds the ANMF , THE KLAN & THE CLIQUE ARE


sometime around 2019 i was in BHH hospital with an infected finger requiring ABX , infused via IV…i now have access to my BHH medical file…interesting…this incorrect medical info was what the Epworth clique used to make their demented DX , they wanted to think the worst of me anyway…i was on the KLAN punishment list so Epworth used my slurred voice as evidence of my being demented or alcoholic or both…EPWORTH staff are ANMF(KLAN?) union members who will do the bidding of their union masters & used the incorrect BHH file & their own bias to justify their demented alcoholic brain damaged diagnosis ( THEY KNEW I WASN’T DRUNK OR MENTALLY IMPAIRED )…i have a voice slur which Epworth cynically decided to use as justification for their drunk halfwit diagnosis…the Epworth witches pretended i had brain damage due to my slur thus allowing the them to say i was mentally & cognately impaired sending me to the ward of the damned Freemasons to be used & nearly killed as decreed by their masters…high crimes & misdemeanors against Austin repat hospital in 2011 ?……what was the thing that pissed you union turd spooks off the most ?…was it the VCAT legal case?…was it the fact one of your own senior people shat in your faces bigtime by giving me the redacted 4 page lying email ? that even VCAT couldn’t/wouldn’t release…sen member Procter told me the redaction was dynamite
& he couldn’t release it…was it distributing 1000 copies of the liar email @ repat…
im going for fact that i was given the redaction by one of your own senior management staff that got up your snouts(inc shit) the most…i didn’t ask her for it…she freely gave it without being compelled in any way , she just gave it…over the last 14 yrs I’ve tried to figure out why she gave it…i think she had read that many lies & was drowning in bullshit that she had a rush of blood…im pretty sure she would think of it as a brain fade now…i don’t think she had a brain fade…how was she to know what i would do with the redaction ?…i had it copied 1000 times & distribute it @ REPAT as the turdspooks of the ANMF know…being given the lying redacted email is the stuff of nightmares for the CLIQUE SPOOKS…if you can’t trust your own senior your staff…the liar system would crash…control would be lost…the spooks & the clique would be impotent… i would always do as i did with the Austin Repat redacted email…you went close @ Epworth/Freemasons to stopping me dead (a permeant fix ?) close…but no cigar…can’t you turdspook’s do anything right ?

what made BHH think my slurred voice meant i was drunk or brain damaged ? (other than wanting to think it)…i had 3 operations whilst supposedly drunk…i had many alcohol withdrawal tests @ BHH…the tests were rudimentary…the tests consisted of being asked if im nervous all the time & if i sweat a lot…a finger tip to finger tip test detected some vibration (med notes) I’ve had minor shaking for 20 yrs… this was the vibration the quack detected…the young quack was exited by the vibration detection…gottta a be a proof positive( well good enough anyway)diagnosis !!!…pissed as a fart he be , the young quack was under pressure to come up with the dx the spooks & or klan wanted…my neuro symptoms (mainly the slurred voice) were used as miserable evidence of my supposed alcohol induced brain damage…BHH & Epworth knew i was not drunk or brain damaged but decided to use my slurred voice against me as a way of getting even with me for VCAT & the distribution of the redacted email @ Repat…the spooks the clique & especially the filthy klan have no scruples & used my voice slur as supposed proof of alcoholism or mental deficit…they are sewer crawlers

12…i’m not brain damaged or an alcoholic…i have a voice slur…BHH Epworth & STV deliberately used my voice slur as evidence im brain damaged…the doc’s doing these alcohol withdrawal tests knew i was not drunk…they were under spook pressure to come up with the required opinion…the medical file is not correct…Repat happened…we went to VCAT…the redacted lying email was given to me by one of your own people , you sacked her as a warning to others… i distributed it @ Repat…you got caught lying in writing with your gutter tactic email…you shitheads…end of story

13…most people would list used car salesmen…real estate agents…lawyers & politicians as the biggest liars there are…hospitals beat them all by a country mile…i DENY i’m brain damaged but i can’t DENY the anmf klan , the clique & the spooks are arseholes

14…the way it works is this…to demonstrate you are a TEAM PLAYER it is almost incumbent upon a clique member to write an evil entry on my dirt file (OH LORD FED…WE PRAY THE SANCTIFIED FILE)…i’m public enemy # 1 after Repat VCAT & the Austin repat email distribution…ESPECIALLY BEING GIVEN THE REDACTED EMAIL…i’m a BIG target…if your one of us…YOU WILL DO IT…YOUR A TEAM PLAYER… ARN’T YOU ? ?…YOU WANT PROMOTION…DON’T YOU ?…no 3 guesses needed , SWEET SUSAN would be a full on team player…promoted to head nurse hey Susan hmmmmmm


15…i went to my GP…he said this is a serious infection , you need ABX fast…you better go to hospital right now…as Box hill hospital wouldn’t help me i went to EPWORTH EMERGENCY RICHMOND (my fail safe back up) in the clothes I had slept in & worn for 2  days…I would have been disheveled…as they noted…they (file notes) also  noted unkempt , poor hygiene & other less than flattering descriptions of my good self…my poor appearance was partly used as a factor for Epworth categorizing me as demented…the girls have a talent for stating the obvious…it did seem they had an unwillingness to deal with me…they classified me as a halfwit & sent me to the ward of the damned…ward ground 1 east Freemasons as ordered by the filthy klan…now i understand how they use the halfwit classification system to take care of people like me…cunning…it’s a win win situation…Epworth get a supposed halfwit to practice on (no care no responsibility) & i think i’m going to be helped ( it’s not a good thing to be on the FED or KLAN punishment list )…many of the people working @ all hospitals are CLIQUE OR KLAN…meaning they have access to my dirt & incorrect medical files & would believe anything it said…the sanctified dirt file was used against me to good effect @ Epworth…the clique & KLAN are omnipresent…even doctors are afraid of them

16…the Epworth Richmond clique would have known of my abortive attempt @ seeking help from BHH & most likely Susan made up a dirt file entry…different docs have told me their careers would be finished if they were off side with the fed klan , they would be persona non grata…the clique would refuse to work with them…they would be looking for a job in Botswana…there are many ways to fix a doc up…cover or not cover for mistakes…he pinched my bum…some doc’s try to brown nose for a peaceful life (or are full on cliquers or pretend they are )…some docs play along with the clique or klan by pretending they are clique members…is that you Weiss ?


hospitals are the harshest of judges…the strong slur in my voice gave Epworth the chance to class me as cognitively impaired ( file note ) from a file page I learnt they have a strange way of deciding what you are…maybe they use the impaired / demented page especially people like me…especially the one’s they want to punish…those that have offended the KLAN or the ANMF spooks…to have my disability used against me does make me very angry….this page can’t be a normal inclusion…it’s too weird…even for the all knowing clique coven to administer…it would have been no mistake i was said to be a demented halfwit…imagine a form that askes if others thought i was demented…the person filling out the form says i’m not demented…she is innocent …sure she is…it was the others…NOT ME…do me a favor…don’t get the idea i’m as dumb as you are

 18…In my case the person filling out the file page ticked the box NO in response to a question is the pt cognitively impaired / demented ?…the next question asks if other staff had thought the pt was cognitively impaired / demented…the answer was YES…so in a split decision I was JUDGED to be an impaired halfwit…not exactly a scientific , exhaustive or intensive way of deciding what you are…any pt could be categorized as a halfwit with ease , especially if their on a punishment list ...obviously I didn’t know of this insane  diagnosis method they were using & what it would mean to me in the way I would be  USED TREATED & REGARDED @ FREEMASONS…(the ward of the damned isn’t a good to be)under this method anyone could be said to be a halfwit…it was fully intentional i was classified as a demented halfwit…my name was on the punishment list…i did not know it but i was destined for the ward of the damned to be used for op display or whatever it was which resulted in a heart problem

They judged me ( in a deliberate way )when I was at my lowest ebb & in pain to be a impaired halfwit…my slur is worse if I have not slept well …the 2 fitful nights sleep didn’t do me any good…its worse still under stress…the pain & the talk of sending my dogs to the RSPCA created a very stressful situation for me…being low on amitriptyline wouldn’t have helped either…the do you or anyone else think the pt is a demented halfwit thing ?…it’s tailor made for the clique to punish a person with an extensive dirt file , (oh merciful FED we implore thee , protect the stupid from evil)


i may have said i have 3 dogs…tuppy died recently…some times i can’t accept she’s gone…she was blue heeler…she was with me many years…the nurses were adamant & insistent my dogs go to the RSPCA…i was given no chance to have any input RE their care…the COVEN had decided…my slur was bad as it gets…it’s variable , 72 hrs fever & now worse , 3 days no amitriptyline…anger about my dogs…no wonder my slur was so bad… i had to try & deal with this cock sure idiot coven…they had read the dirt file & would believe it implicitly…they punished me by sending me to the ward of the damned to be used & near killed & wanted to punish my dogs by sending them to the RSPCA…i have seen the poor conditions they keep dogs in…even a RSPCA staff member was angry about the conditions…i suggested someone that could look after them…my file states i refused to give the phone # of the person that could help , the file states you called them…this is a bit of a head scratching conundrum , if i refused to give you the # how did you call them ? , the file says you did…did the coven go into conclave & guess the # ?…anyway i have a DX for you wonderful coven members…it seems you’re all pretty much (incurably) fucked in the head…sorry to have to give you this bad news…you didn’t have to let your prejudices & discrimination show as a way of making me look bad…refusing to give you the cell # ?…you idiots are bent…im not well regarded in hospitals already , the dirt file had the coven deciding i was ‘ward of the damned’ bound


20…FREEMASONS…11/11 /20

as it had been already decided or pretended i was a halfwit they didn’t bother to tell me i was going to Freemasons or why i was going there…i was taken to the back entrance of Freemasons (the idiots entrance ?) rubbish bins , dumpsters ect…it was an inauspicious entry…they had forgotten my medicine chart…i was surprised the nurse spoke so harshly to the ambulance person in front of me…they thought i was a halfwit…so all good…the ambulance person was apologetic…the nurse was scathing…Richmond would have rung in advance of my arrival telling them a demented halfwit slurring drunken alcohol brain damaged disheveled poor hygiene blacklisted bum was on the way…with the most evil dirt file you ever saw…all staff would have had my dirt file read to them (believe in the dirt file…it’s your only salvation…or you will burn in purgatory for eternity )


i jokingly named this ward ( to myself) THE WARD OF THE DAMNED …THE JOKE WAS ON ME…IT PROVED TO BE AN ACCURATE SUMMATION…the ward of the damned consisted of those poor buggers in the early throes of dementia-Alzheimer’s…the dying , burned out alkies , halfwit types & me … i was classified as a full on halfwit…ward of the damned people are subject to being used under anesthetic (as i was ) without their knowledge or permission for display operations inc ACU student observers et al

22…THE GOWN…11/11/20

first night ward of the damned…I asked the nurses if I could have a pair of pajama style pants rather than a gown…i explained that a gown gets stuck under my knee when I try to climb on to the bed causing me to fall…( I can’t even reverse back to the w/c as if my bum hits the armrest the w/c skids away & I  go down Hard…when the gown is caught under my knee I’m almost stuck in mid air )…my request was reasonable…it had been agreed to elsewhere …i detected some confusion & indecision …they were easy to read… how do we get around this one ?…their façade cracked momentarily… furtive looks @ each other …who’s going to come up with the best story? …there was no story …there was no need to waste a story on a halfwit …there were 3 or 4 nurses there…they said that i must wear a gown…a bland THAT’S IT … i did not argue about it…they would have been told of the dirt fie already (including the secret file) & how evil i am , i didn’t want to confirm what they thought they knew of me via the b/s file…i did not make a big thing of their pants ruling… they would have already believed the worst of me implicitly…of course they would…the file information is irrefutable evidence to the brainwashed…(oh great & mighty fed…we exhort thee…protect the stupid from this pure evil critter)

in the following days i found there was a bar @ the foot of the bed that i was able to haul myself up from the wheelchair into a near vertical position & make a lunge for the bars on the opposite side of the bed…the lack of hand eye coordination , double vision & depth perception made this challenging…this magnificent feat was accomplished on one leg due to the op wound…in most cases i had no problem…a few falls but no big deal …there was a sign above my bed …it said *** LOW RISK OF FALLS***…a bit of lateral thinking required ,why would the nurse’s make such a crazy regarding the gown ?…there was method in their madness…they knew i would not be climbing on the bed as i would be drugged overnight…when was it decided that i was to be used ?…as soon as they read the dirt file & saw i was on the punishment list , heard my slur & saw my incoordination…i was fully fucked…the dirt file was the clincher…they had an opening for a person to be drugged & used I WAS IT…i was never given pajama style pants…i remained the obligatory gown wearing halfwit ward of the damned bed climbing thrill seeker…hero’s of the front line ?…not @ Freemasons they aint



prior to an OP i was surreptitiously drugged making me unconscious or heavily sedated from midnight till around 8am…probably by something put in my IV bag…i was not told an operation was planned…NO CONSENT…INFORMED OR OTHERWISE…sometime between midnight & when i was made unconscious i may have been tricked into signing a permission for an operation that i did not even know about…sneaky…NO INFORMED CONSENT…being after midnight this made it the 12th of the month…i remember half a dozen pages dealing with the financial aspects of my EPWORTH hospitalization…the permission for surgery may have been slipped in among these pages…i cant see well…i can’t write anymore…i scribbled on anything you put in front of me…i trusted you…i will never trust any of you spook clique klan brainwashed bitches again


I very much wanted to talk to the anesthetist prior to any operation but I didn’t even know one was planned …from my file  the anesthetist did come but I was unable to speak…no respect was shown to me as a person…I cannot  believe you did this…stunning lack of respect shown to me…I was a non person…just a heap of meat to be used…i was very expendable thanks to these unionized brainwashed idiots

the anesthetist opened my mouth to check for false teeth , wobbled my teeth around to check for loose ones (file note…poor dental) I could not imagine he would be as careful with this my life  as he would be with others…I would have looked quite comical…fingers in gob…tube in dick…no wonder you were lackadaisical with me…did the lack of respect shown towards me elicit an almost casual blasé attitude in you ?



file note…pt fasted…has not had alcohol since 13.00”…How DUMB do you people need to be to think a slurred voice meant I was drunk ?…didn’t the wheelchair give you any clues ???…you could not have smelled alcohol as there was none…where did I get the booze???…i suppose your not so dumb really…i understand , you followed union klan orders & pretended my voice slur meant i was a brain damaged burned out alky…on the union’s punishment list…although near killing me as a punishment does seem a tad extreme…i can’t figure this…how can you live without your own mind or free will ? , just blindly following your masters voice like some kind of automaton ?…you are owned…you ignore the obvious in order to keep your snouts clean…you are cowards…you have proved you are very susceptible to organized brainwashing…or should that be self preservation ?…one nurse did treat me as a normal person , the others followed the edict by treating me as stupid , the nurse was brave considering what the ANMF KLAN , CLIQUE or SPOOKS would have done to her if they knew she spoke to me & told me various things this supposed halfwit should not be told

25…AS DUMB AS 10 MEN ?

file note…last food 14.00…nearly was the last…how did you put me out ?…i assume you kind folk give me a cup of tea & bikkies (with a strong sleeping drug ?)…was it laced ?…did you encourage me to drink it all ?…that’s nice…maybe something in my IV bag ?…a person said to be impaired can be used in anyway EPWORTH likes…did you use me for practice during my o/night drugging ?…did you use me for practice after you drugged me ?…a live body is tempting…maybe too tempting…much better than a cadaver…no wonder i didn’t pay Epworth…by my accounting you owe me money for the (no permission )display operation…the heart murmur & for being used for the practice session

i have rewritten this whole thing many times over as I’m always in a black mood when i write…the black one rises …a lot of swearing in an over the top manner…I have refrained (in this rewrite) from saying how I REALY FEEL ABOUT YOU PSUDO ‘PEOPLE’ …Donato & Low could not have done as they did without the connivance of you brainwashed robotoids & Weiss…suffice to say i don’t wish ANY of you well... understatement

it maybe normal procedure to place a supposed halfwit or punishment victim under anesthetic.. NO INFORMED CONSENT prior to an operation to hide the length of the operation…especially in my case as i was intended to be used … You ALL knew I was going to be used & kept under anesthetic longer DIDN’T YOU ?...draining the bladder tells the story…you all knew i would be kept under anesthetic for a longer time while i was used…Low’s own notes confirm this…iv’e never met you Keng Low (the anesthetist) but from my conversations with you…IMO i think you are an arrogant poor quality liar…with a huge ego…did you really think you could use me & damage my heart & just walk away from it ?…you must be stupid…tell a few glib lies & it’s all good ?…you told me you know what happened because you were there …that’s all you told me…unfortunately i was there as well…i was just something unpleasant you stepped in…RIGHT ?… you thought i was just a heap of meat to be used ?…you arrogant shithead

26…were you @ the operation , practice session , ACU display tutorial , Weiss ?… started good but finished bad…didn’t it ?…shit happens , anyway it was me not you , all good…the most important thing to remember is…if a supposed halfwit dies under anesthetic it’s no great tragedy…i’m sure you of all people could rationalize this…as to my o/night drugging , the listing ondansetron is there…the page listing the main drug is missing…go figure…You were very much involved in my drugging Weiss…you signed for some of the drugs Weiss…what do you think caused my OP problem Weiss ?…contraindication mix maybe ?…too many top ups…kept under too long ?…or something else ?…who cares…it was me not you…because i became conscious on the way to the OP the fuckwit Keng Low may have given me larger doses to make sure i stayed under

if I had of been able to talk to the anesthetist the heart damage may have been avoided…you ALL knew I was going to be usedYOU SET THE SCENE FOR ME TO BE USED… HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY WHAT YOU DID ?…STUPID QUESTION…AS IF ANY OF YOU WOULD CARE ABOUT ME…YOU OBEYED THE PUNISHMENT ORDERS…my heart damage doesn’t really matter , who cares ? , im just a halfwit…fuck me...HEY ?


file states that the operation took 13 minutes…minor operation… the time is Probably correct…surgeon rob Donato’s  account = 13 minutes … file says I woke in surgery after 13 mins & stated I was warm & comfortable…ward called….the time  does not agree with the anesthetist keng low’s time of 105 minutes…STRANGE…hmmm , Something wrong here…anesthetist time =105 min…surgeons time = 13 min hmmmmmsomething went wrong during the extra time I was kept under & used , I had what is euphemistically called an ‘adverse event’ ( act of god ?…no one’s fault …just one of those things)  around the 105 minute mark…Was it  to do with my heart ?….Code blue…code blue… clear !!!…adrenalin ?…Victoria heart says so…my discharge papers confirm Victoria heart diagnosed a diastolic heart murmur after the operation….in PACU…Low told me Donato left when i woke up @ the 13 min mark…low isn’t even a good bullshit artistLow expects me to believe i lay there…AWAKE…for around an hour & a half more until the diastolic heart murmur occurred…there are 2 possibilities…either i did not wake up @ the 13 min mark (which means the sacred & totally accurate file is a lie…praise be to the file…CANT BE incorrect…CAN IT ?) or the amount of anesthetic i was given (or top up’s) was enough to keep me under for one & a half or two hours…one or the other…the one thing that stands out is your dismissive arrogant attitude towards me Low…YOU TURD

according to keng low (in writing) allowed 105 minutes anesthetic time ( low the- anesthetist charged 105 mins anesthetic time )i was used under general anesthetic without permission NO INFORMTED CONSENT. Adding the time I was used & kept under with some kind of sleeping drug or anesthetic overnight prior to the op makes the time I was kept under around 8 hours total .This was during a procedure I had not  agreed to…You nearly killed me…YOU IDIOTS !!


for a long time after i left Freemasons i did or didn’t do things in a way that was usual for me…1 , no way i would have a smoke before breakfast , now i smoke 2 or 3 from the time i wake up , the time doesn’t matter , 4 am , whatever…2 , i have always washed my face first thing in the morning , i stopped washing…3 , the lawnmower or something else was out in the rain , i left it …after being put thru the metaphorical psychological meatgrinder of Box hill hospital followed by Epworth Freemasons i might have been a little bit loony… , 4 before the lying turds i delt with @ BHH & Epworth…my usual smoking use was 20 a day , i now use 40 a day for the last few years…5 , i would lay in bed all day i , the only time i got out was to go to the toilet or when the dogs became most insistent on being fed…this @ least got me into the kitchen so i would eat something or i would’ve lost even more weight…i have since found the elixir to weight loss , some Maccas each day will plump you up…6 , didn’t bother locking the house…7 , didn’t get the mail or pay bills…had no interest in anything… , didn’t walk the dogs…there were other symptoms of my funk..i knew what it was…i had to wait for the funk to lift


after being KEPT under so i could not speak to the anesthetist i became semi conscious on the way to the illegal operation/education/ practice session starting…when Donato (surgeon) saw i was becoming semi conscious we stopped  in some kind of storage area…it was not an anesthetic induction area…you were a bit flummoxed Rob Donato (the surgeon) that I was nearly conscious…you told me some lies about local anesthetic &  said I would be put to sleep using gas…3 big breaths…then keng Low (the anesthetist)told you…no gas …a fentanyl mix or other was infused into my cannula… it was always going to be a general anesthetic . anesthetist’s file note .Your story about gas and local anesthetic were lies…I knew they were lies @ the time…do most people believe your bullshit ?…what you tried to peddle was a contradiction in terms…there was no need for GA it could have been local…I did not like the sensation of being unable to move due to the sneaky & sly overnight drugging by Weiss & the robotoids & having to lay on the bed listening to your CRAP…if you are a supposed halfwit this kind of treatment isn’t unusual

29…does the Australian catholic university (ACU) pay Epworth/Freemasons to allow their students to observe ward of the damned (ward one East Freemasons) people during illegal operations ?…the potential education benefits could be huge for the ACU students…if the students got lucky they might get to see a halfwit or said to be halfwit die… thus giving them an invaluable insight into the Weiss death rationalization protocol…what’s happened to the ACU trainee nurses i used to see on the way to ACU ?… i guess i asked too many questions , maybe i was reported to brother or sister # one…as long as i don’t end up back in them there ‘ward of the damned’ killing fields its Jake…I’ve checked other routes to ACU…the trainees seem to have gone extinct…no purple to be seen…maybe you told them not to wear their uniforms to work ?…you cunning buggers…if you did…I PROTEST , this wouldn’t be within the spirit of the game or fair play of any kind…such a move could easily be seen as a dastardly reprehensible act …if you did tell them to dress incognito…this kind of chicanery is an un-Christhian act

the last thing i remember (prior to you & low transporting me to the ot) was scribbling on some forms before the infusion of fentanyl or whatever…the next thing i remember is listening to a person i have never seen before LIE TO ME…you have no idea the effect this has had on me…i would imagine the situation i was in would be most peoples worst nightmare-as it is mine-i could do nothing about what was going to happen…you went on to damage my heart IN A NO CONSENT OPERATION…the nightmare you put me through has affected me in various ways… serious bouts of depression & anger


Donato came to see me soon after the operation…he didn’t look @ my foot & seemed to be in a bit of a distracted lather…i tried to figure out why he was there…strange i had no answer…why the visit ?…i finally figured it out weeks later… the main motivation for your visit was to try & find out if i remember the horror trip to the OT…you covered your tracks well…your misdirection was masterful…my memory of being wheeled to the operation was a bit hazy & foggy…i now know what happened & what was said better than you do or the cunt Low does , my memory has become crystal clear over time

it SEEMED he was there to reassure himself that i had suffered no brain damage due to oxygen depravation during the ‘adverse event’…his questions make sense now…do i feel alright ?…any foggy feeling in the head ?…am i thinking ok ect ?…he asked are my stiches healing…i had not had any stiches…you were fishing…you really wanted to know how much i remembered of the horror trip to the OT…i remember now…we played your subtle misdirection game & you left satisfied i had little memory of the horror trip

DONATO , seemed to have some concern for me , maybe that was part of the reason he came to see me & sent no bill (i paid no bills anyway)…maybe as the surgeon he was deemed more responsible & that was possibly more the reason for the visit

LOW , he’s easy to figure…no ambiguity here…LOW is your common or garden variety run of the mill CUNT

as an interesting side note my file even mentions Donato’s visit…who ever heard of a surgeon visiting a minor op pt & the visit even being recorded in the file ?…it doesn’t say why he was there…just that he was there…he told me he had come to see me 3 times before he found me in…i had work to do…the feed n dose run ? , i don’t need to be a fly on the wall to know the reaction of management when they found out he came to see me…YOU DID WHAT ?…AW FUCK…GIMMY A FAG , FIX ME A DRINK…OK OK…WE MAKE A FILE ENTRY SAYING YOU WERE THERE…LET’S KEEP IT SIMPLE… NOT WHY YOU WERE THERE , JUST THAT YOU WERE THERE (if they knew 3 attempted visits were made, we’re talking stoke & heart attack territory)…OK THAT COVERS OUR ARSE THERE…I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS GUY…WE MIX THE FILE UP…REMOVE CRITICAL PAGES & HOPE THIS GUY IS THE DEMENTED HALFWIT THE FED/CLIQUE SAID HE WAS…from now on don’t visit…it’s better you just kill em…less complications…you spent plenty of time trying to see me Donato…you would do well to remember your not the only one that knows how the subtle misdirection game works

i am aware this is sometimes disjointed & out of context…this is a combination of typing @ 4am , the black one & as things occur to me @ the time …i know i am living in a rear vision mirror…although some parts are disjointed…they are factually correct

31…it was STUPID GREED that alerted me as to the extent of what had occurred …i then dissected my ‘dummied up’ file…KENG LOW likes dollars…actually he loves em…he sent me a large bill for the time i was used …i was even meant to pay for being used & nearly killed…many people pay for being an exhibit without knowing it…at least Donato did not add insult to injury by trying to make a buck…he sent no bill

i went to Associated Anesthetists Group East Melbourne(Low’s group) & got them to sign & confirm i was under anesthetic for the 105 mins Low billed…all except Cheryl Wood… (the manager of AAG) have been obstructionist liars…Cheryl has been helpful & i appreciate it…she spoke to Low several times about him sending a letter to my doc explaining what happened (her suggestion)…after many reminding phone calls & emails no letter has been received in 8 months as @ 1/8/21..i would just like a short but honest note…just the simple truth would do…maybe the real truth is not so palatable ?…the TRUTH LOW ? …i did get a good laugh @ AAG…some secretary type person told me my file is a legal document & can’t be altered…anyone who is gullible enough to believe that hogwash may be interested in a bridge i have for sale in Sydney…all hospitals alter files

Here’s one problem (of which there are many) even though they falsified my file, removed critical pages and mixed them  up …some interesting pages were left…my file says I was in theater @ 7.50am….you did the operation & I was back in my room @ 7.30am …See any problems with the times ? …You have not sent me a bill Donato… WHY NOT ?…do you feel guilty about what happened ?…Low sent me an extortionate bill…this superior being could strangle his own mother (slowly) & remain guilt free


Weiss was from Epworth Richmond & came to do a covid test after my operation …it would have been better FOR ME if done during my anesthetized time …but this would have deprived you ALL of the pleasure of watching me squirm…there was no bedside manner approach from Weiss…she jammed the swab up my nose as far as it would go…there was obvious pain on my face…i pulled her hand away…no sorry from her

a Drs sorry is not exactly a heartfelt kind of sorry…sorry about that…good one doc …pain is the main way a doc diagnoses…pain should be not part of a covid test… its still nice to hear the sorry as it shows some form of respect for you as a person…no respect for me

Weiss is a hard person…as far as she was concerned she had a captive halfwit Untermensch to use…there were some nurses there who were learning & being shown by Weiss how a halfwit should be coldly used…it felt like Weiss was checking for covid behind my eyes..i was not told of the test result.. IT IS A NASTY PIECE OF WORK


I did not know about the heart murmur  until i read my file , the ADVERSE EVENT operation was within 12 hours of my arrival @ EPWORTH FREEMASONS… i had a feeling something was wrong …i could read the staff (not easy to do as they had their blank work face on) …I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF…most of the staff knew of the ADVERSE EVENT operation…Michael( understood) hay sure did…to anything I would say…he would reply UNDERSTOOD…THAT’S IT… THE CONVERSATION STOPPED BEFORE IT STARTED…HE WAS THEN BUSY WRITING

34…After the operation my file says I was back in the ward @ 9.30 handover…there is no way I was back in the ward @ 9.30 am…you guys play fast & loose with the truth…I was in the patient anesthetic care unit  PACU…i have the PACU file pages including the dummied up graphs…you must be the DUMBEST liars there are (in writing no less)…my file is full of contradictions & lies…I had paid for private hospital insurance as a back up fail safe plan as i knew i was on the public hospital blacklist…i knew there was something not right…i didn’t know the extent or even the existence of the klan… the clique ,spooks et al implicitly believe any invective lie the klan approves… i knew something was wrong but i didn’t know what…i thought private would be better than public…MORE THE FOOL I…i did not expect to be used (no consent) @ a private hospital…I NOW KNOW the FED/CLIQUE & the union klan run the place as they do all hospitals…i have a slurred voice & a bad dirt file meaning i was pretty much fucked…the nurses called me mate…gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside…brulch…the food was better & more plentiful….but…YOU KNOW

35…AMITRIPTYLINE…the code grey….12/11/20

I had not had my endep ( amitriptyline for depression )after vomiting for 2 nights (before Epworth Richmond)…even if i had taken the endep it would have ended upon the floor…my symptoms are much worse if i can’t sleep properly…hospital is not the place to be if you need uninterrupted sleep… first night at freemasons the pharmacy would have been shut as it was after hours…I kept asking for endep…maybe with my slur they thought I was asking for the pain killer endone…either way , they really couldn’t care less…

if I don’t have the amitriptyline for more than 3 days it alters my brain chemicals …mainly a decrease in serotonin production…I become violent , aggressive & more…it had been 4 days…I went off…I went to the nurses station smoking a cigarette…my thoughts were scrambled …a code grey was called…my reaction to the code being called was mild

The security guy arrived…he attempted take the fag…i grabbed his wrist with my left hand…he was not aggressive & chose to negotiate …I handed over the fag to him eventually I got too low on amitriptyline some years ago…my actions were anything but mild on that occasion…I don’t  know if I made any sense on what I needed …my attempts to tell them I needed amitriptyline urgently would have only confirmed in their minds I was exactly what EPWORTH Richmond had said I was , I remember laying on the  concrete outside…I can’t remember anything else…IT WAS A NIGHTMARE

I reviewed the file notes on  the day of the code grey…I was asking for amitriptyline @ 2pm…I was told I have wait till 8pm .Can you imagine how I felt ?…They had it & wouldn’t give it to me…NO WONDER I WENT OFF…Their pharmacological knowledge of amitriptyline would be limited…it’s very dangerous to stop taking it suddenly…didn’t they think of checking with the chemist ?…then again from their perspective i was a halfwit & not entitled to any thought…I could not communicate clearly…i needed it right then…their reaction was muted…i didn’t really matter as i was thought to be a halfwit…They are not overburdened with smarts

36…OF DOGS N STOOLIES …15/11/20

A person had been feeding and dosing my dogs for a few days…she had missed a dose of phenobarbital…next time she was there , bouncer was having a seizure … If you have not seen a dog have a seizure before it will freak you out (ESPECIALLY A LARGE DOG).  I made light of this seizure (a very serious matter to my mind) telling her I have someone who can feed and dose  her…I didn’t tell her that someone would be me

the RSPCA wanted to put bouncer down , i would not do it…the RSPCA have outfits full of NEMBUTOL in holsters…they are quick on the draw …when bouncer has a seizure she looses partial control of her bowel & bladder (the house has been none too fragrant for a few yrs) she is ridged & screams , her mouth is intermittingly wide open…she chews her mouth & bleeds…she is blind for 10 minutes after the seizure…she thrashes violently damaging her face…she forgets her tricks…a form of brain damage ?…i taught her the tricks again… when i was there I got her to shake hands… this told me there had been no fit while i was away…to come home & find pools of blood was too much for me…the risk of her being put down was the main reason i didn’t want her to go to the RSPCA … in a 2 week period she would average 6/8 & multiple seizures…SHE COULD NOT GO TO THE RSPCA…they may have put her down if they saw her have multiple seizures…the miserable witch bitches @ Epworth Richmond couldn’t give a fat rats arse about her


i told  a nurse that rang while I was out that I was picking up my TV from the repair shop (true) as it was closing down…I didn’t mention i was also on a dose run …she told Dr Michael (understood) hay ( first time i knew he was a doc…i thought he was a student ) i was out BUYING a TV &  had left the hospital without permission…meh…who cares. I decided not to bother telling anyone anything or answer the phone when on my daily runI didn’t want trouble from some piss ant stool pigeon…under the law the hospital is liable & responsible for me…but being as i was a supposed halfwit from the ward of the damned…that fact alone should extinguish any legal complication…i’m being flippant about leaving…my run made it vital i leave…you treated me like shit…used drugged & conned me…nearly killed me in a NO CONSENT operation…why would i care about your rules ?… where were THE RULES when it came to using me ? THERE WERE NO RULES

38…THE SHOWER…15/11/20

In the fifteen days I spent @ Epworth freemasons I had one shower. In order to have a shower I needed to sit on a high showering chair with my foot wrapped in plastic  to prevent water entering. I had to hold on to the shower chair to avoid slipping off. A nurse held the shower wand . I was able to wash myself with my spare hand .There was talk of a 2nd shower… it never happened…a file note says i was self caring…hospital code ? … bugger you pal…I’ve been told of your dirt file DIY…there is an advantage in every situation…this self caring label meant i was under very little scrutiny…leaving me free to do my dose run without hinderance…the only time i was under intense scrutiny was during attempted REM sleep , REM was verboten…WERE YOU TO TIME POOR TO HELP ME SHOWER ?

BIG HAIR…15/11/ 20

The infection specialist came she didn’t introduce herself look @ my foot or speak to me & almost seemed to sneer @ me…she had big hair…when i say big I mean BIG …big wanted nothing to do with me…I would see big downstairs sometimes (you can’t miss BIG)…there was never any acknowledgement from BIG…I think big is a naïve & gullible person & believed the bullshit dirt file…the dirt file is sacrosanct…it must be true


The nurses came in and told me I was having a PICC line … I didn’t rate a doc to tell me anything apparently…just the nurses telling me in a casual FAIT  ACCOMPLI manner i was having a PICC line , not what a picc line is… I had come to Epworth in the clothes I was wearing. I only had one pair of underpants, I had washed them and they were still wet, I only had the obligatory gown on , I asked the nurses for a pair of disposable underpants,  one nurse said “you can go down there bare bum naked cant ya”?

Two porters came and took me down to radiology. The porters rushed me down there at high speed…they spoke to each other but not me. It was demeaning…like the rest of Epworth they thought they were dealing with a NON COMPOS MENTIS pt . As far as they were concerned they were moving a tub of shit down to radiology.. I have a  high IQ & intellect …compared to my myself  both of  these idiots  are intellectual pygmies

When I got to radiology I was parked in the hallway for ten minutes. Kenny the constipated radiologist came over and I said to him…what is a picc line & why do I need it?…I have not been  told anything…I was visibly angry @ being treated like an idiot…Kenny was brusque & curt … saying you don’t have to have it… and left

This meant another high-speed demeaning dash back to my room…Dr  Michael (understood) hay came in . Neither he nor any other doc had spoken to me in any meaningful way ,THIS was a novelty…With regards to the PICC line he said  infection may have made its way to my heart and we should  cover this option …AFTER THOUGHT ?…4 DAYS AFTER THE OP ?…STRANGE… A BIT HARD TO BELIEVE

I didn’t know of the heart murmur @ that time…they didn’t  tell me of the  UTI or the covid result either…  it must be considered I was regarded as a halfwit… telling a halfwit anything would be waste of time …stands to reason…if It sounds like a halfwit it must be a halfwit…RIGHT ?…an Occam’s razor proposition ?…so why waste your time telling IT

I agreed to have the PICC line…maybe they were trying to quiet the murmur by delivering ABX almost directly to my heart…a cynic may think you had the nurse’s tell me i was having a PICC line in a casual matter of fact way…kinda looks like you were trying to skate by…WERE YOU ?…this meant another high-speed  dash by gravel voice & friend back to radiology… they moved this half-witted tub of shit @ the standard breakneck  pace as per usual . The PICC line was inserted up a vein on my left arm to deliver ABX almost directly to my heart… The return high speed run via the  pygmies had me back in my room super fast…why the hurry?…maybe the quicker they got rid of me the quicker they could sit on their bums drinking coffee or whatever…I don’t  think others would be lucky enough to get the ‘thrill ride’…this must be a ‘special treat’ for us halfwits…they were in such a big hurry they left my file @ the foot of the bed


a nurse came in with a sour look on her puss & relieved me of the file… i handed it over without  trouble as i had finished reading it…in my file she said I became agitated @ this time…she said anything known is in the file…the agitated word denotes some mental component , i was ANGRY not agitated…do you ever get angry ? or do you go psychotic from the get go ? (i did say the file info is fucking bullshit) she wrote the first 3 letters of fucking in the file but crossed it out…she probably says it…what am i saying…of course she does…but she couldn’t write the word fucking…she was obviously far to a cultured a lady to finish writing the most evil of words…It must be hard to think up things to write for the file…@ any hospital I’ve ever been in (last 11 yrs _ since the w/c) the nurses spend a large part of their time writing & thinking up things to put in the file…mainly b/s for the dirt file in my case…it is repeated over & over by many different nurses @ the ward of the damned…pt  mobilizes in wheelchair…acute observation…can’t fool you guy’s


@ radiology I had to move from the bed to the xray table, @ the best of times this is not an easy maneuver for me but the operation wound on my foot made it harder than usual…so with 2  arms & 1 leg something had to give…the most important thing was I did not fall…that floor looked as hard as it gets

I was on all fours attempting to clamber onto the x-ray table…the gown must have been tied @ the neck only…it opened & became a big bib…as I had been given no disposable underpants  it was all on display ( including brown eye )…not my most photogenic angle i presume… the girls went cross eyed @ the sight i suppose…no help was given in transferring to or from the x-ray table…i have no idea what the hang around gaggle do , they sure don’t help you transfer…my evil dirt file entitled me to no help…MAYBE


on my daily feed & dose run (2 hr turn around ) i could not get in the front of maxi cab as usual because of the wound…i had to be hoisted in the back like a big box of crap-i have always said i would never ride in the back like cargo…famous last words-on the day of the PICC line insertion 16/11/20-i could not stay awake (return)-i slid outa the w/c & slept like the dead on the floor of the cab-i struggled up to ward of the damned-my dinner was there-i was hungry-all i could do was slump on my skinny little cot & sleep-i suspected another drugging-i asked the (non clique member…who seemed unaffected by union brainwashing) nurse if i had been given anything…she told me constipated KENNY had given me a sedative-KENNY had slipped me a mickey…part of being a supposed away with the pixies halfwit means you can be drugged anytime


I was given one half of a strong blood pressure tablet by a hesitant & nervous nurse…she seemed very unsure…not the usual cock sure i know all type…she said THEY want me to give you this (i was suspicious )maybe the nurses cut it in half…understood probably would not have cared if i had a full one…i wonder if she knew why I was being given it , the tablet i was being given was cut in half in a rough fashion & must have been strong…a full one may have too strong…like almost everything about at happened @ that B/S place i was told fuck all about anything…the only info i have is the file & that which i am able to piece together from recall & recollection…it’s 4.15am…the unvarnished truth telling time…YOU REALLY ARE A PACK OF COULDN’T CARE LESS UNPOLISHED TURDS…are you not ?…you would’ve suspected the tablet throwing kangaroo court conviction is BS & other kangaroo court convictions are likewise BS…you really are a pack of gutless politico turds…keep your snouts clean , you poor exhausted ppl might get some more bonus money , let your brain sleep(if you have one) , do what your told , don’t think…are you allowed to have your own independent (not fed approved) thoughts ? , who owns your mind ?…do you even know ? hero’s of the front line (in their own minds) IGNOR THE OBVIOUS…PROTECT YOURSELVES @ ALL TIMES…DON’T ROCK THE BOAT WITH THE TRUTH…KEEP YOUR SNOUT CLEAN…KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN…DO WHAT THE ANMF KLAN TELLS YOU

43…Dr understood & another listened intently to the left hand  side of my chest via stethoscope making comments on what they could hear or couldn’t hear…even us halfwits know where the heart is located… I now know they were listening for the murmur…the tablet was to slow my heart rate so they could hear more clearly…OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB *YOU* WEAVE…you must have known I would find out about the murmur or did you think or hope i’m so far gone in the head i would never know ?

44…EPWORTH …21/11/20

 it is almost impossible to believe that EPWORTH caused my heart murmur & are so RUTHLESS  to have not told me about it…hay was listening for the heart murmur…caused by FREEMASONS…you caused it during an illegal operation…you conned me… drugged me…used me…many know what happened…can you keep them all onside ?…I spoke to anesthetics / pacu as @ 7/1/21…interesting from this point of view…it’s not what IS said it’s what is NOT said that counts...when i spoke to PACU the person i spoke to was reading from a computer of my PACU time (to herself)…she kept saying this computer is old & slow , obviously reading the details…the longer she stalled the more i realized my time in PACU was more serious than i had thought…after some considerable time she said the computer had frozen (hard to believe Freemasons uses old clunker computers) & promised to call me back…of course she did not…i had no expectation of a return call…i learned a lot more from what was NOT said rather than what WAS said

45…OF SNOUTS N BARE BUMS…..26/11/20

I left the ward of the damned for the last time … I spoke to the head nurse on the way out regarding the covid test that Weiss inflicted on me…she said she had 4 or 5  & they are uncomfortable…i told her she had never had a test like mine was & there was no way the swab would have been rammed so far up her nose …we agreed to disagree

i asked if they would be sending females down to radiology bare bum naked…she said the matter was being investigated…i assume the cross eyed gaggle had reported the exposure…somehow it will be said the exposure was my fault…the nurses story would go something like this…pt offered disposable underpants…pt refused them & stated he did not like them…sounds good…use that one…the nurses will close ranks & lie lie lie

46..,CREEPY….WHERE IT BEGAN………12/12/20

Some weeks later I went back to Epworth Richmond with an ulcer on my right heel…the site of the original  operation….i told a doc in none to diplomatic language what happened @ Freemasons…he said (to my huge surprise ) he knew they use some people there & they shouldn’t… I was told  (in writing…a photo having been sent to Donato)  that he had agreed to see me @ his Burgundy Hill Heidelberg rooms the following Monday .The letter said do not eat after 7am as a fasting time and if necessary he could do an operation that afternoon. I wouldn’t have given Donato a second chance @ using & near killing me again…I did want to use the opportunity to talk to him & ask some questions…he won’t answer my emails…the best laid plans of mice & men may go astray


48…when i went to Epworth Richmond (dec21 ?) an admin type person told me i can’t smoke there…she was referring to the amitriptyline smoking code grey episode @ Freemason …not real smart mention it …she then compounded her stupidity by showing me exactly where i should sit on my wheelchair , in an out of the way spot…maybe she thought i’m as stupid as she is & would block the doorway unless told & shown exactly where i should wait…nobody else is directed where to sit …i get the ‘HELPFUL’ instructions a lot…it annoys me but i realize i’m not dealing with the smartest person in the room so i say ( under my breath ) WILL YOU FUCK OFF & LEAVE ME ALONE…after this teeth grinding time was over i was finally left alone.


the person that did the ultrasound was nice…she was pleasant to me & i to her in return…no infection in the bone…all good…the ulcer took over a year to heal…debridement sessions once a week & other treatment…there is still a big divot…as i left Epworth a nurse asked me if a phone was mine…i told her no


i answered a call…it was the ultrasound person asking about her phone…it must have been the phone the nurse spoke of…i told her ask the nurse…there was something in her voice , a slight accusatory tone…she said i wanted to find out if you TOOK it…it’s hard to believe but i’m very good @ reading faces & interpreting subtle wording , peoples motives & the way that they express their thoughts & words…i must be an idiot savant

my voice interpretation led me read my presentation notes ( wouldn’t have bothered otherwise)…the notes said i had multiple code greys @ Freemasons & had made threats of violence…hmmmm…i did ring Freemasons when i found out about the heart damage…they were dismissive & tried to fob me off…i told them unless i get some answers i would erect banners outside Freemasons (i did…flinders st next)…that will be a nice social blackeye for Freemasons…now she writes i threatened to give her a black eye…we did spend some time discussing what metaphorical means but the poor thing was unable or unwilling to grasp the M word concept…she would need to bend forward as i doubt i could reach her eye from the w/c…as to the purported multiple code grey’s my file list 1…the amitriptyline code grey…it is correct…you wouldn’t be lying would you about the others ?…do you miss Austin ?…or is the correct & sacred file wrong…one or the other… the ‘multiple code grey’s is a lie…your lie…no wonder the Richmond Epworth admin almost called out the troops @ my appearance…the admin would have read the b/s report of my evil doings @ Freemasons & fully believed it…im lucky they didn’t try to slip a straight jacket on me


the Freemasons liar can write any b/s she pleases knowing the brainwashed will take it as fact…brainwashed would be some excuse…most have read that much b/s they know the lies are a figment of some nasty bitches imagination…very few will rock the boat…most pretend it’s fact to save their own skins (hero’s of the front line ?)… brainwashing can’t explain the sniveling actions of many…it goes deeper than that…they will ignore their own intelligence to avoid a bucket load of FED shit being tipped on them…cowards…i don’t really care what shit Epworth writes about me…the fact is as my lying hospital file is not a publicly available document so the laws of libel & slander do not apply meaning they can write any crap they like , it will be believed by many


no wonder the ultrasound person thought i stole her phone…she could have said did you accidentally pick up my phone or mistake my phone for yours ? , instead of i wanted to find out if you TOOK it…it’s galling to know what she thought about me while we were being pleasant to each other during the ultrasound…she must have been thinking he looks almost normal but the file says he’s a full on nutter…i hope he doesn’t snap now…then she misplaced her phone…she naturally assumed i TOOK it…after all they said he’s a nutter , this phone heist stands to reason…who else would steal it but the nutter ?


the poor girl…she must have gone thru the grieving stages Kubler ross style for her beloved phone…the anguish…the terror…the panic…finally acceptance…she would’ve imagined her phone was half way to Victoria st for prompt conversion to smack


in this game i hold all the cards or props…the w/c + slur ? , i also invented the game…it is a totally unfair game with all advantages to me…i know most people think im a halfwit which allows me to know their thoughts in advance….im in their heads from the get go…to toy with the less ‘brain celled’ is evil of me…im an addicted game junkie…

i anticipated Freemasons would pull a stupid move like this but i needed to prove it to myself…i skulked around the main Freemasons entrance waiting for the right target to appear & suddenly there she was…a nurse eating a sandwich lunch…i programmed my phone to ring @ the precise time i approached her …my phone rang…she blurted out something about needing to get back to the ward & left real fast… uneaten sandwiches & all…i watched her closely….she went straight to reception pointing in my direction…how did she know me ? she hadn’t worked the ward of the damned during my stay….she fizzed on me pretty bad…some less than smart person decided to circulate my description to all staff it seems…flawed thinking…you gave the game away…what a dumb arse…panic buttons were pushed thus rousing the security guy from his slumbers (easy big fella…just a joke)…i entered & went to reception thinking they would be pleased to see me still alive (well maybe not quite so pleased) the receptionist said you cant be here , i felt unwanted , the game is illuminating…i found out what i suspected


i owe Epworth around 2k…so what did I go & do ?…I irresponsibly spend 3k+ on several word press dot com websites , banners , computer typing , printing copying…with absolutely no thought , plan or interest in paying…Epworth are getting a tad litigious in demanding the money…with the threat of dire legal consequences unless i cough up pronto…they even put the Epworth dog on me…debt collectors don’t phase me…HALFWITS DON’T PAY FOR BEING USED…you have threatened to sue me many times…WHATS STOPPING YOU ?


2 guys from the health dept spoke to me during a banner display outside Epworth/Freemasons (who told them i was there ? )…they said they would only become involved after i had tried to resolve the matter with the hospital…Moran + Leach would know (or should know) the or any hospital would only lie so there could not possibly be any resolution…do they get paid for being about as helpful as an extra hole in the head ?


how should i think of my time in Freemasons ?…i suppose the ward of the damned would be the # 1 thought , no pajama style pants…did you hope i would stove my head in trying to climb on the bed ?… punishment FED style ?…being drugged o/night with no opportunity to talk to the anesthetist…the coven would have read my dirt file…of flabby guts , wound fingering , the Martian , throwing tablets in the Martian’s face , absconding & other unknown (by me) KANGAROO COURT charges i would have been found guilty of…the dirt file made Epworth treat me as they did …the o/night drugging is the thing im most angry about…did you think i was just some sort of animal totally in your control ?…lets take a factual look @ the situation…BBH put me on the blacklist mainly over REPAT & THE PIG LIES…the tablet throwing setup was an add on …correct so far…i came to Epworth Richmond with a serious infection , slurred voice , can’t write , can’t see well , obvious incoordination using a wheelchair & in serious pain…can’t argue with any of thatEpworth staff & the clique decide to obey the FED’s punishment orders & be totally RUTHLESS with me & classified me as an alcohol effected brain damaged halfwit because of my slurred voice (the real reason is what happened @ REPAT & the FED’s klan desire for revenge) & send me to the ward of the damned Freemasons to be used…it would not have mattered if it were a private or public hospital i was in…the FED union run all hospitals via their brainwashed membership…Freemasons private hospital has the ward of the damned & may have an arrangement with the ACU to have their students ‘observe’ illegal operations featuring ward of the damned halfwits & others…people go to a private hospital to avoid the student thing…hands on or off…if i were in a public hospital the student thing is a given…when you are under you need to have trust & confidence in your surgeon & anesthetist that they wont use you…i have no trust after EPWORTH’S ward of the damned…how the fuck could i have trust ?

59…you should have killed me when you had the chance…im lucky someone like sweet Susan wasn’t hands on during the illegal display operation or i would be as dead as yesterdays news…i know the ANMF union KLAN were pulling the strings via the dirt file…the ANMF union is the STATE & the STATE is the ANMF union KLAN

the ANMF are a big part of the STATE , they own the ALP govt…they are by far largest group affiliated with the ALP , their power & influence is huge over their govt (a govt they own via internal cross factional vote #’s)…hero’s of the front line ? what a pack of political bs…ANMF members are the state ALP’s natural constituency…read the ANMF website if you are immune from swallowing copious quantities of political bs…it seems very obvious that the state via the ANMF would like to turn hospitals into an exclusive ALP preserve as has happened with public education via the teachers union…the councils are a hotbed of union/alp sympathizers via the municipal officers association union…hospitals are near enough , the union keeps up the daily ideological sessions of political shop steward crap…just to make sure no one has an independent thought

60…i have been thinking in facts & absolutes mainly of Austin…BHH said i threw tablets in a nurses face…& put my fingers in my wound…NOT TRUE…i know why BHH lied…Epworth acted on the BBH lies…the ambulance service know of my supposed violent tablet throwing propensity _they refuse to come to my house unless police are present…the hero’s of the front line…both ambos & nurses believe the bullshit file…THE FILE MUST BE CORRECT…THE FOOLS FERVENTLY BELIEVE IN THE STUPID DIRT FILE

i have only thought of what’s real…the AUSTIN thing…not thinking of what is NOT real…only things based in FACT…the BHH tablet throwing bullshit is on my file & probably other BS kangaroo court lies i don’t know of…it doesn’t matter if you believed it or not…you would still have drugged me & prepared me to be used…based on lies…8 hrs under for a 13 minute operation…how many of you would have cared if i died ?…none is my guess…you would have saved your own arses & jobs…fuck me…im lucky the patient anesthetic care unit (PACU) were able to bring me back…after all this time i now know why the infection specialist (BIG HAIR) sneered @ me…i know why Dr understood would not talk to me…i know why i got such a bad read from you shitheads…no disposable underpants…no help to transfer to or from the xray table by the hang around gaggle…no respect from constipated Kenny…the lack of respect thrill rides…the covid swab being jammed up my nose as far as you could…did you like showing off to the stupid union nurses ?..the B/S file left on my bed…the wait for amitriptyline…no pajama style pants allowed…you miserable rotten gullible dumb politico brainwashed shits

i was unaware the private hospital staff belong to the same union as the public hospital ones…they have the same weak minds & are subject to the same union brainwashing indoctrination sessions…they would have the same dirt file info on me as public hospitals do & as their minds are weak they would believe it…it didn’t occur to me

Epworth would have their own versions of sweet Susan…the fed would very much like to takeover private hospitals…they already run private hospitals via the weak minds




i was not expecting the best of days…but not the worst of days either…i stood up expecting a pleasant leak….i had blood in my urine…looked like a lotta blood to me…i slumped back in my w/c pretty sure i was a gonner …my exhaustive self DX confirmed i was in fact a gonner …i called an ambulance which took me to Austin…this was during the RESPECT MY WORK Anf power campaign…part of the campaign involved the nurses being sour & sullen as a way of demonstrating their downtrodden under paid position (the campaign was very successful) i was put in a cubicle , they closed the curtain …every 15 mins or so they would pass heavily engaged in a giggle session…i called out for a blanket…they were not pleased to have their giggle session interrupted…if looks could kill…i was told (later ) the curtain should have left open until i had seen a doc , around 8am the doc came, he had wet hair which means he had been asleep upstairs & had a shower before work…the docs & nurses have a deal , the doc is not disturbed & can sleep …how the docs repay the nurses for the favor i don’t know…the doc sent me to REPAT hospital…a few weeks later i went to repat…the repat doc was a world weary type with a couldn’t care less attitude…he told me they would put a camera down my penis to look for cancer in my bladder…the blood would have drained from my face @ the thought…he could have said they use lidocaine anesthetizing gel & there is little pain , but he could not be bothered , he then stood up in the time honored non verbal indication of… it’s time to… BUGGER OFF

i went to the booking window…2 nice girls @ the window having observed my deathly pallor had a good idea what i was going to book for…they had seen the 1000 yard stare before…one told me her father had at one & it’s not bad…she explained about the anesthetizing gel…they both tried their best to make me feel better about the cysto…i was a hard sell…the idea of having something slid down my dick did not appeal

the majority of repat staff are lazy couldn’t care less HACKS…they refer to the large waiting room as the CATTLEYARD…this is how they think of people….their sense of entitlement & ownership is breathtaking…they are very comfortable in THEIR place…one idiot that works there had his open plan office & counter decorated with streamers & balloons in Collingwood colours… as i said they are very comfortable in THEIR place



the day arrived to go to REPAT …not a day i was looking forward to…on the way to the Tobruk surgery center an old man using a walking frame was arriving…he was by himself & very unsteady on his frame…i tried to help but i could not get close enough to him because of my wheelchair…there were plenty of staff around that could have helped…THEY DID NOT…he was invisible to them…i thought WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE THESE ?...i was on the next table @ the check in area & overheard his DOB…he was 94 years old…the same age my father would have been if still alive , i spoke to him @ length in the waiting room…he had been a fighter pilot during WW2 mainly over NewGuinea / Bougainville / Solomon’s ect…my father had fought in the jungle @ places he had flown over…he said the boys in the jungle had it much tougher than he did , i knew what my dad had to do …he could accurately name where he had flown…his mind was sharp but his body was failing…he needed to go to the toilet , the toilet doorway is very narrow , i told the staff , they were unconcerned saying there is a disabled toilet in the ward & he would be in the ward soon …the time span of SOON can have a different meaning to different people…i told him what they said…it seemed he knew of the time span of soon & it’s different interpretations , he discarded the frame & was able make it thru the doorway , hanging on to the pipes heading towards the urinal…we spoke for some time after…SOON is an elastic term…i never asked his name…dumb of me

63…the time came to go to the ward , the nurse showed me the way… after getting changed the nurse told me i would be seen in 2 or 3 hours , i asked why so long ? it’s only a 5 min procedure , she didn’t know…i went to main counter & asked why so long ? …i told her my sister had driven me there & would have to leave to pick up her grandchild from cheche…she rolled & narrowed her eye’s , she didn’t speak , got up & walked down the corridor…i asked other staff her name…i was told SS…after some time a large man came up behind me yelling something completely unintelligible…i turned around with my palms facing upward , signifying i don’t understand…it was a large loudmouth pig…the staff (open plan office) stood up to watch the festivities…he yelled again…he was yelling DO YOU WANT TO HAVE IT OR NOT for a third time …i told him i do but nothing to do with you …i asked his name , he stalked off to write it down…he was dressed in theatre garb…he returned & thrust a paper @ me , it said PM urology nurse…i didn’t see him again…i don’t think staff are supposed to yell @ patients even @ REPAT…why did SS go such a long way to get her big pig ?…she must have known what the big pig would be likely to do…maybe SS liked having her big pig around

64…i didn’t go back to the ward after the loudmouth pigs meltdown …watching the other patients sit in their little cubicles like a pathetic bunch of caged chooks annoyed me…there was a 25 yrs old female having a cysto as well…a gaggle of old bags fussed around her…the old bags made sure her curtain was closed so none of us horny potential rapists would see her or her boudoir…didn’t these silly old bags know why we were there ?…she could have crab walked naked across the room creating very little interest … she had a bed , woolly dressing gown , pillows which the old tarts made sure were well fluffed… the men had a chair (no bed) , flimsy cotton gown …no pillows… fluffed or unfluffed …she was first in & only spent 1 hr in that lousy stinking place…the pilot should have been first…this was his reward for putting his life on the line during WW2…these ‘PEOPLE’ put near him last…he should have been first…no consideration or respect was shown to him…no solicitous attention was to shown to him by the bags…he was nothing

still sitting in the hallway the admitting nurse came over & said sorry about the this… that’s the way it is here…after some time a horse nurse came over…after some experience i had coined the word horse nurse (a horse nurse is usually on the larger side & always aggressive) the horse nurse said is there a problem here ?…i said she came over to me & is free to leave @ anytime…the horse nurse left…i did speak loudly during this time…mainly things that were critical of SS… loud enough that she could here me

65…MY 1st (cherished) CODE GREY

the speakers blared CODE GREY , CODE GREY…TOBUK SURGURY CENTER…this meant nothing to me…i learned later a code grey is a security code meaning a patient has bec unruly & requires hospital services union members to attend…IMO the attendance of the HSU turds is deliberate intimidation , because the loudmouth pig had yelled @ me…this code grey was an attempt to cover the backside of said pig & in some way make the yelling look to be my fault & justified , the hallway filled up 30 or so people i now know to be HSU…i still didn’t figure out that i was the target of what was happening (i’m a bit slow on the uptake)…i thought what’s going on here ?…it was only after some HSU made comments to me i knew i was IT…some of the HSU members were not the best looking wizened faces i ever saw…the HSU people get a break from work…what a lark , they don’t do anything , their attendance seems mainly to be an intimidation tactic…some union spook would have thought up this code grey intimidation thing all by himself , your a cleaver little cock sucker…aren’t you ?… this is a typical union deal…they love to be in full control & dominate situations…the HSU members that confronted me were very brave…heroic in fact…to confront a person using a wheelchair wearing a flimsy gown , no socks or even underpants was incredibly courageous (there were only 30 or so of em)…they tried to hide their fear under their false bravado facial smirks (i was aware of their terror)…some may say my wheelchair emboldened them but how could they have known if i had a flick knife hidden up my bum or not ?…they should have been given the day off to recover from this dangerous ordeal…it was a tad galling to be confronted by the members of a corrupt union…remember the HSU union boss that used the HSU union credit card to pay for prostitutes…he was also an MP , Gillard needed his vote so he was able to slime away & these HSU arseholes paid for his hooka’s

66…i ran (well wheeled) the gantlet of the HSU…they followed…i headed towards the small waiting room (arseholes verboten ) & told my sister of the time problem & code grey…@ this time 2 security guards arrived…my sister is also a nurse…a row broke out between security & my sister…i went back to the corridor…the fighter pilot was gone…after some time the security guards joined me…they had much better people skills than SS or the loudmouth pig…the uro came…a fast talking American …he wanted to push the w/c…i wont let anyone push my chair…he said it’s a rule when a code grey has been called…sounded like b/s to me , however as he was the person to slide a camera down my dick i didn’t want to get offside with him…i acquiesced to the w/c ride…the cysto was no problem , fascinating to see the inside of my bladder on the screen…no cancer

67…i left as fast as my wheels would carry me…i had forgotten my smokes , i returned…the pilot was there , he looked very tired , nearly 4 hrs for a man of his age was far too much…the Repat motherfuckers wouldn’t care…there was no gaggle of old bags fussing around him , he was slumped in a chair…he did not look good , i could see no signs of life…i watched him for some time , finally i saw his chest move…he had more character in the dirt under his fingernails than the majority of Repat motherfuckers

68…i had applied for my REPAT hospital file…it had 3 redacted pages…i took a case to VCAT for the lifting of the redaction …REPAT were very serious in opposing the order being lifted , REPAT sent a gaggle of staff & lawyers to VCAT…@ one stage sen member Procter ordered a conference for both sides in their own groups…as i was on my lonesome (no lawyer) sen member Procter spoke to me @ this time…he told me (exact words)…i can’t lift the order , the redaction is dynamite…he ordered a mediation conference between myself & Austin…i went to the mediation conference @ Austin…you know , lawyers taking notes & all that…i had come to know one of the patient relations staff well…the redacted pages were slipped to me…all 3 pages , it was an email written by SS tipping a big bucket of crap on me & my original complaint…the SS email was low gutter tripe…only a low gutter tripe type of person could write that kind of diarrhea


i had made a complaint to what Austin calls their patient experience dept…i spoke to the dept head…she told me anything i told her would be treated in strict confidence & that no Repat staff would be told of the contents of the complaint…i sent an email detailing the complaint , mainly about the yelling pig , the fighter pilot & the fake code grey being called…i was told by someone a copy of my email was sent to SS…knowing the contents of my complaint would have allowed SS to more easily deflect my allegations & make counter allegations of her own , it allowed SS to parry my complaint knowing the details of said complaint in advance & helped her write her lousy stinking lying email

70…@ this time another complaints office person took over dealing with me (the original one was retiring which was good as the retiring one was a liar) having the lying email written by SS , i had it copied 1000 times & distributed it @ Repat…when Repat security caught up with me i was advised in a threatening tone not to come back & escorted off the property…the security guys mobile rang constantly with SS wanting to know every min or so i if had been ejected yet…even the sec guys laughed @ her paranoid antics

the security guys threatened to call the police & have me charged with trespass as i kept coming back…i told them that’s a splendid idea…after all , i am a recidivist…i do deserve to be incarcerated…someone decided to keep it quiet…keep it on the down low… just between us…move along…move along …nothing to see here… move along …i became quite adept @ avoiding security after a few visits… i learned where the cracks were…it was a highlight of my distribution day to unexpectantly come across SS & watch her run away in panic…she scuttled away perhaps seeking her loudmouth pig for comfort ?

the redacted pages mainly consisted my original complaint that was changed to make me appear less than sane & an email sent by SS to the patient experience office explaining that my complaint was not warranted & listing many allegations regarding my behavior …the redacted pages & my answers are listed below

the distribution of the redacted email would have resulted in more entries being added to my burgeoning dirt file…my temerity has caused me to loose a bit of bark @ the hands of the FED…i would not have done anything different…the brainwashed clique have NO courage…they blindly follow orders…crawling servile brainwashed politicos

71…i mentioned closing of the cubical curtain @ Austin … i was told the curtain should be only be closed after a doc has been seen…remember i was a clean skin then…i was not on any danger alert dirt file list @ the time…the PEP told me she would conduct a refresher course with the nurses to ensure the curtain would not be closed again…i told her i hope the nurses can keep a straight face as we both know they don’t have to listen to you…they have the numbers & the power , they are a big part of the STATE (via large ALP internal votes) the ANMF & a few large unions are the STATE ALP & the STATE ALP IS THEM…the ANMF are very aware of their power…the PEP & i exchanged many emails…i was interested to know if the pilot was ok…after a cysto you have to urinate before you leave …this is to show there has been no puncture of the urethra or bladder…the last i saw of the pilot he was slumped in a chair…my concern was if he went to the toilet he may have fallen…the floor was lino over concrete (mighty hard)…i remember i asked if he left head & hip intact…there could be no answer under privacy rules…i tried to find out about him… but i didn’t even know his name



On 11/10/2011… I attended Austin repat as an outpatient to have a cystoscopy

The cysto was not a problem…I made a complaint about the way i was dealt with at repat with the manager of Austin’s patient relations office …i was told any complaint i made would be strictly confidential, however i’m told my emailed complaint was forwarded to repat & would seem dear old sympathetic R told me a few pork pies.

I made a freedom of info request for my austin file… 3 pages were withheld (redacted) by austin under exemption 301a. With the assistance of disability justice advocates i took austn/repat to a VCAT hearing for a release order… sen member Proctor ordered a compulsory mediation conference, an Austin staff member slipped me the 3 redacted pages to me at the mediation…WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF AUSTIN… 2 of the pages are written by R…They misrepresent my complaint totally, making me appear less than sane

The 3rd page is an email from the tc unit manager at repat sent to L R
It is full of lies, extraordinary claims and allegations

My mistake was believing the patient rep office would investigate my complaint in a fair and impartial manner, i found any patient rep office exists to protect the interests of the hospital only, not that the patient, i was conned into thinking the pro had a genuine interest in making sure others are not dealt with in the way i was…the SS email is below

Sent:-monday, 12 december 2011 16:51
To: R L
Subject: ,re: mr j stevens tsc experience

Hi Lyn,

Apologies for the late send of this email.1 had the opportunity today to speak to a few key staff members that were present during the code grey involving mr james stevens while he was a tc patient awaiting a flexible cystoscopy.

  • To this patient, we are aware that flexis can have a wait of about 2 hours or less from admitting time to being discharged. The procedure itself can take less than 5 minutes. We are in the process of streamlining the experience for flex patients aiming to above all else reduce the wait time so these patients can basically “walk in, have the procedure and walk out”.
  • The email written by mr stevens is highly emotive and more detailed on his view and opinion rather than the facts.

The original complaint email i sent to R is the one that the tc unit manager comments refer to… It was detailed & completely factual to the nth degree…@ the beginning of her email SS says the cysto could be done on a walk in walk out basis…no waiting…how many years has it been for the wait time?…MAKING YOURSELF A JOB…WERE YOU ?

  • Collectively here is what the tsc staff are saying

SS was the major cause of the problem, i went to her counter to ask why i was required to be there so early …she refused to speak to me, rolled & narrowed her eyes, turned her back & walked away down the corridor…i did raise my voice & called after her have you gone deaf ….now she wants to pretend she was not involved & its what the staff are saying ….she is not the kind of person that should be in any position of authority anywhere, let alone a hospital

Office staff provided me with her name & title…i had no conversation with any medical staff after SS walked away

  • patient was told on admission he was last on the list and would need to walt an hour before his procedure

I was told 2 hours or it might be longer. this was after l arrived… i was there over 3 hours for a 5 minuet procedure

  • complained that he was asked to come in too early and had to make special arrangements to get here at designated time.

As i use a wheelchair travel is difficult for me, i told the admin about this, i did have to make special arrangements to get there at the required time, my sister drove me …. was told by jan (the admin)the time of arrival could be no later than 1.15 pm. …the impression was this time was crucial …my sister is also a nurse & left work early to fit this time


I had done my google research & knew the procedure was of very short duration…i told the admin of my travel problem in several phone calls, but no alternative was offered, to complicate matters my sister had to pick up her grandchild from creche…a person would not have expected a 5 minute procedure would require hours of delay waiting

  • cystoscopy nurse spoke to him about having the procedure done – patient wanted no involvement of cysto nurse (cystoscopy nurse may have exacerbated the situation by being hostile back to the patient)

A man approached ( from behind me) from the direction SS had gone…when i turned around i saw he was dressed in operating theatre garb…he was aggravated, … he YELLED do you want to have it or not’ ?….his words & accent were unintelligible …he kept yelling …do you want to have it or not… all the (open plan) office staff went quiet listening… i assumed he meant the cysto…he repeated…’do you want it or not ?…i was stunned …. i blurted out …i do want it but nothing to do with you. the thought of this aggravated loud big pig assisting in any way to introduce a cystoscope down my urethra was best avoided to my mind…I asked for his name…he stalked off & returned with the name P Mc urology nurse written down, he thrust it @ me in silence…this was the full extent of the conversation between us…he left…i did not see him again…i was not hostile to him in any way …Did the w/c make you feel you had the right to yell @ me in the way you did ?… Or do you speak to everyone that way McG ?…Do you think the way you loudly tried to humiliate me will look good on you your linkedin page…was SS pleased with you ?

  • num spoke to patient about waiting time and need for procedure trying to diffuse the situation. Patient displeased at being spoken to by these two staff members.

  • (No person spoke/YELLED to me except McG)

  • patient came into hallway to talk to nurse who admitted him. She apologised for the wait and he complained about the public healthcare service… patient imitated nurse’s accent & made racial slurs to her

i was told by LR my complaint would be strictly confidential…that was a lie…not only was i given the redacted email (by 1 of your own staff ) that VCAT could not release but i have been told many things you would not want me to know…not everyone that works @ that stinking place that is the REPATRIATION HOSPITAL agrees with your lies & how you treat people…in the intelligence community people that talk are known as a TURD IN THE PUNCHBOWL…you have many turds in your punchbowl (don’t drink the punch)…as my complaint had been given to SS she knew the pressure points & where to attack…i had made mention of the admitting nurse in my complaint as i had the 2 booking office girls as nice & good people…the admitting nurse was Filipina…to make the assertion i made racial slurs to her is low gutter tripe character assassination crap few people would be capable of…SS is twisted…what she is shows on her face…i hope the 3 nice ppl didn’t stay @ REPAT long & risk catching the REPAT disease

i sat in the hallway after Mcg’s the outburst…. Repat is a soul less psychologically debilitating places…it’s a personality free zone…the only personalities that are permitted there are ideologically approved ones such as nasty bitches (that’s you SS) & loudmouth pigs…all the men sitting in their cubicles like a bunch of pathetic caged chooks, waiting waiting…. sitting there in silly little flimsy gowns…earlier an approx 25 yo female had a cysto, she was treated very well by a gaggle of nurses….would you like a pillow dear ?…have you been to the toilet dear ? Ect…she had been issued a proper woolen gown to wear…she had a bed…the men had a chair ….she was finished & out by 1.40 pm …. No such solicitous attention was shown towards the men…the admitting nurse came over & said sorry about this…she is a nice person …unlike that craggy faced bitch SS

A 94 yo ex ww2 pilot (vet gold card holder) was there, he is the age my father would have been…i talked with him earlier, he fought in the pacific war as my father had, he was mentally sharp & knew the places my fathers battalion had fought …he was using a walking frame (very unsteady) & had come to repat by himself…he was 2nd last on the list…he was still there when i left…slumped in a chair looking very tired.….there was no gaggle fussing around him … This must be his reward for putting his life on the line during ww2…he should have been first…not the 25 yo female… the person that set the list order gave him no consideration nor respect.

Page 3

I was in the hallway sitting there thinking I must be in some kind of time warp…maybe Im in a 1950’s east German hospital…i could not figure out why I had been spoken to & treated in the manner that I had been…. what did i do?…i am still very angry about the way i was dealt with and im not going to forget it, i was still sitting in the hallway when the nurse that admitted me walked up, she is a good person., i had made mention of this fact in my original complaint email. she said. ….”sorry about this” I spoke in a louder than my normal voice. not yelling. loud enough for SS to hear me though…i said (in a quieter voice volume McG had used at me).,.. I could write the job advertisement for this supposed manager.….. Wanted one nasty lousy person to be a tsc unit manager: a nasty officious attitude will be considered as an advantage …position would suit a born liar

  • Nurse in charge then came over and told him to keep his voice down. She told the patient he would still have to wait and if he was that unhappy and could not wait then he was free to leave.

Not true…did not happen

  • The patient then shouted in the corridor to all other patients that was being told to go home.

Not true…… Just another lie

  • Nurse in charge told other staff to call code grey

The corridor filled up with 20 or 30 assorted gawkers & smirkers that i now know to be HSU union members…along with a smattering of nasty types, i headed & they followed me, towards the small waiting room figuring the crowd could not fit in there

Peddling my w/c.. Flimsy little hospital gown on, not done up at the back , knobby knees protruding, bare feet, i didn’t even have underpants on…. Yeah…i must have looked real dangerous……it seemed to me like a slow motion show, i said very little during this gauntlet run…i did say i hope all of you gawkers are treated like this someday

Along the way a number of faces were thrust at me making various comments, these people had not been involved previously but wanted to put their snouts in….just as with SS & McG the wheelchair emboldened them…heroes…. The lot of them

There is no doubt that because i use a w/c was the main reason i was treated like shit at repat…..many very nasty lousy people work there

  • security arrived.

They both had excellent people skills….something rare at repat & austin.

They should give lessons in the art of people skills of to SS McG R et al

The two security people spent most of their time apologizing to my sister for being called out for such a frivolous reason…i went back to the corridor…the gawkers melted away

  • patients sister was in the waiting room the whole time.
  • She came to him and told him he was creating a scene

Of course she was the in the waiting room the *whole* time….where else was she expected to wait?

When she did come into the corridor ( at someone’s behest) she said to Me…….do you know how many admiring people you have around you ? …i said… Yeah i know… They’re all having a good time

  • patient had to cystoscopy done. Nil issues. Was dic afterwards?
  • Next-day contacted urology liaison nurse as unhappy about diagnosis. Demanded re-scope: has called urologist several times about this procedure and the need to have it repeated

This is a bizarre allegation…..i did ring the clinical nurse (i don’t think anyone could call the uro direct…even if they wanted to….this is strong evidence that SS is a liar ) a few days later, i requested if she could ask the uro dr g j to phone me to clear up something i did not understand properly…he did phone & was able to clarify….he said he will have to slow down to Australian speed as im not the first person to misunderstand his rapid fire American speech & accent …i was relived no bladder cancer was found…i knew that on the day…the confusion concerned the words ureter, ureter scope & urethra in relation to a mid pole kidney cyst detected earlier via ct scan not via cysto …that’s it…Haven’t you tried to make me look bad enough already ?…Yet you still felt the need to add this weird & bizarre claim of my demanding a re scope…you must be feeling vulnerable to resort to such obvious overkill…why would i want to go back to Repat ?…i could’ve gone to BHH or STV…although… i must admit…you did throw in my first (cherished) code grey for free

  • If there are any further issues i can give you a few names of the staff members involved on this day. Please feel free to contact me at any time on

Kind Regards,

My file has the notation….dangerous behavioral patient….it is an anonymous entry…. & also has a separate info medix entry which states….dangerous behavioral patient to others… Active…entered by a person going by the user name wilsk on the info medix system… SS says she can provide the names of key staff members…the situation was caused by her & her loudmouth pig… not anyone else

Not all the people at repat are like the poison email writer
The ct person was kind, had a personality & genuine care in her work
2 admin young ladies were very nice to me at the urology review ‘cattle yard’
The admitting nurse is a good person

Other clerical staff in a different dept went out of their way to help me …it seems to be the case when a person goes to some hospitals (ignorant shitheads) treat them badly… they cease to be a person, they become a patient & only a patient…devoid of the right to be treated in a decent human manner…. Some staff forget they are dealing with a human being & treat the person in an authoritarian impersonal way ….if SS had spoken to me in a normal way , if P McG had spoken to me quietly, what happened would have been avoided & there would be no need for the tc unit manager to makeup her stinking lies …i guarantee neither SS nor the PIG will ever forget me

Why was the tc unit managers email so virulent?…..has she a reputation of treating people badly ?……does McG have a similar reputation ? , i cannot understand why she so savagely attacked in her email….surely this can’t merely be a backside covering exercise…can it ?

Did something happen to the fighter pilot ?…are you trying to cover it up ?

Im sure many staff would not agree with the treatment meted out to me at repat

This letter recounts the exact truth of events ……. My # is…. or email 

I am interested to talk with any staff that were there that day or staff from other departments for a general overview

You don’t need to give your name

wasn’t i nice back then ?…i didn’t know how many lousy brainwashed people work in virtually all hospitals …many have told me what are a hard nosed political animal YOU ARE Fitzgerald…even a quick glance @ the ANMF UNION website confirms the ANMF are all about politics & very little else…politics is all you really care about

REPAT added the notation…DANGEROUS BEHAVIOURAL PATIENT & DANGEROUS BEVAVIOURAL PATIENT TO OTHERS… ACTIVE…on the info medix system , entered by a person using the name WILSK…this was the start of my dirt file… perhaps i didn’t realize how FIERCE & DANGEROUS i looked , wheelchair , no sox , nobble knees , flimsy gown , no underpants…i said the HSU UNION members that confronted me should be given the day off to recover from their ordeal…one day … pigs arse , a week would more like it

oh omnipresent & perfect file…we prostrate & supplicate ourselves before you in complete faith that you will protect us from this malevolent danger dirt file apparition…we pray in sure & certain faith that you will answer the prayers of the stupid

the distribution of the redacted email would have resulted in more entries added to my burgeoning dirt file…my temerity has caused me to loose a bit of bark @ the hands of the FED union’s klan…BHH was bad…how the fuck was i supposed to know Freemasons ward of the damned was in my future ?…i wouldn’t have done anything different anyway…the brainwashed clique have NO courage…they are crawling servile types


last i heard of SS she had become the head of nurse training @ Footscray hospital…she had been outed as the despicable liar she is….her reputation made it best for her to get out of the Repatriation hospital…i suppose it was hoped she could pass on her undoubted email writing ‘skills’ to others , i know she would try very hard to pass on her ‘skill’…but this endeavor would be destined to failure , the SS ‘talent’ for sly lies is a born with ‘talent’…it can’t be taught…your either born with it or you aint…SS IS A BORN LIAR


my review appointment had been cancelled 3 times , citing spurious reasons…the review was to tell me where they though the blood had come from as no cancer had been found , the PEP intervened & i finally had an appointment…i was not waiting with baited breath for their thoughts as i had researched & knew the blood had come from a burst cyst with blood supply as detailed in the Bosniac scale…i had other things on my mind that day , the blood not being one of them…my father had thrown his medals away because the black market had sold his reserved & allocated bricks…he said CIVI St looked after those on the home front for money…for what he & many others had done this was the thanks they got… the federal govt replaced the medals for me with a sensitivity than surprised…i had them mounted …i had just picked them up so they were with me @ Austin hospital waiting room…THE CATTLEYARD , one of my daughters was getting married the next day…the medals were part of her wedding gift…she was an officer in the military & marched in the ANZAC day parade…she could wear my fathers & mothers medals in the parade , my mind was elsewhere , i spent a long time looking @ the medals knowing what they meant…i was called to room whatever , the quack said you are discharged…i asked where he thought the blood had come from , he said YOU ARE DISCHARGED…as i could hear the voice of the American uro & as i was not seeing the yank i knew the fix was in…the hack quack would tell me nothing…the PEP was sacked , fired , don’t come Monday…you get the idea…the spooks decided it was her who gave me the redacted email…she had to be crucified as a warning to others


if you want a job @ REPAT your resume is all important…there are certain traits ( KPI’s if you will ) that REPAT finds irresistible…if you can state you are a couldn’t give a fuck lazy HACK QUACK…this will go a long way towards serious consideration of your CV…if you hit all benchmarks…namely a lazy , couldn’t give a fuck , hack , turd , quack with a left wing bent & an us against them mentality…they will say ,when can you start ?


the SS allegations are puerile obvious lies , i would assume even the REPAT quacks have at least a scintilla of intelligence & know this , YOU ARE DISCHARGED told me all i need to know about the HACKS…they don’t care what is true regarding the boofhead pig yelling @ me…the redaction lies…THE US AGAINST THEM MENTALITY IS SUPREME …most hospitals have the us against them…REPAT is the world leader , the REPAT QUACKS should never forget they are HACK QUACKS & will always be HACK QUACKS




the w/c tipped over – i‘ll blame the w/c- i tried to save myself by grabbing the fence rail but my weight pulled my arm out of it’s socket , couldn’t lift myself up to get back in the w/c with one arm , i put a small amount of weight on the bad arm , strange feeling as the bone relocated back into it’s socket but the ligaments were torn , i still couldn’t put any weight on it…called the ambulance , 2 of em turned up , i knew one guy , i asked where his work partner was…a good looking female , another one said , you know him ? , the guy answered YEAH I KNOW HIM in a derogative tone…perhaps his former work partner had complained of something inappropriate & she had been moved…it was his tone & intonation that gave the impression whatever he thought he knew about me

wasn’t good…my initial impression was that he was sensitive to any mention of his ex partner , did you put the hard word on her ? did they split you ?…when we got to BHH a short chubby male nurse & the ambulance guys gathered around a computer screen reading something & making animated comments that i couldn’t hear…chubby was always going to get me a Panadol , i reminded him many times but the Panadol never happened…chubby swung into action when he knew the doc was on the way…he wanted to have me to change into a gown to make it look like he had been doing his job…(a well paid job btw) …i had tested the arm…it was good enough , the doc was concerned i was leaving & asked why…i told him he should read my dirt file…the doc seemed to think dirt files are nine tenths b/s

there is no other word that is anywhere near accurate in describing the (admittedly rare) male bitch…i’m afraid chubby is a BITCH…chubby has the native cunning they all seem to have…just in case there was any blowback from his ‘screen entertaining’ of the ambulance guys & his virtual ignoring of me (till the doc came) this CHUBBY LITTLE BITCH would have covered his arse by making a dirt file entry or allegation…if he had got out of the wrong side of bed the entry wouldn’t be too bad but if he had severe PMT his dirt file entry would real bad…i got out of there as fast as i could


i went there for rehab on my arm…STG are part of the EASTERN HOSPITAL GROUP (BHH) meaning they would have the same dirt file info on me…there was a person i came to know fairly well…i even gave them a copy of the Austin papers…i asked the person if they would look up my dirt file for me…they came back looking like i must have looked @ the REPAT booking window ( a sort of a sickly pale colour…he didn’t look well ) , i offered financial inducement , no good …he said it’s worth more than his job to talki knew someone else there well (i asked the same )…NO GO… she told me they have to do & say what their bosses upstairs tell them to do…i understood by the way it was said it was a warning…she told me that it was probable the bosses upstairs would add more dirt file entries( i even gave her a copy of the redacted liar email that i had distributed @ repat…full disclosure…no secrets ) i was mainly there to snoop anyway…the arm was my cover…i skedaddled , i didn’t know of the KLAN back then , no wonder the guy i asked for a copy of my dirt file face turned the sickly pale colour…staff & myself were going to a hospital that had an indoor pool for muscle exercise that required 4 staff to attend , they were short 1 staff because of illness (they said) so they used an admin person…one look & i knew what he was , he was an upstairs spook (boss) , the SPOOK wanted to have a close up look @ me…i was also doing a close up on him …he looked like a greens politician complete with the square framed eye glasses , he definitely looked like the colourless stayed sour type that would be right @ home in a minor admin role in some Stalinist regime… the hospital system is stuffed with ‘upstairs’ SPOOKS (bosses) like him which is why the system always needs or wants more money & they get it (political influence)…the system is a politicized & a rest home for apparatchiks… if they can’t find a comfortable hide e hole with some super fund or be on some public service garden leave scheme then the local council provides another option

i thought i had left STG pretty much unscathed but i found a page of my old MELB file hidden under a physio note that was stuffed full of STG stories…no wonder i hadn’t read it…my ‘friend’ that had warned me of upstairs bosses (spooks) sure did do what the upstairs bosses told her to do , i got more than 1 bucket of shit tipped over me…& to think i even deigned to be born @ STG…the physio note also cautioned against giving their personal emails to me , i looked up some old emails…generic stuff , the main email concerned a STG staff members (my ‘friends’)skin condition…they also had my email …the best charge (by far) concerned having a male staff member near…i suppose i should declare my sexual interests…im not now nor have ever been attracted to fat or bony (that’s you D) old bags…i do remember signing something regarding privacy rules …this (i was told) allowed different hospitals to exchange info on me , they didn’t tell me this info would include their fanciful lies about me…STG sent their lies to MELB & other places (no doubt)…there are hundreds & hundreds of SPOOKS , KLAN , ALPHABITCHES , CLIQUERS , TAKE CHAGE TYPES & THEIR CONGREGATIONS , not to forget THE TRUE BELIEVERS ET AL…all i can do is tell my story…but on the number’s they got me beat…the best thing to be done is that all those aforementioned people

(works for male & female)…IS TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES WITH THE ROUGH END OF A PINEAPPLE…for all your lies you can’t change the fact your senior staff handed over the 4 redacted pages…can ya !


i had some kind of infection on my hand which kept creeping up the external vein tracks of my arm coloured red , i knew enough to avoid Box hill hospital so i came to St Vincent’s hospital , they are also a member of the Eastern hospital group…meaning they have the same dirt file info on me as the rest do , i waited hours…i enquired on several occasions how long it would be…the triage nurse…male/bald seemed to have lost control of the waiting room , one time i was in the que to ask how much longer it would be & the girl in front of me said her friend is now vomiting blood (exaggeration perhaps , but it should have been investigated) the male nurse told her she can leave …she replied this wont be forgotten , i said why does she have to leave ? she didn’t swear @ you or threaten you…he said why are you getting involved James ?…he opened my file on the screen & would have read it more deeply…reading my dirt file no doubt he would have pressed the panic button under the desk to summon security…a red beard red haired security guy nonchalantly sauntered in behind him & proceeded to read the computer screen…this is not good i thought , he’s reading the ( sacrosanct ) dirt filethe infection kept creeping…finally my turn to go in came ,i was told it would be a few more hours till i was seen…in truth i was going to a smaller waiting room , i’m typecast by the file as a trouble make , the best way to get rid of a trouble maker is to put you in a cubicle

the nurse said lets get you into a gown , i told her it’s my arm only , they had many people waiting so they do like to get you into a bum hanging out gown , this tends to make most people stay in their cubicle , i had waited so long i had missed 2 meals so left my cubicle to go to the sandwich fridge…a horse nurse said ( in the std aggressive tone) what are you doing out of your cubicle.?..i told her…a quack standing next to her heard my slur , he told the horse nurse…he can go…bugger !! chalk up another code grey for the good guys (me) CODE GREY CODE GREY EMERGENCY…i had seen red strong arm an old man out of stv earlier , red likes his job…i made it out the auto sliding door , & who was it ?..murphy’s law , it was red , we passed , he didn’t know i was IT , i clapped on the pace , thu the waiting room…out the first door…i’m gunna make it , close but no cigar , red had hold of the handles of my wheelchair , he wanted to shove me out the last door (red had read my dirt file ) , i had an extreme change of heart ,i didn’t want to leave under red’s shoving…red & i engaged in a desperate struggle , red trying to shove me out the door & me with my feet planted on the floor & firmly gripping the push rails resisting as best i could , red (the lummox) was winning , my fingers were getting caught in the spokes , i dived out of the chair , i was between the inner & outer doors of the emergency entrance , red took the w/c about 5 meters outside , i said bring it back cunt , he said you didn’t say the magic word , you have to say please , i started to crawl after my w/c saying many words…none of which were please… RED was having a good time , so much so that he forgot all about the CTTV…it dawned on him that his activities wouldn’t be a good look…he returned the chair , i left SANS shoving , 4 am no trams…i trundled down Vic pde to MacDonald’s…tried to fit the w/c in a few cabs , no good…no maxi cabs on the road @ that time , why would there be ? any self respecting cripple would be home in bed @ this time , i hung around till i got a maxi taxi & went to Epworth Richmond…my first visit to Epworth…the doc or whatever he was not welcoming…inscrutable tho you may be , you were still readable…public & private hospitals tell each other(staff are all members of the FED ) info…i had said to red i’m going Epworth…not a shit hole like this…no doubt red rang them & said i was drunk…i went home…the infection subsided in a few days…maybe there is some way i lost the shoving match…after all i was out in the cold @ 4am

i talked to GC the head of STV security , he told me the video would be burned on to a USB stick & would be available anytime i needed it , he forgot to tell me there is a 30 day time limit ( way to tricky for me) helpful bugger , told me to report the matter to Fitzroy police , i did…they said unless i had visible injuries they would not take action , the cops & STV security would be on a first name basis…that’s why GC sent me there , the cops would tell him i was pursuing the matter … he would then get rid of the tape , i talked to many state govt entities , they don’t like to investigate other state govt entities…i was swatting away PAPER TIGERS like there was no tomorrow…the best PAPER TIGER i tried was OVIC…they were far & away the best , they are the office dealing with FOI…they were most relieved to advise me i was over the 30 day time limit…i will never forget their last words to me… SO WE ARE OUT OF IT NOW... the way it works is this…throw in a few million…name it a name that sounds good…how about the’ integrated disabled legal justice assistance FOI help bureau ‘ ?…im a quality bullshit name inventor…TAKE ON A STAR CASE ONCE A YEAR…GET SOME GOOD PRESS… THEN GO BACK T0 SLEEP…the thought that there is any help for a person like me is laughable…just a bit of political crap…we’re looking after the disabled (sure we are)…the political bullshit IS EFFECTIVE



after the STV red beard wrestle my GP suggested i carry his laminated card explaining my slurred voice is caused by a neuro problem & not due to alcohol use…it did sound like a good idea…i took the card & showed red beard of STV…he said i’m not interested in reading anything you’ve got pal…you were harassing staff , now fuck off…this means the harassing staff thing is on my dirt file…i knew it was as sweet Susan of BHH used the term harassing staff…she read it on my dirt file…that’s red’s file entry…he owns it…sweet Susan is guilty of rampant plagiarism…it’s a repeated entry…to repeat a file entry verbatim is discouraged…a dirt file allegation should never be repeated…but many do…if the dirt file is in any way to be believable you can’t just repeat entries willy nilly…this reeks of a lazy approach…i’m disappointed…i thought you guys were better than that

it had not been a good week…@ near the same time as my wrestling match with red beard of STV i had been to the eye & ear hospital a week or 2 earlier with a ear full wax…when @ the window the woman asked if i was there alone…i said yes…she asked me what’s in the suitcase (on wheels for dragging along) i told her it’s empty…she asked again if i was there alone…i told her again yes…she said what’s in the suitcase…i again told her it’s empty as i told you…i opened the suitcase to show it was empty…i treated my suitcase too roughly which upset her delicate sensibilities & i was told i could not be seen…i figured they thought i was drunk or they objected to a halfwit being out alone…maybe i was on the E+E BLACKLIST @ the time ?…it seems the E & E follow the BHH clique dirt file…they listen to their master’s voice only…it was a set up…i’m a tad prickly if i think someone is treating me differently because of my w/c…i didn’t know it was a deliberate effort to try & provoke me…i didn’t know of the blacklist


i took my GP’s card over the road to the EE thinking 1 out of 2 wouldn’t be too bad…the girl @ the window didn’t seem to grasp the simple concept of adding a note on my file concerning my slur…she kept copying the card…she gave an award winning performance of being a badly effected simpleton…her simpleton interpretation was first class…we went around & around in circles for an inordinate amount of time… i finally got her to understand a note needed to be added to my file about my slur…i didn’t see what she wrote…i doubt she wrote anything accurate in describing the reason for the slur

i stopped @ the water dispenser on the way out but there were no cups…i think i was dehydrated after dealing with Einstein…i went back to the check in windows…the window i was @ previously was occupied (mercifully)…i don’t think i could’ve gone another round dealing with Einstein…i spoke to the next window telling them they were out of cups…@ this time Einstein leaned around & said WHAT DO YOU WANT NEOW ! in an annoyed & aggravated voice…when her addled brain figured out what i wanted NEOW she pulled her head in… literally…having made a fool of herself…her nasty attitude told me whatever she wrote on my file would have been negative & of no help to me…the pronunciation of the word NOW as NEOW betrayed her as common…she reverted to her real way of speaking in her nasty moment … it revealed her



i went to EE not long ago…i had an appointment with cardiologist @ noon…i spoke to the E+E social worker about being able to be seen early…there was something wrong…the social worker was non committal …she wanted to help but it seemed something was stopping her…she said …just go there…i asked if i should use her name…she said you don’t need to use my name…just go there...she sounded under stress…there was something in her voice… some pressure… i went there @ 8am…there were only 4 people waiting & plenty of staff…over staffed is the correct term…everyone that came in after me was seen…i rang the cardiologist & made a new date/ time as it became obvious i would not be seen @ E+E within the time frame requiredas i had already cancelled my appt & had nothing better to do i decided to see how far she would take this…i also wanted to study a clique member up close

i enquired @ the counter several times about the delay…an Asian girl with glasses claiming to be the manager said i would be seen soon but every time a person came in after me they were called in… i watched the ‘manager’ closely…she was speaking (out of the side of her mouth) to a male sitting next to her but looking @ me…a dead giveaway

when she was sure i could not make my appt i was called in…about 8 people were in the room…i said congratulations you fucked me up good & left…i spoilt their enjoyment by leaving… i came back a few weeks later to ask the managers name to include it in whatever this is …i was told DD…B/S most likely…i got the wide eyed confused hate look…you ‘people’ are bent…when @ the entrance a lay about that masquerades as security recognized me (i am memorable) & said i had sworn @ people…then hastily added i had sworn @ nurses…the hero’s of the front line…bite my tongue…couldn’t be…i swore but not @ anyone …molehills & mountains…he was trying to make me look as bad as he could… he then disappeared…probably to call out the troops…how boring must the average day be for him ?…he would hanker for a bit of excitement …the hardest thing about his job would be to try & justify it…there would be compensations in being the big strong surveillance guy…the savior & great protector of the staff from violent people …there would be many distractions… your dance card would be WELL filled…if it’s not your doing something powerful awful bad wrong

my first time @ the E+E was some yrs ago…an ear dewaxing thing…i was given the apprentice who gave my ear drums a full on poking…i would jerk my head away real fast…it was mighty painful …i stoically bore the pain…how i didn’t end up with whiplash is a mystery…there were many sorry about that…i must be a bit strange as it was me who felt sorry for her…she was doing her best…she didn’t mean to hurt me…she just didn’t have a steady hand is all…another person took over & i was dewaxed without pain

the other person (supervisor) did not have much personality…a bit dour…i did think it was strange to allow a person without any skill to practice on a patient…i would think practice would be limited to cadavers…looking back it may have been deliberate…nar couldn’t be…paranoia…if it was a setup the apprentice was not in on the gag…i got such a bad read from the supervisor that it had me thinking…probably in the wrong direction

i do thank E+E…they provided proof positive that my thoughts were correct … even i could not believe it was an organized campaign…I DO THANK E+E…i’m in your debt…i owe you…i thought i was a bit paranoid… i now know i’m not…i won’t be anywhere near as easy to provoke as i now KNOW of the game being played …you are dumb buggers

first E+E visit…i should have been given some sort of medal for allowing my eardrums to be seriously & repeatedly poked & bravely not fleeing in a terror struck screaming panic…it can’t be a case of where there’s no sense there’s no feeling coz… i felt it BIG

second visit…this involved repeated questioning by the head inquisitor which did result in my suitcase suffering a serious assault…it looks like the E+E have copied BHH & added my name to their blacklist…i didn’t know this was a provoking exercise…who would have thought the E + E would act on other’s dirt files & have their own false blacklist thing

third E+E visit…i was sure NEOW could not be the simpleton she presented herself to be…she understood what was required but instinctively knew not to place a notation on file concerning my slur…that would be too helpful & go against the FED CLIQUE edict

fourth E+E visit…it’s not new to me…many times people in admin roles et al have given clear indications that there are problems awaiting me…not in so many words…you have to be good @ reading between the lines…this was the case when i spoke to various people prior to going to E+E…i would not want anyone to speak plainly…if they spoke plainly & directly to me & the spooks figured it out they would get the sack…i have had experience of this situation in the past…most people have a variety responsibilities…i would prefer not to have to consider or worry about others…anything i do is on my head…it’s better i’m not constrained in my actions by the thought that i might cause damage to others…it’s better for me to act alone


it was very obvious early on that this was a set up…you might be talented in other areas but intrigue & cunning is not your forte (whatever your name is) you were looking @ me while talking with the person next to you…the dead giveaway body language posture ,

if you’re not the manager you want to be…if you are the manager you want the next rung up & are prepared to use someone like me to provoke situations & stage set ups in order to show your take charge style…unfortunately this usually includes a conniving officious/intriguing/cunning nature...your ruthless manner may take you up the ladder…your a lousy person…your only worry is the KARMA bus… I HAVE SOME WELL MEANING ADVICE FOR YOU…WATCH OUT FOR THAT FUCKING BUS

it must be galling for others that are good @ their job & have a genuine interest in helping people to see others that play the dirty game get promoted…you either play the dirty game or NO PROMOTION

i have never done anything @ E+E to justify the set up you used

1…had my eardrums painfully poked multiple times

2…was provoked with repeated questions by the head inquisitor…resulting in an assault upon an innocent suitcase

3…went 12 ropeadope rounds with EINSTEIN ( neow )

4…then your set up…you don’t even know what happened @ REPAT or BHH….you only believe the file…you can’t think for yourself…you would be right @ home in Pyongyang , your opinion of me is based on untrue clique dirt file lies…you are a typical servile clique freak/spook…it would be easy to do a psychological profile on you… but it would serve no purpose as there are one or two people just like you in every hospital…it’s surprising to find the E+E included among the worst


The E + E chapter preceding this is interesting…i distributed copies of the EYE & EAR chapter @ E +E yesterday 26/5/22…i had been there the previous Friday as my recon…i knew where i needed to go…what floor ect…i handed out the pages…even having a joke with the cashier office…you won’t dob me in will you ? (knowing they will)…the staff dobbed me in quick…the security or should i say the ‘surveillance’ guy turned up pronto during previous letter drops (Austin) the staff always dobbed me in…how do they get their staff to protect the hospitals interests @ all times , no matter what ?…it must go back to the hiring process…if you have the right political pedigree…if you are judged to be the type of servile person that will protect the hospitals interests…the jobs yours

E + E call their security office…the ‘surveillance’ office…when i saw that i damn near fell off my w/c…’surveillance’ office…WTF…that term or word would been pushed by some spook…the ‘surveillance’ guy caught up with me in the lift , i denied handing out pages & said i had seen a guy using a w/c handing out pages…he didn’t buy it…he knew i was the one…i had not distributed in emergency yet…@ the entrance i veered left into EMG…i distributed the pages…he had hold of my w/c handles but did not try to drag me out


i had an attack outside Freemasons during a banner display…i had one of my dogs with me…the ambulance guys said tiger boy would be looked after by lost dogs home Nth Melbourne saying STV would even give me a taxi card to pick him up…10 yrs ago the ANMF union were pushing for security in hospitals to have guns…i knew they would sneak guns in eventually under some cover…covid’s a good cover…when @ STV i saw some guns…i had come half good by this time…i left & went to get tiger boy…S @ the dogs home acts like a GRUPPENUBERSTORMFURER…the council was closed & as i don’t carry tigers papers with me i could not answer all the questions he asked…i told S of the ambulance thing & that tiger not lost/wandering , made no difference to the turd , he wouldn’t give me my dog , i live over 40 kms from the dogs home (city traffic) i had to come back next day…STV taxi card expired , $250 in taxi fares later i had tigerboy back


i had microsurgery on a hand injurya few weeks later i was back for review…i heard a code grey alert…code grey code grey bed 6 ward 1…before i knew it i was @ the code grey…i couldn’t see the victim(behind a curtain) but his voice was raspy & thin telling me he was old…this was happening in a 6 bed ward…smaller than my bedroom(separated by thin curtains only)…an older person is much more likely to be embarrassed & humiliated by a code grey…especially in this case as the other beds were in such close proximity…i think the code grey is used to humiliate people…i was angry they called a code grey on the old guy , almost all code grey’s are called for minor reasons…a power trip for the hero’s for sure…i have become immune to the low code grey union tactical bullshit…you can call all the code greys on me you like…you shitheads…wont bother me

no wizened faces of the HSU union pricks were there , only 3 security guards & the obligatory woman with the clipboard…i decided to change the ‘state of play’…security guard D was my target…D is a humorless man from the Caucuses region…i spoke to D quietly…it’s a pity they didn’t give you guns…you could slip in there & shoot the old guy in the head…never mind…he sounds pretty old…i recon if you jammed a pillow over his face it would do the job…i don’t think he will put up much of a fight…i spoke softly so only D could heard me…D must have been thinking…did i really hear that ?…i think his brain partially fused…WTF is is going on here ?…this was not a situation he had dealt with ever before…D was still suffering partial brain fusing…D grabbed the w/c handles…in an official & authoritative sounding voice i said let them go…that’s technical assault….sounded good anyway…he let the handles go like they were red hot

they were struggling to understand wtf was happening …none had any experience of what they were faced with…it all worked out well…Maroondah’s waiting room was mighty full…security made the best decision they ever made…they put me first for review…it was smart to get rid of me in a hurry…i took the heat…i earned first place…the best part was they seemed to have forgotten all about the old guy

i knew my ‘state of play’ game wouldn’t be forgotten…i’m now the proud owner of 2…that’s ***2*** new dirt file entries…#1, anti social wandering , i didn’t need to wander as the speaker told me exactly where to go & # 2 , behaves inappropriately towards woman , can’t figure that one…it could mean anything…subject to interpretation ?

THE BOY WHO LOST FACE…new yrs day 2020 ?

BHH 2 large kidney stones were to have jj stents placed in urethra next day , i was in no pain & needed to go home & feed / dose dogs…the loss of face boy kept saying its better you stay , i kept saying its better i go…we agreed i go but had to return by 7 am next day…i went to the ward to tell the nurses im back…they were not pleased to see me , i was not pleased to meet 3 horse nurses…they gave me the arse good & proper…i went to emergency , the girl there phoned someone saying he’s back , he left against doctors orders , he left in a huff…i told her we agreed i leave , there was no huff…the boy was not a doc , just a liar who lost face…a note in my dirt file says im refusing to return to BHH , this note was also available to STV , i hadn’t spoken to BHH , they just made up the refusing thing , i didn’t return to BHH to avoid the loss of face liar , the horse nurses & the incredibly common & low class , whatever it was @ emergency , i went to STV who

treated me like shit anyway…BHH had no need to worry , i didn’t know STV are part of the BHH Eastern hospital group meaning they have the same b/s dirt by file info on me as BHH…i assume the dirt file doesn’t include being yelled @ by the Austin pig


when being put under for the operation @ STV i was not given gas to put me under more slowly , instead the miserable bitch used the (fast injection) sudden death fentanyl method…you don’t forget that…there was no reason for it…other than the dirt file that is…it has a lasting effect , i did try to see if she treated everyone that way @ anesthetics (was it the file?) i went in 4 times & got caught 4 times , i did get a good look @ the anesthetic induction area , maybe she treats everybody like shit ? , if you’re in a public hospital don’t expect manners other than the put on pretense of civility , the b/s file is a + or – % factor i don’t know . when they caught me skulking round anesthetics nobody was nasty , wtf is going on here ? , they were almost nice , this niceness almost did my head in , when i recovered from this niceness offensive i took a poll… i asked the security people & nurses if they had private hospital insurance…over my 4 visits i asked several hundred , all did , it seems to me all the staff know of the unnecessary operations (student practice )the longer operations , so everyone gets a go & mishaps (never to be spoken of) , the staff don’t want to be a patient @ any public hospital even though they would be treated better than us average lumps of meat , i found the same results @ other hospitals…i couldn’t figure out wtf they were so nice ? , i still have my hospital gown , i may try # 5 , it’s been a few yrs…they couldn’t still have the guy guarding the door…could they ? , i figured there had been complaints about the miserable bitch in the past…one reason why the staff avoid public hospitals maybe ?…here’s the deal…public hospitals don’t charge but your part of the deal is kinda unbeknown to you (secret) your body is to be used , once your under you don’t know what happens , that’s the way it is…trauma created by the operation including practice time for students , student mistakes , longer anaesthetized time ect ect ect is your problem , if you croak , it must have been your time , the last people to care would be those ideological driven people employed @ workers union hospital # 34 or whatever…public hospitals have a way of letting you know your nothing , the reasons listed above + more would be why most hospital employees have voted with their feet & chosen to go private , but private (Epworth) didn’t help me… you must show maximum respect to the ‘hero’s of the front line’ , maximum respect shown does not guarantee a kangaroo court (instant conviction) charge still wont be made


the day after the op a full of face boy breezed past my bed saying the op went well …i don’t know if he sneezed during his ‘cloud’ of dust routine but it sounded like im Dr arar hu…if he had put himself into park instead of overdrive i would have been able to ask how my ball bag got cut…typical of a public hospital ,they have a way of showing you your nothing , in my case the dirt file would have made me less than nothing…he’s not KLAN tho (wrong ancestry) just an arsehole , there was no room in his head except for his massive gargantuan EGO , his swollen head was big as a boarding house pudding…my dick was mighty sore & kept bleeding , i was not a happy camper

FREEMDOM… rasping n rehemming

after the tethered drip was removed as well as the uncomfortable accursed catheter i was free , still dick sore but free…i went to the OR (after hours) they had a victim , they (the trainees) all had a turn @ rasping n rehemming him , no wonder my poor little takker bled so much…i could feel every insertion & withdrawal they made on him , one thing about public hospitals is they have no care of the damage they create or the pain of the healing process…that’s your problem pal…we are miracle workers (in our own minds) we can’t worry about incidental matters like your pain…we’re ‘hero’s of the front line’ , just watching was painful , no wonder most hospital staff go elsewhere

THE REVIEW…the abusive swearing halfwit patient

@ STV for the review … i was shown in for the review, & there he was Mr ego himself , would’ve been better if he wasn’t grinning like some sort of demented sadist…i said , did you all have fun practicing on me ?…he said , no one practiced on you , i said bullshit you didn’t…(the atmosphere became tense) , i said i watched an OP , i know what you do…he slapped his palms on the desk making a loud clapping sound & left the room mighty fast , exiting thru the cattle yard , i contented myself with a of loud fusillade of swear words directed unmistakenly in his direction , no chance of even denting his massive gargantuan ego tho…it wouldn’t have been possible to cause any lasting damage to this ‘god’s gift to the world’ ‘SELF ESTEEM JUNKIE’…there was a nurse (older) in the room , after the egomaniac ran away she said i can see your very angry…the file says she called security but something went wrong(i owe you bigtime) & it didn’t work…a younger fully brainwashed nurse would’ve called out the troops (no mistake)…she would’ve fizzed on me real bad…the older nurse could think for herself , she wasn’t a union preferred person…i think their on to me , my STV dirt file is not complete…there’s no page numbers on files so its easy to remove pages…there’s a lot missing …a lying ‘spin doctors’ dream…it appears im not allowed to know the dirt file ‘spin doctors’ lies…i understand , its better not to redact pages…lest some (mind of their own) staff member gives it to me…you can’t hand over redacted pages if there is no redaction…i wonder if a STV KANGEROO COURT found me guilty of insulting (by swearing @) a superior person

Edit Profile


my neuro was also @ STV…she would have read my (complete…inc an assumed KANGAROO COURT conviction) STV file inc my evil deeds…she would be pleased to read about my so called transgressions…5 yrs ago i was wired up to a machine testing nerve/muscle activation , her phone rang…she had forgot her phone was on speaker , i heard Woodards real estate here , she said (putting her hand over the phone) i have to take this…giving the impression it was an important medical call she needed to take , when she returned about 15 mins later i said are you buying or selling , she looked mortified that i had heard & knew it was a private call , it must be a big NO NO to leave a patient wired up to a machine while taking a private call , about 5 yrs after the pretend medical call i got a text from her saying that as i was living in WA (im where i always have been for 25 yrs…NOT the other side of the continent) do i still want an appointment…im very sure she wouldn’t want to see me again(the more time that goes by would make me a distant bad memory to her…if you think whatever specialist your seeing gives a fat rat’s arse about you…your mistaken…your a customer…it’s been 5 yrs since i’ve seen a neuro…as there is no cure or treatment it doesn’t really matter…seeing a neuro @ a public or private hospital for that matter , only makes you an a guineapig…a guineapig they can bill Medicare…for money . that’s the game


the wheelchair i had was a narrow wheelbase type that would rollover easy , a camber on a road or footpath or rough ground was a tip over deal , i crossed a rough blue stone gutter & the wheelchair did it’s rollover thing as usual , it would have been a std rollover except i had a glass coffee pot in my right hand which broke & caused a bone deep cut on my 2nd finger , top knuckle of the right hand , Dettol & bandages…top class DIY medical treatment (i thought)…got the bugger wet in the bath , probably every bacteria known in that bath water , rinsed & reapplied bandage…jobs right…something went wrong…2 weeks later the finger knuckle blew up , mighty painful…who would have thunk 1 knuckle could cause so much pain…throbbing pain it be


i went to BHH …a volunteer recognized my infected finger or knuckle could be a serious infection (it was an MRSA infection resistant bacteria) & sent me to FAST TRACK…my file says i was on the floor , in the cubical , hitting my left hand on the floor…i have a hazy memory of this time…i was distracting from the pain in my right hand by transferring it to the left…nurses file note…pt on floor…told pt we cant nurse him properly on floor…moved pt to more visible area…this means i must have been in an out of the way or less visible area…BHH records say i spent 4 hrs in fast track…it was obvious no real help would be given…i left…i saw no doc & was only given 1 Panadol during the 4 hr stay… no real pain relief provided…as i had seen no doc i didn’t need to sign a leaving against docs orders form…one of the solid horror heads let me out…sour , sullen & nasty , the union run hospital’s… by deception , dumb me didn’t know the 3 potato faced fat nurses (who hid me from any doc) were KLAN…there must be an official KLAN list of those to be ‘fixed up’ , i must have been on the list…otherwise why did they hide me from the docs & give only one PanadolBHH WAS BEFORE EPWORTH

got home , don’t remember how…the pain increased even more…the pain was so intense that i even rang BHH back , they said to return…the pain was so intense i didn’t even feel an injection ( no prior warning or expiation given )to put me out…i was out for 12 hrs , hospital records & my file have no information of where i was kept nor how i was used during this time…this lack of information makes it hard for me to believe i wasn’t used in some way (a live body is tempting)…the legal aspect of potential use without permission is interesting…with what i have learned of some hard edged anmf members i would not put it past them to have done something harmful to me

after the 12 hr unconscious time i was wheeled into the operation room…i became half conscious @ this time & climbed on to the operation table…the porter who wheeled me in must have had his back turned & didn’t see me climb on the table…he said IN THE NASTIES VOICE I’ve ever heard WE’LL DO THAT…i looked around @ the theater staff , they looked pensive , i suppose they had been told i was a wild man…THE AUSTIN HOSPITAL CURSE STRIKES AGAIN ? , they hung a towel to obscure my vision meaning it was meant to be local operation but the nasty one put me out again…it wasn’t the Austin curse , (dirt file) i had been told the squealing Austin pig told the ANMF i threatened him in the phone call…you knew all about the tablet frame up…did Mcgivern squeal to you directly ? , your ‘playing dumb’ routine was brilliant…you knew nothing about the tablet bs…were you a part of planning the tablet frame up Fitzgerald?


i could feel there was something wrong…this was before i knew of the blacklist & the details of the dirt file…this would account for the strange feeling i had…my right hand was bound up like a boxing glove…bandage taken off for review @ 7am the morning after the op , wound was on second finger…top knuckle of right hand…i don’t know how they managed to make the hole as big as it was , swelling maybe , i was separating the wound finger (stuck together by blood) from the next finger by using the tips of my fingers only , nowhere near the wound @ this moment the plastics doc or whatever he was came in…his accent made him hard to understand (he may have been Scottish or Irish)…he loudly ( Deja vu Repat) accused me of putting my fingers in the wound & said you’ve got a serious wound there…he loudly told his group of trainees IF HE LEAVES IT WILL BE AGAINST DOCTORS ORDERS then left the room rapidly…he was in the room around 10 seconds…he didn’t say his name , short little fat man…i named him FLABBY GUTS as that was his most prominent feature…im not fully round the twist…why would i put my fingers in my own wound ?…aside from causing pain i would also introduce bacteria…im not quite that loony…yet…i was a little peeved @ the behavior of flabby gutted turd…the treatment @ fast track & now the flab’s loud outburst & accusation of wound fingering told me there must be something behind this (there was)…i lit a smoke & thought deeply about the matter…i came up with a couple of different scenarios…they seemed plausible…the smoke was smelled…nurse J got a fan to blow the smoke away…she had a look like she was dealing with a loon…a woman lent casually against the wall speaking of a $5000 cost if the fire brigade was calledshe may have been a shrink…i said nothing , i didn’t know of the blacklist then & of the cock breath spooks extreme desire to get revenge over Repat…plus the other things…i was slowly becoming aware of various maneuvers & tactics BHH was using to make me angry…swearing babbling ranting angry…seclusion angry ???…ok overstatement…flabby used the hospital home ground turf to his advantage with his insane accusation @ our 1st meeting…hard to believe the staff didn’t know that i was being used for unnecessary operations


3 or so months before my infected finger time @ BHH i rang the loudmouth pig of Austin…i suppose i wanted him to know i hadn’t crawled up a hollow log & died…i didn’t think the pig would be stupid enough to tip me off as to the reason for the situation @ BHH…but he was…he aint a smart pig…a real dumb pig he be


ME…hi , do you remember me ? the guy you yelled @ Austin repatriation hospital…HIM , you’ve got the wrong person…ME , you don’t remember me ? , HIM , im not the person your looking for…(as i was getting nowhere i decided to change tack) ME , your English has improved a lot i can understand your Scottish accent easily now…HIM , im not Scottish im IRISH !! , (the word IRISH was said in a loud guttural & threatening way)…ME so your saying there were 2 people there with a very similar name & spelling working @ repat that day ?…HIM , silence…ME , (i described his large size & other features)…HIM , silence…the line went deadPROFESSIONAL recording ok , amateur)


finding out that what i was told was true in that the KLAN exists & what the KLAN is about is like a Rosemerry’s baby revelation…it all fits…the dumb pig , ss , the incredibly nasty/aggressive ambulance short arse bitch…BHH’s flabby guts , the nasty porter @ BHH , the 3 fat potato faced solid bitches @ BHH fast track who told no doc i was there , the tablet throwing setup @ BHH , the short arse informer @ FREEMASONS the big deal tablet delivery (you guys are so dumb to believe the tablet throwing setup…you came in a safety in numbers group @ tablet time) , grumpy & deaf (i’ve got to hear it JAMES) , the miserable bitch who wouldn’t give me a Panadol @ BHH…sweet Susan & more…there have been many miserable KLAN over the yrs…i got the redaction…turned the light on…the cockroach KLAN scuttled under the fridge…now i know about the dumb KLAN people…taken me yrs to find out about you COCKROACHES

the klan is not an organized group , more of an AD HOC thing among those known to each other or friends…to find the KLAN exists & has been responsible for many problems is almost an anti climactic thing…finally…after all these yrs… i know all about the bs dirt file & what the KLAN are about…Mcgivern is KLAN , that’s why he felt he could be the loudmouthed pig he is…SS is KLAN…flabyguts is KLAN & many many many more…are you KLAN Fitzgerald ?…err , no 3 guesses needed


i had been told that my lousy…bordering on criminal , treatment or lack of treatment @ BHH during my infected finger time…(this info came to me after i left BHH …im told by medical & non medical people that the ANMF is run & dominated by THE ANCESTRAL KLAN …is that right Fitzgerald ?)…i suppose the real reason i rang the pig was to get more of a line on him…i never expected him to be so dumb so as to tip me off…a cornered animal will run @ you in a mock attack mode before veering off @ the last second to make good it’s escape…i had the loudmouth pig cornered with logic (logic confuses a pig) …he charged @ me (metaphorically speaking) in his clumsy attempt to escape the truth…his loud & threatening IM IRISH !! was a large indication that what i’d been told was correct (albeit in reverse)…a rabid pig’s charging @ me….i better hoof it…im told the pig squealed to the union that i threatened him during the call…did you do a pig squeal to Fitzgerald @ the ANMF ?…good move , she’s a sweet kindly little petal …reminds me of a coiled snake…now i know why she was so nasty when i met her to deny the tablet throwing b/s , i know why i was framed with the tablet throwing bullshit…i think Fitzgerald is a grand inquisitor of the KANGAROO COURT… no wonder she seemed to know all about the tablet setup b/s…did you help design the tablet throwing setup Fitzgerald ?…did you recruit & train the Martian nurse Fitzgerald ?


why did you yell @ me ?…were you showing off to SS ? , were you doing SS ? … did you want to do SS ? or were you showing off to the office girls ?…something like… IM the biggest bravest toughest HOMBE there is round these parts…bit of advertising never goes astray , gotta fill that dance card somehow…even if it means using a person like me…you surprised me your with aggressive nasty attitude…i wasn’t ready for a fight , otherwise i would have worn underpants…i wonder would you have yelled @ me if you had known how long this would last ?…you dumb fucking turd


my ward was the only one to have a security guard…a very jolly fellow…NOT , i tried my best to engage him on any level but failed miserably , he would sit on a kind of raised platform staring @ a computer , i figured he was reading my extensive dirt file , i couldn’t accept defeat…i spent 35 yrs running my own car parts business , made a lot…paid a lot of tax , the main reason the business was successful was because i spent most of my time in sales , there was nobody i couldn’t get along with or find their good side , i didn’t judge surly by his appearance , i had dealt far rougher looking characters than him over the journey…surly looked like a refugee from the old builders laborers federation union…complete with faded forearm tats…i had to pass surly to leave the ward , i grinned @ him like a desperate hooker, no joy , surly never changed his facial expression…kinda like the stony expression on an Easter island moai , the ward door was locked around 10 pm...surly had to unlock the door to let me in , there was never any greeting of any kind , i’m pretty sure he snarled one time…the nickname surly was an affectionate nickname…ANTISOCIAL WANDERING… is on my BHH dirt file twice…err that was a Maroondah hospital thing , the double entry of anti social wandering…was one of the double entries yours surly ?…i understand that it’s not a deliberate thing…you would have read my dirt file so many times it would almost be a subliminal reaction…you are officially forgiven & exonerated …besides i owe you big time for tipping me off to the tablet thing with your loud phone call…we’re even


an older nurse on the ward told me she was retiring because she wants to look after her grandchildren…i was sus…she had an extremely kindly look on her face during her story…i had experience with her type (tough hard people ) in my business time…this was public relations , brown nosing & a suck up session all rolled into one…but why ?…i had fed/dosed the dogs @ home & in my usual slap dash fashion didn’t set the w/c brake as i climbed back into my bed on the ward…the w/c rolled away , i lowered myself to the floor by holding the bars on the bed…@ this time the nice or b/s one entered my room…she thought i had fallen , i explained i had not fallen , she said she had to do a 2 hr report on my fall , it had a nasty look on it’s puss @ this time…i told her again NO FALL , it seemed she wanted to believe i had fallen…maybe the report was some sort of lark…she sure wanted to do the report , she dropped the nice routine & said IM RETIRING BECAUSE I WANT TO GET AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU…i knew her supposed nice personality was a put on …but why ?…i put some thought into it , near as i can figure it she knew of the dirt file & was trying to ingratiate herself to me , the file must be worse than i thought for this Con artist to feel she needed to go into her false pretenses b/s routine…i gave it a few days to test her attitude towards me . i told her i very much want to visit Santorini (famous island off her original country)…her reaction was cold , a meh reaction , she was still stuck on bitch…i didn’t know of the full extent of the dirt file back then...i knew about the normal b/s dirt file but i didn’t know of my SECRET B/S file , must be pretty bad for the old self ingratiating Con artist to bother going into her b/s NICE routine…the Con artist obviously knew of the contents of my SECRET file…this was even b4 the tablet throwing bullshit was added , one nurse seemed to not do much @ all , the ward manager was always calling out…DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE TAYLOLR IS ?…tc had come into my room a few times never finishing whatever she came to do saying she would send another nurse to complete the job…never happened…i interpreted her slack manner to mean she was likely to leave the job or @ least was eminently corruptible…i offered her $1000 cash for file info , even showing her the cash , she agreed to provided the info , she went to the head nurse to get the file info & returned with a pile of info which was VERY GENERIC STUFF…no use…my interpretation was off the mark , i was on the wrong tram…TC was probably the union rep , maybe that’s why she felt she had protection @ could go missing anytime


this is hard to figure , the flab seemed to be more concerned if i left more than anything else…2 possibilities…first…the boy who lost face & lied about our agreement that i could go home & return by 7 am the next day , maybe ? although not so likely…or second… the 3 solid ones @ fast track when i did leave…i did tell a solid one to drop dead as i left , i was not asked to sign a leaving against doc’s orders form as i had seen no doc…I’ve never met such a bunch of nasty , cold , hard , harsh , fat people as them…i had thought this one is the most likely of the 2…although having seen no doc how could i leave against docs orders ?…i was also told of the KLAN (after i left BHH) that would have had a large influence on my thoughts & conclusions…the Austin pig tipped me off during our phone call (unintentionally)…im IRISH ?? , what i was told confirmed my own thoughts…no wonder i needed a thinking smoke…the leaving against docs flab thing looks like it was the flabs way of getting me to stay so i could be of use in the 2 practice ops …when i take into account the lousy treatment by the 3 fat potato faced ones @ fast tack , plus the nasty turd porter it all fits…flabby guts used the leaving against doc’s orders threat as a cunning misdirection technique , it did have me thinking in the wrong direction for a time…your a fat gutted tricky little fellow are you not ?…you sure are…it was hard to understand you , i thought you were Scottish…turns out your Irish the same as the Austin pig is…your KLAN , the ANMF union run hospitals…the doc’s & the management think they do but they don’t…the 3 fat potato faced bitches @ BHH fast track would be KLAN members of the slime green club…THE KLAN is far more virulent than the turd spooks , the clique , take charge types , the sewer crawlers & ANMF put together…the slime green KLAN has no limits on what they will do…anything goes…bound together by a shared ancestry ??…i don’t say THE KLAN is organized…more of an ad Hok natural coalescence of friends situation

COLD TEA…NO BIKKIES…WARD 7 BHH 2019 ?…cruel & unusual punishment

3 nurses came to my room with a mobile computer discussing my bowel habits…i was reading a thick book on anesthesiology , they don’t like a patient that knows more than they do , especially on medical matters…one made a stupid joke to the others along the lines of i think i’m an anesthetist…the tea cart went by while the nurses did whatever…i set off after the tea trolley after they left…an older nurse (in the corridor) did not want me to see they had come to my room only & said she would get the tea…she got it…cold , no bikkies…the aim of their visit seemed to be to rile me up…there were a few other attempts by the staff to goad me into going a little berserk…i was serine in the face of these attempted provocations as i knew what they were up to…seclusion would not be so good…i had things i needed to do…next day i asked J wtf that was all about , she regurgitated the b/s story she was told to say…the b/s cover was that it was to give patients a chance to comment on their treatment…i was not asked about my treatment…they could not have visited other patients as they were in 6 bed pods separated by curtains (privacy)…i became institutionalized real fast…the rhythm of my life became dictated to by morning & afternoon teas & lunch…my ears became attuned to the sound the tea & lunch cart made…the food was just ok but not enough , i ate crappy cheese on crackers , such was my hunger…i need say no more...& now i had cold tea & no bikkies…no matter what the dirt file says , surely i didn’t deserve cold tea ?


review next morning…flabby guts (speaking to himself)…said that’s not cutting the mustard…meaning the wound had puss or was not healing…operation again , i was told only 1 operation was needed , not the 3 i had…the operating room staff & anesthetics know what their doing so no problem…the 2nd operation consisted of a practice session for anesthetics students… around 8 students & for the surgery students… it was a session on how to make a plaster thing called a back/slab that went in the palm of the hand so the name is a bit of a misnomer , in using my w/c i have to curl my hands around the push rails which puts pressure on the plaster & it broke…i threw the plaster pieces in the bin…staff found the plaster pieces in the bin & they wrote that i was ‘hiding’ the plaster pieces in the bin, maybe i should have thrown it in the middle of the floor ?…flabbyguts & the brown nose snivelers made out that the back/slab was important…3rd operation…the plaster was not replaced…you told me it was important…how come they didn’t reapply it ?…how come i didn’t have a back/slab to start with ? …did nurse J know the extra operations were unnecessary ?…she had seen the wound a few times & would know… im not the 1st person to be used by flabbyguts for extra operations…her general demeanor on the way to the operation tells me she probably did know…i did phone her after i left BHH to ask her about this & the dirt file but i didn’t pursue the matter…anyway to get a straight answerer would be unlikely


several bright eyed young men (trainee docs ?) conducted AWT’s @ various times…they were a bit sheepish @ having to do the AWT’s…but to avoid a severe bum kicking they had to play the game & do what they’re told…my 24hr slur would have been used as prima facie evidence of my raging alcoholic status by some cock breath spook…the AWT’s were rudimentary to get them over with as fast as possible…do i sweat a lot ?…am i nervous all the time ?…it was easy to see they were embarrassed @ having to do this bullshit…one look or smell would tell them im not drunk , i have a voice slur…they know who really runs hospitals…the FED union does…the docs opinions re alcoholism may have been altered for the file…several docs have told me if the FED had something against them or they didn’t ‘tow the line’ they would be finished…stepping out of line is @ your own risk…it must be galling to be treated in this way by the brainwashed idiots

PATIENT UNFASTED HIMSELF…the most insincere words i ever heard

in one of the unnecessary operations i had i was fasted from the night before…@ most hospitals if the operation is scheduled for the afternoon session a light breakfast is provided , by 5pm i asked 1 of the older nurses…i find the younger ones are union trained monkeys…i asked what time the operation would be ? , she said it might not be till 10pm as they operate late , i was already feeling dizzy & sick from lack of food , that would make it 26 hrs without food…i didn’t like flabbyguts , this was even before i came to the inescapable conclusion that he’s a near sociopath , i figured he set the operation order , i went downstairs to Zagame’s (in hospital restaurant) filled up on lamb then went outside & sat on the grass , every bugger has a cell so calls were made that a halfwit with w/c is on the loose…flabby was across the rd @ Hudson’s (Epworth restaurant) filling his ample gut & was probably called about me being ‘on the loose’...he came over & spoke of the operation , i told him if i go so long without food im dizzy & feel sick…flabby then uttered his immortal words…IM SORRY TO HEAR THAT…not only had i unfasted myself but i had unintentionally interrupted the flab’s troth session…that’s a shame…i didn’t know what i was dealing with…not only were 2 operations unnecessary but you made sure i was starved as well…flabby…your a borderline sociopath…no doubt about it

ABSCONDING …the incorrigible recidivist

i arranged for a neighbor to feed & dose the dogs…i had 3 dogs @ the time , 2 of which needed meds…he was a few yrs into Alzheimer’s…his memory had declined rapidly…he was a chemist previously…1 yr before he could name what a med was for…it’s all gone…he would give the wrong dog the wrong med or combination of meds…not his fault…i was only 15 mins away by cab…my file states & alleges premeditated ABSCONDING…there’s no use trying to deny my recidivist absconding’s…I PLEAD GUILTY…i throws meself on the mercy of flabby guts & the klan spooks…i didn’t tell flabby where i was going after his false accusations & ‘meltdown’ @ our first meeting , i didn’t think he was the type of person that would understand how important leaving was to me…it was obvious to me especially after his meltdown that flabby had some kind of hidden agender (there was)…there is no way i would trust flabby or any of his bum kissers to know where i was going…he might have had some way of preventing me from leaving…could he take my w/c away ?…he would have if he could have…my ward was the only ward to have a security guard…looking back , maybe i was a bit paranoid


what is a Martian ?…i aint dumb enough to say…Royal dental hospital…i was injected thru an abbess by a Martian dentist…i waved my hands around & made the arrrg sound , the dental nurse (also Martian) told me not to raise my hands…the injection process went on for some time…i said you must have hit a nerve , she said you have abscess , not AN abscess…English is not her strong point…the abscess had been detected by x ray , she knew it was there but injected anyway , there were loud words from me…the dental hospital know it’s true as it’s recorded on cctv…they referred me to Carrington dental…they were nice about it , too nice , you guys weren’t feeling guilty were you ? , your recent letter advising me i could come back to the dental hospital touched me deeply , your not still feeling guilty are you ? , don’t give it a second thought

@ Carrington dental , joseph a Chinese guy was my 1st dentist , he was good , real good , he knew what he was doing…i had asked for no Martians because of their attitude towards me in regarding me as useless cripple as im disabled , it’s part of their culture , if you can call it culture , it’s their problem , not mine…Joseph saw what may be an abbess on x ray & injected on an oblique angle avoiding any possible abscess…tapped the tooth to check if it still had feeling…which it did…antibiotics given to shrink detected abscess…job finished a few weeks later…the woke world dictates that as i had asked for no Martians this meant…no more joseph…Martians only…there was a setup…a poor quality extremely amateurish piece of theater…after a delay i was in the dental room , the dentist & nurse said they were Sri Lankan , why the dentist felt the need to declare her ethnic background i don’t know , i knew they were both Martian in any case , i played along with their game , i said i had 2 very nice nurses @ Maroondah hospital who were Sri Lankan , the dentist said i don’t want to talk about it & she & her nurse ran from the room…as i left i yelled to them…IF YOUR NOT MARTAN YOU WOULD FIT RIGHT IN THERE… Carington dental are a part of the BHH Eastern Hospital Group so it’s on my dirt file…some cunning little spook went back thru my file by some years & found the dental thing & decided he could use it , that’s why a Martian nurse was used for the ‘tablets in the face’ bullshit , he hoped an angry attitude would be elicited by using a Martian…this is the reason why i had to mention Martians…the spook thought he had found a sure fire winner , a slam dunk…stiff shit spook…things don’t always work out the way you planned…what was your plan spook ? , was i supposed to attack the nurse ? , is that why surly was loitering nearby ? , so the plan didn’t go off perfectly , ok so you didn’t get a death row conviction , you have nothing to complain about , remember , I’m still a kangaroo court convicted tablet chucker , not too shabby eh ?…everybody believes i’m an enraged tablet chucker…the only thing i can’t figure is why did surly talk so loudly on his cell so close to my room ? , his conversation tipped me off to the kangaroo court tablet chucking b/s that i wasn’t even supposed to know about , ok some logic required here #1…surly knew im not deaf but talks loudly close to my room so as to be easily overheard…surly & i were not friends by any stretch of the imagination , he can’t be dumb enough to talk so loudly , close to my room & not expect i wouldn’t hear him…#2…when he entered my room he saw there was no reaction from me , i was laying down trying to go back to sleep…if i had thrown tablets there would be some visible reaction…#3…i credit surly with being a bit smart , he would have known from the position of the tablets they could not possibly have been thrown…the conclusion ? , buggered if i know…it’s a mystery for the ages

when writing this I’ve realized I’ve never actually had a conversation with a village Martian , just the usual blank wooden look… I’ve been told by an educated city Martian that uneducated Martians (from some woe begone village) do have prejudice’s superstations & strangely ignorant beliefs regarding the disabled…try to figure this one , Sudanese , Somali , in fact Africans in general talk to me , my working sociological theory makes me think this is because they may have known the hard times & are more empathetic because of that…it’s a theory


the ceiling speakers would have been blaring a security code grey alert…i was dead to the world…one of the few times i got any sleep…the correct method of waking a patient is to turn on all the lights & call the patients name, in my case James…JAMES…you get the idea…the nurse didn’t call my name but shook my left shoulder…i woke with a start flailing my arms about…she jumped back avoiding the flail…as my eyes focused i saw she was Martian , SHIT this aint good…i thought i must having a nightmare , i looked intently @ her…no mistake , it was Martian…i had never seen her before or since , she didn’t work on the 7th floor…she had a small plastic cup with tablets in it…i told her they were not my tablets (i supplied my own)…i don’t have square ones…i put my left hand out to get the cup but she kept handing it to my right…(bound up with bandages like a boxing glove)…after many attempts i put my right hand behind my back & finally i had the cup…she was very adept @ playing dumb…i turned the cup over on the small table…5 stayed on the table & 1 fell on the floor , i said SEE these tablets are square , the wrong colour & are not mine…she left without saying a word , after it left surly came in straight away & picked up 1 tablet off the floor & 5 from the small table , he said nothing , he went in to the corridor maybe 8 mts away , he spoke loudly to someone on his mobile…mate you think you’ve got trouble i just had a pt throw tablets in a nurses face , surly knew i’m not deaf , he must have known i could easily hear him… i wasn’t even supposed to know of the tablet throwing b/s , the pt is not even supposed to know of any (automatically proven KANGAROO COURT conviction)

, i went to the head nurse & said i had not thrown tablets @ anyone…her attitude (including a broad smile ) seemed to show it was nothing…no big deal…if i had thrown tablets it musta been a trillion times a trillion shot for 5 tablets out of 6 to land on & STAY ON the small table…the immediate entry of surly after the nurse left told me this was a set up , a flab , klan , Fitzgerald setup ?…i didn’t know what this lie would mean…all believe i did it… the KLAN / LACKEY KANGAROO COURT got me good…nothing i could do , her lack of speech is not unusual as the average Martian would not lower it’s self to speak to a useless cripple…the complete lack of character of Martian’s made her perfectly cast for the dirty work role , she was brought in especially for the dirty job…now you watch out for that KARMA bus dear , i’d hate to think anything could go wrong in your stinking life…I’ve thought of what the Martian did a few times…it comes into the room of a pt…a pt with a serious wound , a pt asleep & shakes the pt awake , a pt having multiple operations (one necessary) & pretends i threw tablets @ it…even gets a week off for her dirty work , i hope the KARMA bus is working real good


REHERSAL…spook micromanagement

Martians have an inborn innate talent for dirty work but the spook would have wanted to assure it ‘self the job would go off without a hitch…nervous spook micromanagement


don’t turn the lights on…don’t call his name…if he’s asleep shake him till he wakes up

don’t give him the cup easily…this will tend to enrage him…it’s important you play dumb

hold the tablet cup close enough to him so he can see their not his tablets

don’t give him the cup…have your best…your usual…blank wooden look on your face as a way of making it clear how distasteful you find it having to deal with him

don’t hand the cup to him easily…this is an enragement tactic…if he gets the cup…leave

i can’t emphasis enough how important it is that you don’t speak…good luck !

im told throwing tablets (or anything else) is discharging a missile , that’s the legal or police charge anyway…could it be that BHH take it easy on patients & handle the matter IN HOUSE to spare us brain addled tablet throwing not in our right mind patients a police investigation ?…BHH offered me inducements to agree (1 hr leave a day ) , BHH threatened me with being ejected from the hospital if i did not agree (blackmail) there was no evidence or witness , BHH changed the wording to read throwing things (plural , not only tablets) @ nurse’s (again plural…so it wasn’t just the Martian you say ?)…would surly back your story on the stand ?..if it had been nurse’s (more than one) surly must have known about it…his job means he had to be been involved , throwing things @ nurse’s is interesting as there were only 3 things in the room that could be thrown 1 the small table (i think they would have removed it if i was throwing around the room) 2 my cell phone , 3 my laptop…if i threw my phone or laptop i should’ve been in the straight jacket ward anyway , the BHH kangaroo court found me guilty…you illegal pricks decided 2 unnecessary operations weren’t enough & decided to inflict flabbyguts on me…@ our first meeting flabby had a major hissy fit or meltdown…my initial thought was this guy is not the full quid , flabby was operating to a deliberate plan…a sociopath plan

the BHH kangaroo court did as it’s supposed to do & found me guilty…your illegal court was judge, jury, penalty decider & enforcer…the ambulance delay(police must attend) put me @ risk of bleeding out due to the delay…the KLAN wouldn’t give a fuck about that…from what I’ve learned of the KLAN , the ambulance deliberate delay was right up their alley…the blacklist means im banned from BHH(the last 2 times i was not seen)…who the fuck does the KLAN union cabal & the state think they are?…maybe the lacky will help you ? , you own him , of course he will…in the first page i asked why the agreement is not part of my file , i said i have a secret file ? , i asked if your ashamed of your lies…you hide the secret agreement from me because you know it’s illegal & a lie , the agreement makes me look like some kind of violent barely sane pt…was the illegal agreement to get even for the redaction distribution @ Austin ?…you won’t release the supposed agreement to me under FOI but you have no trouble telling the police & ambulance vic & anyone else about it…who else gets the secret file b/s contract ? , ooo did…you secret file turdspooks remind me of the the 3rd…i still can’t forget the ambulance bitch , there was no need to be so nasty…sweet Susan & her would be neck & neck in the nasty stakes…you know the agreement is illegal , that’s why you hide it (from me anyway)…it would be good to test your illegal slanderous malicious agreement in another place…not your kangaroo court this time…unlike you i need evidence


after the ambulance vic delay & drive offs + police needing to be there before the brave , ideological bent union pricks would enter my property…i went to ambulance vic (Doncaster Melb) with a sign waving it @ traffic passing…this seemed to throw the people there for a loop…they are unused to having their STASI style ideological tactics used against them…they don’t like their tactics being used…i had been there before , it’s a hi security building..3 doors to get in , outer door (unlocked) , 2 doors electrically operated from glassed in reception area (3 staff)…i hadn’t done any sign waving on my 1st visit , they didn’t know me…the 3 old boilers weren’t real friendly , this is not to be wondered @ as the w/c & slur makes most people forget their manners (if they had any to begin with that is)…they virtually ignored me , i was denied entry to the citadel…i feigned an urgent need to urinate…i was admitted thru the security doors with a chaperone to keep an eye on me…he stood outside the dunny door…why the heavy security ?…does Ambulance Victoria have something to hide ?…what could it be ?…maybe they keep their bulk supplies of Fentanyl there ?


some months after my AV visit i got a phone call from some guy @ Healsville ambulance …Healsville is about 50 kms from my place in the foothills of a mountain range , a long way outside the city…my first thought when he said where he was from was ‘this poor bugger drew the short straw’…his job was to explain why the ambulance took so long to arrive & enter after 4 drive offs…he said the reason was it was dark…i said why didn’t they put their lights on ?…no answer…why did they keep driving off ? …no answer…why were the police there ?…no answer…why was the ambulance woman so nasty ?…no answer…he said i was being aggressive…life’s too short to waste time talking to idiots…i hung up…i was on a tram @ the time , hard to hear , sounded like the usual monotone of b/s to me


i asked a doc why the nurse said i thew tablets @ her…the doc spoke in whisper as it seemed they were worried their words could be overheard…some spook would fix them up good if they knew who they were…they said the nurse was asked to pretend i threw the tablets…she gets a week off (union rules) for supposedly being assaulted…i haven’t identified the doc even by gender…you spooks would very much like to know who they are…make an example of them ? , do your own shitkicking gutter work , KLAN turds


a relative is a retired nurse , we spoke of the supposed tablet throwing incident & the doc who told me about the Martian getting a week off for the dirty work job…i had a splinter in my heel that i had operated on without success , it was too deep even for my considerable medical skills to remove…my relative told me if i went to BHH to get it removed to fucking well dress properly (exact words )…i have never been known for my sartorial elegance , I’ve had the nickname rags since i was a kid , I’ve always looked motherless even when i had a mother… i went over the top…wore a suit…she said they will treat you better if you don’t look like a bum , the visit to BHH was a 2 birds with the 1 stone thing…the splinter & to snoop about the week off rule…i was banned from BHH , i know im on the blacklist but it was as if the blacklist didn’t exist…they treated me good…all over me like stink on a monkey , they welcomed me like an old friend with them even exhibiting some personality , wtf is going on…this aint right…no waiting , sent me to fast track , for once it was fast…i was mighty suss , i made a very slight reference to the doc asking if it’s true a nurse gets time off if assaulted by a patient , the doc said it’s not true (it seemed like a rehearsed speech)…& she should know because she used to be a nurse…she was too young to have done the training to be a nurse & a doc…plus she knew far too many details of the tablet throwing b/s (i had not mentioned the tablet bs so why did she refer to tablets ?) , why was she being so nice ?…she would fully believe (or pretend to believe) that i was a convicted KANGAROO COURT tablet assaulter , shouldn’t i treated as evil ?…i had my ‘i believe everything your saying’ look on my puss (easily my best look)…the next cubical was empty , no bed , no nothing except a pair of shoes & legs under the curtain , when the doc left i went to investigate…the w/c has no footfall…she didn’t hear me coming…a nurse was standing there , dumb as a dog , still listening…when she became aware i was there she fluffed the curtains…i didn’t believe the doc , maybe a clique doc ?…i already knew the week off deal was correct , i fully believed the original doc over this rather clumsy attempt to rewrite the facts…if i ever needed confirmation the original doc was telling the truth (the original doc had a lot to loose by speaking to me )the eavesdropping nurse provided it , to be fair i wouldn’t say you lot are as dumb as 10 men…maybe 9 but certainly not 10…the GAME catches you dumb buggers out every time


thanks to the surly loud phone call i knew of the kangaroo court tablet lies…meaning the spooks or whoever needed a admission of guilt from me to try up any loose ends…a few days after the tablet b/s the spooks sent a young doc who wanted to do a deal with me…he had an agreement about my supposed throwing THINGS @ NURSES (things now + multiple nurses) & offered half an hour leave a day…near the end of this horse trading session he lowered the boom…he said unless i admitted my guilt in relation to the kangaroo court lies / charges i would have to leave the hospital…BHH was lowering itself to straight up blackmail , he said the contract / agreement would be confidential , just between us , this confidentiality was emphasized as a plus… i knew the FED were pulling the strings…we didn’t do a deal…he said he would confer with others & see if we were able to come to some agreement...who are the others ?…various spooks hiding in the shadows ? , THE FED ?…the KLAN?…was the flab one of the others ? , Fitzgerald ?

my apologetic young man returned next day with a new & improved deal…i could easily see he was uneasy because he had to do THE DIRTY BUSINESS…his apologetic attitude , even his body language , his very demeanor told me he found this dirty job loathsome…the contract/agreement receded in importance to me…i had to find out who or what this guy was…i asked what he did ? , we discussed many things , i find most people are very forthcoming when talking to me because of my slurred voice & w/c they assume they are taking to a fucking idiot which is a big advantage to me…from our talks i gathered he was a trainee doc doing his residency , a bad report from flabyguts could screw his career up good & proper , they had him by the short & Curlys or @ east he thought they did…he told me the new contract offered one hour a day leave , SOUNDS GOOD TO ME , agreement was reached in a flash…i really don’t know what it said as i didn’t have my glasses…he told me what it said …THE 1 HR A DAY LEAVE sold it , you got a deal sonny boy, A DUN DEAL


1 hr a day leave is good stuff giving me the time to feed & dose the dogs properly (without hassle)…then a nurse i named the LISPER reared his ugly head…he stuck his snout in…i had never spoken to the lisper , i never had any dealings with him…he said i had to see him before i left the ward & report to him on my return & could be away no more than 30 mins…i don’t know which letter of the alphabet the lisper falls into…when the lisper was laying down his law to me i did think some very bad things of him…i never reported or spoke to him again…i was told the agreement/contract would be confidential


if you want promotion you do as the lisper did… namely by injecting yourself into a situation that does not concern you giving you the chance to show your commanding style , a NORMAL nurse with a normal personality is on the bottom of the promotion heap , not much chance…next rung up is the aggressive HORSE nurse…the ALPHABITCH is almost as ubiquitous as the TAKE CHARE type…if your really serious about promotion you do the placard carrying thing @ a pay rise demo , maybe a SHOP STEWARD ? or whatever their called…the ANMF has a say in most promotions so you need to work your way up thru the ranks & prove you are owned …i don’t give the lisper much chance of working his way up thru the required stages…he tried hard , his effort was commendable but lacked gravitas (the lisp doesn’t help with the gravitas thing)…i never spoke to or saw the lisper again…i continued to take my full 1 hr or so


on one of my trips home i got the shoe polishing bag , u know nugget brushes & the like…knowing nugget wouldn’t be a good look spread over the Lino floor of my room… i went downstairs & put the nugget on sitting on the grass nature strip…better the nugget on the grass than the floor of my room i thought…i did a splendid job (this tells you how bored i was…imagine having to resort to boot polishing for entertainment)…my file says i was seen rolling in the grass , whoever wrote this is dumb , if i was rolling around in the grass i would have been within 1 meter of traffic…ever heard of DUTY OF CARE ??…so you just left me there ?…there is no mention of restraining me from my supposed total mental breakdown grass rolling aberration , no mention of attempting to coax me into a straight jacket…someone saw me polishing my boots & decided to use it…spice it up a bit…this is obviously the result of some idiots vivid imagination…this piece of b/s is a very stupid dirt file entry…the tablet throwing ?… not even the loud talking SURLY believed that piece of rehearsed orchestrated bullshit


i spoke to a guy when downstairs for a smoke…he said his nurse was a nasty bitch & that he was going to say something to her…i advised him not to…i changed the subject asking where he lived…Doncaster…not far i said…he kept coming back to the nurse…he was fired up about her…if you do say something she will retaliate by writing a bad entry in your file…he said he didn’t care what that fucking bitch writes…you would care if you knew what she could write…i gave an example… an extreme example …i told him he can’t beat the lacky law , whatever she writes will be worth @ least a week off to her & you won’t even know your a kangaroo court convictive…all will fervently believe in your guilt…there would be indications somethings not right but nothing you can put your finger on…maybe 2 nurses always come into your room @ the same time…some docs may give you a quizzical look…my naïve friend said she couldn’t get away with writing anything she wants…AU CONTRAIRE MON FRERE…she can write whatever she wants…no witness required…no proof needed…any charge is automatically proven


a memory of my time @ Freemason’s…pts didn’t need to wear masks in their rooms…i would head downstairs to make the arranged time with my taxi to do a feed n dose run not wearing my mask for the 20 meter trip to the elevator…a few times on the way an uncouth nurse…union rep ?…would say (in a nasty tone) “where’s your mask mister”…she could have said “you’ve forgotten to wear your mask”…but she lacked manners…she would’ve read my dirt file & would be a full on believer…Austin & BHH b/s mainly…any chance to give me a nasty ‘kick up the bum’ was not to be missed…it didn’t take much to feel the complete lack of respect the dirt file generated among the weak minded & stupid…how dumb is Epworth ?…after using me in a display operation & nearly killing me Epworth compounds their stupidity by having debt collectors calling & writing to me regularly…maybe Epworth are a bit dense ?…I’ve told your debt collectors i won’t pay for being used…why don’t you stop fucking around & sue me you dumb arses…another thought has occurred to me about my time in the ward in the damned Epworth hospital , when it was tablet time 3 or 4 nurses would come into my room including the short arse head honcho , i did wonder why the crowd @ the time…now i get it…you button twiddling wankers had my complete BH hospital dirt file & did the SAFETY IN NUMBERS thing just in case i was in a tablet throwing mood…REALY GUY’S ???…even a person of very moderate intelligence could easily see my sole focus was only on getting the Amitriptyline tablet , even the dumbest person could tell from my demeanor & personality im not what the dirt file says of me but you hafta believe in the b/s dirt file…don’t you ?…(you MUST believe in the file or you will be declared haram , a non believer that is destined to burn in the hell fires of purgatory for eternity) you betta follow union orders…what must it be like to work in a place where you hafta follow the union rules to survive & if you don’t you will be informed on , the short arse ?…one nurse did have a mind of her own & spoke of things that were most interesting…im not going to identify her , you turds can do your own work




after being treated like an alcohol brain damaged halfwit @ BHH & Epworth / Freemasons i had a sign made that reads as above & hangs on the back of my wheelchair & another around my neck…many people are judgmental & are not very intelligent…the KLAN deliberately & CYNICALLY used my voice slur as evidence I’m brain damaged & not of sound mind , therefore what i say happened @ Austin Repat did not happen…HOW COME I HAVE THE REDACTED SS EMAIL THEN ?????


i asked the same doc that gave me the info about the tablet chucking bullshit…what a… like a brown sausage with cracks means…the doc explained it was a generic description of the average turd (my word) but nurses just write that without actually seeing the aforementioned turd…i had not left a floata so i was interested in how the description was deduced…this generic description is the correct way to handle the matter otherwise instead of being known as ‘hero’s of the front line’ they may become known as ‘turd aficionados’…if they can write things they haven’t seen maybe instead of waking me up for obs they could just say did them & leave me sleep…i would sign a waiver


the night nurse was a high volume all night yapper , my ABX was hours overdue , there were 2 other Martians on the ward doing clerical work (in solidarity with the tablet Martian they gave me their best greasy looks )they did mainly typing (especially for me ?) my dirt file & the like…the like being a thing called TEXTURAL results , this was the main area where most b/s could be found , my file grew to an impressive 540 pages in my 14 day tenure , that’s around 40 pages a day , i helped give them a job , albeit a useless one as it is…pt absent from room , pt hid plaster back slab pieces in bin , pt threw tablets in nurses face , pt seen rolling in the grass , pt unfasted himself , pt absconded…patient did this patient did that…all parts of the allegations they typed for the file are pure bullshit + many file errors such as eye drops given…this was the b/s typing work they did…i went to the Martian that sits on the left of the counter cut thru to ask her to tell the yapper my ABX was long o/due , she was nasty saying YOU CAN’T COME IN HERE , i wasn’t trying to (another set up ?) she gave me the std greasy blank ignorant look , i went back to my room…surly came in & said we’ll come in soon , that’s WE btw…i don’t know what she told surly to get him involved but i decided to leave before they could load me up with more fake kangaroo court charges


most of what I’ve written about i know from reading my BHH file (+ memory & recall) which i had a few weeks after leaving BHH except the contract/agreement pages , that’s in my SECRET & STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL file (confidential from me anyway)…i told a nurse i was leaving & she went to talk to flabbyguts…she returned saying flabbyguts refused to speak to me…accompanied by the largest eye roll I’ve ever seen…the older nurses did show some concern that i was leaving with my hand still infected , older nurses are a dying breed , younger nurses are preferred by the FED as they are easier to train in following the political message of the FED…older nurses have their own minds & life experience but are fast becoming the last of the Mohicans…the young one’s are far more malleable , they swallow the political line & ideology of the FED without question…all you need to do is read the ANMF web site & see how much political crap it’s stuffed with to know the truth…what must it be like to go to work & have big brother (with informants )breathing down the back of your neck ?…i only ever worked for myself so i have no idea… there is no doubt the FED has a large influence in setting the syllabus & topics in the nurse education system…the worst part is they are told & trained that white males are trouble…people like me are behind the 8 ball from the start…i was unlucky enough to be born white & male , muck fe , things aint looking good…add the dirt file & it’s all bad…repat & VCAT would’ve cost me more b/s file entries , i would always do the same thing…the union sponsored wokeized PC b/s has no effect on me


i had a guy typing & moving text around but he’s too scared to do it anymore just because i threw tablets @ him…(that’s a…joke btw) he left exact instruction’s on text moving…blue it , x , cut & paste , mark where it goes…worked for him NOT ME , when i try the text goes off into the ethernet somewhere , never to seen again…its a re type

no more attempted text moving for me , my usual writing method is to recall something worth writing about then have the guy move it to roughly the correct time line position but for reasons explained sections will no longer appear in the exact chronological order of events…this will tend to make the story line all over the place but i have ultimate faith that those reading this will be able to keep events & in rough order…just because i don’t have the smarts to move things around is no reason to deprive my 2 or 3 readers of the unmitigated pleasure of reading this riveting tale of woe


a few days after leaving BHH my GP doc rang saying BHH had rang him & that i needed to take ABX tablets , he asked me to come & see him…when i saw him i asked if the person he spoke to @ BHH had a strong Scottish accent (turned out being IRISH) , Pete answered very fast that it could have been his intern…your fast but not that fast…Pete anticipated my question…no wonder your answer was so fast , flabby guts or intern doesn’t matter , im sure flabby wouldn’t miss the chance to give me some bad press…you would have heard all about my alcohol withdrawal , tablet throwing , absconding , rolling in the grass & things i don’t even know of , i did detect a different attitude on Pete’s behalf…he would’ve done his hospital residence 40 or more yrs ago…things have changed since then…back then the union didn’t run hospitals , they do now…there was no KLAN , there is now … the ANMF & KLAN will lie & do whatever it takes to protect their political fiefdom…i knew you would’ve been told about my supposed evil doings but i wasn’t concerned as i had been seeing you for over 10 yrs & thought you knew me well enough to know b/s when you hear it…meh maybe not…i think he would believe some doc over me…the time i had with pete did not allow me to tell him the full story so he didn’t know the facts really…flabyguts or intern gave me a bad rap…i imagine Epworth would have phoned him as a bum covering exercise to cover up for what happened , Epworth are adept @ lying , i know this from personal experience…im now docless… wandering aimlessly from doc to doc…I’ve become a docless pariah…why do hospitals lie so much ?…they lie when they don’t even need to lie…they are so used to lying they have become addicted to lying …@ hospitals patient experience office all they do is lie…WHY ?

saw him after Epworth & took the page speaking of the diastolic heart murmur caused by Epworth with me…he read over the Various BP RES TEP ect figures & announced it’s not very serious…Peter is not a cardiologist btw , meaning i doubt he would have the ability to decipher & interpret complex cardiac figures…he did have a back operation @ Epworth (not @ the Freemasons ward of the damned btw ) & was very much an Epworth man , being a doc he would have been well treated + having no dirt file would be a big bonus…i had been to a cardiologist , unbeknownst to Peter , i like to compare answers , evil of me i know but it’s the only way i know to find out the facts…this was not a 2nd opinion deal that the doc knew about…don’t you think doc’s talk to each other about requested 2nd opinions ? , one naive one born every minute they say…i left while pete was still talking…imagine leaving a doc’s room while he is still talking…i should be horsewhipped…i assume Epworth had also phoned him as a bum covering exercise


& i aint afraid to use em

about a month after leaving BHH i was going down a brick ramp & i turned the w/c over good & proper , big gash above right eye , blood allover the place , definitely a stitch up job…i called the ambulance , opened the gate & put the dogs away , it came but kept driving away , they didn’t get out or put their side lights on … i kept calling back saying they had the right place…murphy’s law , dropped the phone & because my hands were so slick with blood i had big trouble getting the battery back in…after many calls & drive offs 2 cops came with the 2 ambulance folk , the CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT CONTRACT dirt file entry turned out not so confidential (it is from me) , i was led to believe the contract was no big deal , Vic Ambulance thought it was a big deal… because im a convicted kangaroo tablet thrower from my time @ BHH cops needed to attend to ensure the safety of the ambulance people…1 male 1 female , the female was aggressive & nasty…she could’ve been the twin sister of sweet Susan…how come female cops & in this case the nasty ambulance bitch are so nasty ? , they lack the physical size of the guys but seem to want to prove they are tougher than the guys , she had an aggressive nasty personality…lets look @ the situation…guy using w/c , bleeding heavily , cops there & yet she still felt the need to be a nasty fucking bitch…maybe the poor girl was low on fentanyl ? was she was looking for a promotion ?…after some pleasantries were exchanged ( more like unpleasantries ) it said in a very nasty voice…ANYWAY… DO YOU WANT TO BE ACCESSED OR NOT ?…i replied not by YOU , they left…including all the drive offs it was about an hour before they made their police secured & protected entry , im also aware the nasty attitude of the 000 operator means they also have the b/s kangaroo court tablet thing…how lucky am i to be on both blacklists…the 000 & BHH…how strange it must be to work @ ambulance vic , you’d need to be a bit strange

i couldn’t believe how aggressive & nasty she was…was she showing off for the cops ? , (NAR…doubtful…she was thinking promotion) are they that dumb they believe the b/s file totally ?…it’s in their financial interest to slavishly pretend the dirt file is fact , we have a dangerous job . constantly being attacked by violent people…we are heroes of the front line…pay us more !!!…you violent Bastards…still can’t get over how nasty she was , if she was acting it was academy award winning stuff , got a cab to BHH , the driver was paranoid i would bleed allover his cab…i didn’t take enough(or any) care to avoid bleeding all over the counter @ BHH…it was a traumatic experience to see the admin or whatever getting off her large arse to mop the blood up , she complained something fierce about it…i felt bad for her , real bad , if you believe that…you’ll believe anything


2 people did the stich up job…there was a lot of deferring going on…do you think i need another stitch here or there ? , that kinda thing…i didn’t know who the doc was almost…the doc was smart to defer to the nurse…after all they run the the place , anything for a peaceful life…the skin around the gash had been anesthetized but the underneath bone structure can’t be , during the job they pushed a thumb hard on the gash…it was painful but i suppose a person with a bad dirt file like mine is not entitled to a less painful way of doing things , one of them said don’t furrow your brow while we stitch…i sat up & said let me drive my thumb above your eye hard & we’ll see if you furrow , you don’t even need a gash…this petulant outburst may have been responsible for a file entry saying ‘ bad behavior ‘ , weak , only a code grey is good enough for me…i feel inadequate…’bad behavior indeed’, pigs arse , WTF is wrong with a code grey ?


you need various parameters & tactics to establish an effective 3rd…any pretext will do , don’t let any form of propriety or scruple’s dissuade you from your gutter work , to run a quality & believable 3rd scruple’s are not required…the sewer crawler will even use a persons symptoms against them…but like i said you would need to be a sewer crawler , i would have thought the gutter or sewer crawler is a rare critter…BUT NOT SO


i have newspaper clippings who’s headlines say 10,000 nurses attacked…the only evidence being supplied by the nurses hard nosed political union , they could be hardly said to be impartial , i know from my own experience things are invented…someone doesn’t want to lose their govt advertising account ? , & other advertising…what could the other advertising be ??…maybe superannuation money…the press serves up this fictional bullshit (fake news)every3 months or so , the most recent headline being (march 23)…BATTLE ZONE…even the most casual thought would have a person thinking HAVE OUR MEDIA BEEN ASLEEP ? , so the BATTLE ZONE is just a new reality is it ? , overstretched is a new eventuality is it ? , if the headline is true the overstretched media & the violent nature of any causality dept would have been obvious for some time…the union/media cartel can sell almost anything to the timid people many have become….the BATTLE ZONE (as if its real) can be fixed by a few hundred million dollars they will say…this money will be hoovered up in higher pay , more money will change nothing , you will still wait…the latest b/s fake news concerns depressed ambulance crews( give the poor buggers some more Fentanyl…don’t be mean)…it seems the VTU , ANMF & AMB VIC are favored with the beat up news stories…the unions mentioned are all part of the Vic ALP…the compliant & paid for media present the BATTLEZONE story & other ‘hot of the press headlines’ as if they are new earthshattering news…if the BATTLEZONE story is to swallowed we are asked to believe the patients have become violent…or maybe your reporters have been asleep ? these violent patients must have been around for some time , what’s your source ? , a pay rise hungry lying political union ?…the medias been paid for…you run their propaganda as if it is fact…anything for money hey ?

one recent headline is believable (even by a cynic like me) it has the ring of truth about it…TOXIC ATMOSPHERE IN HOSPITALS…this seems like the truth…the most toxic is BHH going by my experiences there…i cant quite figure out why the media decided to print an accurate & honest headline , im not so easily convinced by the sudden change in the medias righteous stance…maybe the media is warning the protected ones to cough up some cash or honest headlines may become the norm…come to think of it i aint not seen any 3 page advert spreads by the protected ones or their super funds…the media aren’t running a protection racket for fun , they want cash…or no more protection


the newspapers do their thing but the speakers in every room are effective @ doing their brainwash thing…they never shut up , always blathering on about a code grey security alert somewhere in the hospital , this reinforces to the patients & their visitors that hospitals are full of violent patients that the poor nurses have to deal with them , most people very strongly believe nurses are subject to violence & injuries on a daily basis…if this was true many nurses would leave the job…i have a photo poster of an obviously low class person spitting on a nurse , i doubt even Gobbles would have had the unmitigated gall to try & sell this one , the poster shows a nurse with arms folded , staring straight ahead while being spat on , she does not try & avoid this large hunkered up Gorby & accepts her fait with stoicism & almost a look of resignation on her face as if she’s thinking i don’t like it but it’s part of the job…when you stop & think these are just actors , employed by the union , the folly of the supposed accurate depiction looses any concept of reality…the spitter looks like a real rough head , the Americans would call her ‘trailer park trash’ , the gorby spitter stands to the side of the poor hapless & helpless nurse… they are actors doing a job…if we don’t spoil it with real & rational thought this piece of superb fantasy is a testament to the crew that made this magnificent piece of artistry , i could go on & on …it is quite simply the mona Lisa of b/s posters…the CASTING is a touch of genius & the depiction is as good as it gets…i officially nominate this poster for the Archibald prize (fiction section) consideration


no matter how improbable & implausible…what matters is the charge be made , the charger will have supreme confidence that any story she comes up with will be implicitly believed & acted on by the kangaroo court & the mindless simpletons , they do exactly what their masters tell them to do…it’s in their financial interests to do so…the hero’s of the front line (lacky quote) know which side their bread is buttered…the accuracy of the b/s dirt file is almost a religious(or pretended ) belief by some , the Nth Koreans have used & taken certain elements of the 3rd to whole new level…especially the god like status of the dear leader or whoever , they believe in the divinity(or pretend to) of the head honcho the same as some nurses believe in the infallibility of the b/s dirt file…the Ceausescu regime did refine many elements of the 3rd , you turds should study Ceausescu’s methods…you may even learn how to manufacture BELIEVABLE bullshit


Adelaide , some yrs ago…a nurse was having a smoke in the carpark of some hospital when some psycho stabbed her , anyone would have done , nurse , admin , catering , cleaning or whatever…nurses don’t wear uniforms so the psycho wouldn’t have known the occupation of the victim…that didn’t stop the local union cynically trying to exploit the situation…exact words…this will be remembered when the next EBA (enterprise bargaining agreement) comes around , said thru clenched teeth…any pretext would have done to go for more money , the victim was not considered but was a convenient excuse to pretend her occupation was the cause of the stabbing , mighty cold stuff…nothing i wouldn’t expect from a professional money grubber…public schools , councils & hospitals + other areas are almost 100% pro union/alp closed shops , the union would like to control public & larger private hospitals as their exclusive closed shop political preserve…they are close to achieving their aim thanks to their obedient (enough anyway) brainwashed members…the cold pretense that the nurse was stabbed because she was a nurse & the union slime saying it will be remembered when the next EBA wage negotiations comes around…an element of truth is always twisted into a lie to suit their lousy advantage…this miserable attitude is what i have dealt with for12 yrs, slur is the element of truth…the lie ?…im a brain damaged alky with a goon bag fetish


after the war ended Germany was split into 4 zones of occupation , one of these zones became known as the German democratic republic (GDR) , it was a puppet state controlled by Moscow , the GDR had a security service known as the STASI the name gestapo was tainted , many ex gestapo became operatives/employees of the STASI…the STASI had files on a large % of East Germans…when the wall fell people were allowed to read their own STASI file , they found their STASI file was nothing but b/s & also showed who informed on them , many times it was their own father or brother who informed for some kind of advantage or reward…gee wiz...could the reward be a week off , maybe even promotion ?…hmmm what do the STASI tactics & b/s file remind me of ?…is it sweet Susan ? , maybe the Martian ? , or is it the true believing fucking bitches pretending the b/s file is true ?…THE STASI LIVES…it’s a conglomeration of the best of the STASI & the cunning KLAN turdspooks…my file is pure BULLSHIT but that doesn’t stop the ideologically brainwashed believing or pretending to believe it’s true…if they showed any inclination towards non belief…they got big troublewhoever shall beliveth in the file shall inherit a blissful closed shop union run hospital…non believers are apostates & haram…those who don’t slavishly follow the teachings of the KLAN union shall burn in hell fire for eternity…as is written in the KLAN turdspook bible… Leviticus…SHUTE 21…Mc GIVEN 38


if you want to establish an effective 3rd you need to have a clearly defined enemy , someone you need protection from…it doesn’t matter if it’s a real or an imaginary enemy , the main thing that you need to be able to do is to assure your members that you are looking after & protecting them…the Nth Koreans use an imminent American invasion to justify their more outlandish actions , very few believe it but by fear & punishment nobody’s going to openly deny the REQUIRED automatically believed ‘FACTS’ taken on blind faith & trust alone…threats ?…if the 3rd had the advantage of the kangaroo court & various idiots acted on & fully believe what ‘s alleged as fact…no need for GESTAPO …who do i know who uses informers to keep their members in line & kangaroo courts for people they want to fix up ?…your methods are straight out of the ‘my struggle’ book


as i left the cardiologist’s some papers blew away (windy day) , i went over the gutter to retrieve them…i was busy reading , i didn’t concentrate to make sure my wheels were even , went over the guter & down i went , clunked my head pretty hard , nothing a few stitches wouldn’t fix , broke my glasses & phone…bugger…stiches aint gunna fix them , a doc’s place was just across the road , she came out to help , we went to her surgery, she called an ambulance as she said the gash needed stitches , AFTER THE COPS NEED TO BE THERE b/s before the ambulance would come i knew why the ambulance took some hrs to arrive…i wanted to go home but she was being so solicitous & concerned i kinda couldn’t…i had nothing better to do so waiting didn’t bother me , the doc has 2 small children @ crèche which had to be picked up…the doc kept on calling the ambulance…i could have told her why the child like true believers wouldn’t come…any inconvenience was caused to the doc …NOT ME…the ambulance came eventually , i was loaded up by 2 hero’s of the front line , 1 male 1 female…they checked if there was any hold up or ramping @ BHH , i easily heard the reply , no problem we have space…i said looks like BHH it is , but the chubby female hadn’t heard…SHE SAID…she went on & on & on that she had to hear it , i have to hear it James…i have to hear it James , i have to hear it James… she wouldn’t shut up , she kept on & on , i said nothing during her breakdown…if i hadn’t known of the dirt file & the ambulance staff phobia (u know…the kangaroo court tablet thing) my dx for her would have been severe mental disorder, the perfect storm of grumpiness , the driver must have been deaf as a post as the radio was in the cab…he said nothing…from what I’ve learned It’s more than possible she was trying to start a fight…was it a promotion fight / audition ?…a week or so off maybe ?…NICE TRY FAT

we got to BHH @ the triage thing im kept back a bit so i can’t hear what’s being said (nothing good i guess) , im taken to a cubical…her grumpiness & the deaf one leave , im not altogether stupid , the bitchy promotion or time off seeker gave me the big clue that im better off leaving …i head for the door , a young nurse said i shouldn’t leave , i made the hand signal for smoking…the nurse was obviously too young & not fully brainwashed yet to be anything but a normal person , i didn’t lie , i did have a smoke , just kept on going is all…got the tram to Maccas , did a big U turn so the Maccas people only saw the right side of my face , the other side was a bit gruesome , got home…after 6 hrs a BHH doc rang asking where i was…6 hrs sounds about right…told him to read my dirt file if he wants to know why i left , the ambulance people had to come because i was @ a docs office , the hero’s of the front line very bravely turned up without cops , if cops it may have raised some questions…vic ambulance would have been in a quandary…how could they carry on the charade of tablet throwing in front of a doc ?…the cat had to be kept in the bag @ all costs…even if they had to sacrifice some hero’s…ambulance vic had to find some very brave souls to attend…the best they could come up with were the deaf & grumpy pair…they were probably expendable…good choice…the ambulance folk badly wanted something they could add to the dirt file…maybe they made something up anyway


there was no particular reason for me to go to the flabby review (not mandatory) about 2 weeks after i left BHH but i wanted to observe flabby up close , flabby looked @ my hand & announced im a medical miracle as the wound was almost healed , he had to say im a medical miracle to cover for the fact i didn’t need to spend as long as i did in BHH…except for the 2 extra practice operations i provided…maybe i didn’t even need to be admitted (the flab’s…that’s not cutting the mustard statement was a lie) i did need to be admitted if only to provide a practice body to operate on…not to forget the Martian tablet throwing contract/agreement bullshit , i was very much needed…maybe the slime green wanted the opportunity to get @ me ?? , @ the review i went to another room to get the bandage re applied by a nurse…there were 2 nurses…i asked them why i rated 2 nurses instead of 1 , they said YOUR SPECIAL…sending 2 nurses instead of 1 is a flab pretending technique…I WILL PROTECT YOU from these dangerous & violent people …i got a very good understanding from this minor event of how the flab operates…he sucks up to the nurses…I CARE ABOUT YOU…the nurses union loves flabby , he gets the support of the union (the ppl who really run the place)…their support allows him to continue to be the arrogant shithead arsehole he is to everybody but the nurses (he plays the game…he is well thought of @ the ANMF)being IRISH wouldn’t hurt…he is also well thought of by management in that he provides people for staff practice operations , he has no concern for the risks an operation poses…flabby is loved by the ANMF & the management…he’s golden…some doc’s brown nose the nurses thus making their position less stressful & so they will be left alone to do the doc thing…if doc’s stood up for themselves the nurse’s union would go on strike so there is nothing to be gained , docs don’t strike as nurses do (4 nurse strikes in the last 3 months in Sydney…politics , election time)…docs don’t strike as many of them feel a responsible to patients , nurses will strike , they & their union have no qualms about leaving people in the lurch…(not you lurch)…many people have a kinda a child like faith that the nurses , (u know the hero’s of the front line) will look after them…it’ a job to them , that’s the fact of the matter…if the union tells them to walk out , they will…do you really think they care about you ?…naive faith springs eternal

i would arrive for my review 30 mins early , this gave me the chance to observe flabby in repose , to see him i had to haul myself up using the counter for support , i talked to a admin person named Laura but my real reason for hanging onto the counter was to see flabby…Laura must have thought i was the chattiest halfwit she ever met…flabby stood in a central area with consultation rooms running off each side…he stood there imperially @ his command post , he was lord of all he surveyed…he could have been captain Bligh on the deck of the bounty , i think flabby would have power over the doc’s via good or bad reports…the doc who told me about the tablet week off scam was taking a big risk with their career , they didn’t know if i might be a loose cannon & blab their name around…if flabby found out they would be finished , i studied flabby over time , particularly in repose , flabby is a complex narcistic character with a high opinion of himself…flabby likes himself big time , after exhaustive study of said subject i came to the only possible conclusion i could come to…unfortunately flabby is a borderline sociopath which is amply demonstrated by his warped personality…the condition is chronic , sadly there is no cure

doc’s who don’t brown nose are better off in private practice especially if they won’t buckle under to the power union…that’s the way it is…i wonder if the docs who told me certain things the union wouldn’t want me to know is still @ BHH ?…maybe they learned how to suck up…if not…it’s private practice or Botswana it is


i have 4 poles set @ various Heights on one side of the bed so i can also use my arms to help drag me out of bed , the tall 1 broke off sending me crashing to the floor…i put my arm out in an instinctive action to cushion the fall & managed to bend the elbow back in the way it’s not supposed to go , broken ?…from the wrist to the elbow seemed to become more painful by the hour…std wait time hoping whatever it is comes good… i hate going anywhere near BHH , i rang for the ambulance so i could get an xray , a MEDICAL EDGE ambulance came , Victorian ambulance are still playing the pretend ‘tablet throwing game’ so MEDICAL EDGE it was…they must have more courage & all round bravery than the lily livered pretenders @ AV or perhaps their not so stupid & gullible to believe bullshit ?…maybe their expendable ?…i asked to go to BHH even though i know it’s a soulless place…but it’s closer to home in case i needed to do a feed n dose run…i don’t know what charge the kangaroo court would convict me of if i was unfortunate enough to be admitted , maybe spitting ?…there were 3 ME people , 2 female & 1 male , the girls were only interested in doing their job but the guy seemed to be very concerned about my dogs…he could have asked me to put them in another room but he didn’t…tigerboy kept getting out of his basket multiple times which caused the guy to sternly order him back to his basket…they are both calm & inoffensive dogs , tiger was looking for a pat , he seemed to be totally unaware that his wandering was an extreme transgression & offence…the thought did occur to me that the guy was setting a story up…most b/s stories do have a basis of truth…there were dogs…so with a bit of imagination a quality b/s story could be wrought…i would be surprised if some sort of story wasn’t made up because the guy seemed to concentrate on tigerboy so much

BHH…i was put in a big tent (no triage section) laying on an ambulance gurney , one other pt in this huge tent…the 5 sour unexhausted sit down nurses staved off boredom by reading my dirt file i assume…after about 6 hrs i went for a leak , followed closely by a nurse , i assume this was because of my absconding reputation…returning from the toilet the gurney was gone…i suppose i’d looked too comfortable so the gurney was taken away while i was doing the dunny thing…i had already picked out who the alphabitch was (the one that keeps normal ppl in line…page 7 of the rat handbook…from the 5 sour nurses…not hard to do , all you need to do is pick the one with the most severe look…you’ll be right most of the time…the alphabitch (perhaps working on a b/s story) decided i was listening to the docs talking to the only other pt in the big tent & decided to move me to the other side of the tent , i don’t like others having control of the w/c (ppl feel superior enough to me already…esp sour nurses) the doc came after a 6 hr wait…the wait time was to give me time to sober up as they assumed i was drunk because of the slur , he thanked me for waiting & asked how much i’d had to drink…i turned the w/c around so he could see the sign on the back saying I SLUR MY WORDS…IM NOT DRUNK…IM NOT STUPID EITHER , the doc said he asks everyone the how much booze question…i believe you doc…NOT…i now wear a reasonably large sign around my neck so the info can be seen front & back…the doc named the neuro problem i have from hospital notes so BHH know about it but prefer to concentrate on my slur symptom & pretend im drunk (the slur’s a winner…EPWORTH loved it) the doc raced me thru the waiting room to xray so none of the KLAN , alphabitches , cliquers , take charge types , intriguers , feds , politico types , wokers , pc aficionados , turds & spooks saw us…we moved @ speed…i think the doc knew i was blacklisted…he hid me from the turds


we arrived @ xray…unmolested by the aforementioned shitheads..xray showed the arm wasn’t broken , only torn ligaments muscles & the like…the doc said to ask the nurses for a Panadol , i was pretty sure who the alphabitch (or maybe KLAN) was , i figured she arranged for the gurney to be removed & she did say i was listening to the docs of another pt & wheeled me away…i knew enough to avoid this bitch…i asked one of the others for the Panadol but IT butted in & said i couldn’t have one as i had already had one…i hadn’t , as the chart would show , in any event you can have more than one Panadol in 7 hrs…the AB had read my dirt file & decided i needed to be punished by with holding pain medication

the alphabitch is a strange critter…even people on death row have some people who believe they may be innocent…the alphabitch believes (or pretends to believe) whatever the dirt file says of me is correct…i don’t think the average alphabitch would be so stupid as to wholeheartedly believe in the dirt file b/s…AB’s know the b/s file is used as a weapon this is why i say AB’s pretend to believe…it’s in the AB’s interests to pretend the file is true…no one would be that stupid to believe it otherwise , my reasoning ? # 1 , the AB’s position rank & income depends on pretending im full on evil…if your going to run an effective 3rd you need an enemy , someone the ordinary members need to be protected from…a nasty & vitriolic attitude toward me by the me by the AB is a put on display designed to reinforce to the normal staff what a bad bastard i am & staff need to beware…it’s also designed to make staff accept the b/s dirt file is true…caution should be exercised in any interaction with this violent pt…remember…he’s a convicted kangaroo court tablet chucker plus more…# 2 , a FED acceptable AB needs to show a hard nasty edge…if for any reason it doesn’t show the hard nasty edge it is required to hang up it’s head kicking boots forthwith , any possible career advancement would be forfeit , all benefit’s both financial & rank would cease…the AB has a huge incentive to strongly believe in the file( without any kind of evidence)…the more vitriolic the AB’s attack is has the side benefit of making other staff believe the file is true & in a perverse way they are grateful to the AB for protecting them # 3 , did you think you were showing some sort of weird solidarity with the broodabond ?…the dimwitted sisterhood ? or perhaps the equally dimwitted coven ? by denying me a Panadol…were you demonstrating to the dimwitted plebs how much you care for them will protect them from evildoers like me ?….the dead hand of the FED makes BHH the soulless place as it is…it’s bad enough being a PT there…muck fe…how much worse would it be to work in the stifling atmosphere that is BHH ?…the pc rules based order , the dead hand of the union ? , the personality free zone , the woke world aint for me

the main thing was the arm was not broken….i did learn that this particular AB is a nasty fucking bitch…this news would come as no great revelation to her…she knows what she is…you up for some poison pen writing AB ?…let’s fix me up good & proper hey…why not it do it AB ?…WHY NOT ? …whatever bullshit you write for the dirt file would be instantly & absolutely believed by the dimwits…you can write anything you want , you are protected…you know that…how about this . you could accuse me of pinching your bum…u gotta admit that’s a good one hey…the only problem is that im starting to think like you sewer slime…that aint good…the KANGAROO COURT would of course find me guilty of wanton deliberate & premeditated bum pinching…(with their std no evidence or witness requirements)…let’s think about this…i recon we should unpack the deal , ok , tablets in the face was worth 1 week off for the Martian nurse , now follow me here , bum pinching would most likely be classified as some form of sexual assault…you follow my drift ?…how many weeks off would a sexual assault be worth ? (particularly one committed by a known kangaroo court convictee)…what I’ve written here is how dealing with an AB works…i thank the AB in a way , her actions in denying me Panadol were stark & very obvious , the withholding of Panadol seems to be a recuring theme , 1st the chubby boy who kept ‘forgetting’ to give me one …2nd the 3 solid horror heads @ fast track BHH & now your refusal to supply a Panadol on the grounds that i had one already…A LIE …not one in a seven hour period…you miserable fucking bitch…you didn’t even try to use some guile in your refusal…nobodies that DUMB…you feel invincible don’t you ?…you can do say or write whatever you want , THAT’S THE TRUTH…you’ve got the FED to back you up & the FED has the Lakey to back them up…no wonder you didn’t feel the needed to use any brains

THE ANMF VISIT (formally known as the ANF)

after my visit to Ambulance vic i put my head into the jaws of death…i went to the ANMF location in Melbourne CBDi was well aware the ANMF ran the KANGAROO COURT…a relative is a nurse & had told me that in her opinion LF is a tough , cold , harsh , hard , political animal , i had researched LF extensively , hard to disagree with my relatives opinion…you need to know as much as you can about a subject , i had done my 6 p’s…LF came outside to ask what my THE HOME OF THE KANGAROO COURT sign was about …she knew already…LF was playing dumb…LF has a cold aura…there she was with hands clasped slightly bent over , a crooked little smile creased her wrinkled face , she looked like she was under serious consideration to be cast in the role of the witch in Hansel & Gretal…i said i hadn’t thrown tablets or anything else @ anyone…she knew all about it …no big surprise there…the FED had to be involved…i said it’s unbelievable that a false allegation was made against me & im automatically found guilty by your kangaroo court…tried in absentia…no right of appeal , no evidence or witness…i didn’t even know of the secret KANGAROO COURTS existence , how could i defend myself ? when i didn’t even know of the sham trial…i told her of the nurse’s pretense & organized steps that i thew tablets @ her…LF said what makes you think the nurse is a member of our union ? , i said i thought there was only one nurse union…anyway you tell me i said (throw away line)…LF turned nasty , as i knew she would…she said , ‘im not going to tell you anything’…’that’s private information’ coupled with a savage look on her puss that would frighten the horses , she turned & strutted away ( goosestep style)…LF missed her calling , her ‘playing dumb’ routine was brilliant & superb, Hollywood beckons…she never heard of tablets being thrown , i happen to know Mc G squealed to you(pig style) that i had threatened him when i rang him…did you , the pig & flabby guts cook up the tablet throwing frame up…FITZGERALD ?

as part of my dd + 6p in bringing myself up to speed i read the anmf website , i had read it some yrs ago , this time the political b/s was so thick it hung from the ceiling…there were many pics of Danny & Fitsgerald @ the opening of the ANMF’s new 8th floor offices , i made the mistake of looking at the pics too closely , i refunded my lunch…the health ministry & dept should be the exclusive preserve of the ANMF but Danny ain’t dumb enough to parachute any of the ANMF people into a safe seat…he knows you ain’t up to it…the way LF spoke to me (especially showing her nasty side) proves you have no political instinct & the necessary palaver…in politics one needs to have the skill not to show your thoughts via word or facial expression & is a fundamental requirement… you wouldn’t know what Danny’s really thinking , he is a master…how lucky is Danny ? , twice in a row they put the same dud up against him…your mighty lucky lurch kissed on the cock by a fairy lucky